Man pages for adapr
Implementation of an Accountable Data Analysis Process

adaprAppLaunches Main app
adaprDependenciesReturns character string of adapr R package import...
adaprHomeDirIdentify adapr Home directory. Location of options file and...
adaprInstallInstall adapr in a library adaprInstall.R
adapr-packageImplementation of an Accountable Data Analysis Process
adaprSheetBrowse adapr cheat sheet
adaprUpdateUpdates latest adapr from gitHub.
addPackageAdd R package to a project
AppLoadFlexLoads a single R object from file for a R Shiny app
arcReadLoads R object from archivist repository within the results...
arcWriteSaves R object to archivist repository in results directory...
browsePubFilesBrowses publication table for editing
checkAdaprHashAlgoChecks or changes the specified adapr hash algorithm...
checkFileHashChecks the consistency of the dependency directory with the...
checkFileHashSourceChecks the consistency of the dependency directory with the...
checkFileMtimeSourceChecks the consistency of the dependency directory with the...
checkRmdModeChecks whether interactive R markdown session is ON
checkVersionCheck install of package