#' Plot experience study results
#' @param object An object of class `exp_df` created by the
#' function [exp_stats()] or an object of class `trx_df` created by the function
#' [trx_stats()].
#' @param ... Faceting variables passed to [ggplot2::facet_wrap()].
#' @param x An unquoted column name in `object` or expression to use as the `x`
#' variable.
#' @param y An unquoted column name in `object` or expression to use as the
#' `y` variable. If unspecified, `y` will default to the observed termination
#' rate (`q_obs`) for `exp_df` objects and the observed utilization rate
#' (`trx_util`) for `trx_df` objects.
#' @param color An unquoted column name in `object` or expression to use as the
#' `color` and `fill` variables.
#' @param mapping Aesthetic mapping passed to [ggplot2::ggplot()]. NOTE: If
#' `mapping` is supplied, the `x`, `y`, and `color` arguments will be ignored.
#' @param second_axis Logical. If `TRUE`, the variable specified by
#' `second_y` (default = exposure) is plotted on a second
#' y-axis using an area geometry.
#' @param second_y An unquoted column name in `object` to use as the `y`
#' variable on the second y-axis. If unspecified, this will default to
#' `exposure`.
#' @param scales The `scales` argument passed to [ggplot2::facet_wrap()].
#' @param geoms Type of geometry. If "lines" is passed, the plot will
#' display lines and points. If "bars", the plot will display bars. If "points",
#' the plot will display points only.
#' @param y_labels Label function passed to [ggplot2::scale_y_continuous()].
#' @param second_y_labels Same as `y_labels`, but for the second y-axis.
#' @param y_log10 If `TRUE`, the y-axes are plotted on a log-10 scale.
#' @param conf_int_bars If `TRUE`, confidence interval error bars are included
#' in the plot. For `exp_df` objects, this option is available for termination
#' rates and actual-to-expected ratios. For `trx_df` objects, this option is
#' available for utilization rates and any `pct_of` columns.
#' @details If no aesthetic map is supplied, the plot will use the first
#' grouping variable in `object` on the x axis and `q_obs` on the y
#' axis. In addition, the second grouping variable in `object` will be
#' used for color and fill.
#' If no faceting variables are supplied, the plot will use grouping
#' variables 3 and up as facets. These variables are passed into
#' [ggplot2::facet_wrap()]. Specific to `trx_df` objects, transaction
#' type (`trx_type`) will also be added as a faceting variable.
#' @return a `ggplot` object
#' @examples
#' study_py <- expose_py(census_dat, "2019-12-31", target_status = "Surrender")
#' study_py <- study_py |>
#' add_transactions(withdrawals)
#' exp_res <- study_py |> group_by(pol_yr) |> exp_stats()
#' autoplot(exp_res)
#' trx_res <- study_py |> group_by(pol_yr) |> trx_stats()
#' autoplot(trx_res)
#' @seealso [plot_termination_rates()], [plot_actual_to_expected()]
#' @name autoplot_exp
#' @rdname autoplot_exp
#' @export
autoplot.exp_df <- function(object, ..., x = NULL, y = NULL, color = NULL,
mapping, second_axis = FALSE, second_y = NULL,
scales = "fixed",
geoms = c("lines", "bars", "points"),
y_labels = scales::label_percent(accuracy = 0.1),
second_y_labels = scales::label_comma(
accuracy = 1),
y_log10 = FALSE, conf_int_bars = FALSE) {
y <- rlang::enexpr(y)
y <- if (is.null(y)) rlang::expr(q_obs) else y
second_y <- rlang::enexpr(second_y)
second_y <- if (is.null(second_y)) {
} else {
plot_experience(object, rlang::enexpr(x), y,
rlang::enexpr(color), mapping, second_axis, second_y,
scales, geoms, y_labels, second_y_labels, rlang::enquos(...),
y_log10, conf_int_bars)
#' @rdname autoplot_exp
#' @export
autoplot.trx_df <- function(object, ..., x = NULL, y = NULL, color = NULL,
mapping, second_axis = FALSE, second_y = NULL,
scales = "fixed",
geoms = c("lines", "bars", "points"),
y_labels = scales::label_percent(accuracy = 0.1),
second_y_labels = scales::label_comma(
accuracy = 1),
y_log10 = FALSE, conf_int_bars = FALSE) {
y <- rlang::enexpr(y)
y <- if (is.null(y)) rlang::expr(trx_util) else y
second_y <- rlang::enexpr(second_y)
second_y <- if (is.null(second_y)) {
} else {
facets <- rlang::enquos(...)
if (length(facets) == 0) {
facets <- c(rlang::expr(trx_type), groups(object)[-(1:2)])
plot_experience(object, rlang::enexpr(x), y,
rlang::enexpr(color), mapping, second_axis, second_y,
scales, geoms, y_labels, second_y_labels, facets,
y_log10, conf_int_bars)
plot_experience <- function(
object, x = NULL, y = NULL, color = NULL,
second_axis = FALSE,
second_y = NULL,
scales = "fixed",
geoms = c("lines", "bars", "points"),
y_labels = scales::label_percent(accuracy = 0.1),
second_y_labels = scales::label_comma(accuracy = 1),
conf_int_bars = FALSE) {
.groups <- groups(object)
if (length(.groups) == 0) {
.groups <- list(rlang::parse_expr("All"))
object[["All"]] <- ""
auto_aes <- function(.var, default) {
if (length(.var) == 0) {
if (length(.groups) < default) NULL else .groups[[default]]
} else {
geoms <- match.arg(geoms)
# set up aesthetics
if (missing(mapping)) {
x <- auto_aes(x, 1)
color <- auto_aes(color, 2)
if (!is.null(color) && as.character(color) == ".no_color") color <- NULL
mapping <- ggplot2::aes(!!x, !!y, color = !!color,
fill = !!color, group = !!color)
if (length(facets) == 0) {
facets <- .groups[-(1:2)]
if (length(facets) == 0) facets <- NULL
y_trans <- if (y_log10) {
} else {
p <- ggplot2::ggplot(object, mapping)
if (second_axis) {
adj <- max(object |> dplyr::pull(!!second_y), na.rm = TRUE) /
max(object |> dplyr::pull(!!mapping$y), na.rm = TRUE)
# important - re-assign color. If `mapping` was passed, it's currently NULL
color <- p$mapping$colour
if (y_log10) { <- function(...) {
ggplot2::aes(ymax = !!second_y,
group = if (is.null(color)) 1 else !!color),
..., ymin = -Inf)
} else { <- function(...) {
ggplot2::aes(y = !!second_y,
group = if (is.null(color)) 1 else !!color),
p <- p + = object |>
mutate(!!second_y := !!second_y /
alpha = 0.2, position = "identity") +
sec.axis =
ggplot2::sec_axis(~ . * adj,
labels = second_y_labels,
name = as.character(second_y)),
labels = y_labels,
trans = y_trans)
} else {
p <- p + ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(
labels = y_labels,
trans = y_trans)
if (geoms == "lines") {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point() + ggplot2::geom_line()
} else if (geoms == "points") {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_point()
} else {
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_col(position = "dodge")
if (conf_int_bars) {
conf_int <- attr(object, "xp_params")$conf_int
y_chr <- rlang::as_name(p$mapping$y)
y_min_max <- paste0(y_chr, c("_upper", "_lower"))
if (is.null(conf_int) || !conf_int) {
} else {
if (all(y_min_max %in% names(object))) {
y_min_max <- rlang::syms(y_min_max)
p <- p + ggplot2::geom_errorbar(ggplot2::aes(
ymin = !!y_min_max[[1]], ymax = !!y_min_max[[2]]))
} else {
rlang::warn(c("Confidence intervals are not available for the selected y-variable."))
if (is.null(facets)) return(p)
p + ggplot2::facet_wrap(ggplot2::vars(!!!facets), scales = scales)
# This internal function provides a common warning that is used by multiple
# functions.
conf_int_warning <- function() {
rlang::warn(c("*" = "`object` has no confidence intervals.",
"i" = "Pass `conf_int = TRUE` to `exp_stats()` or `trx_stats()` to calculate confidence intervals."))
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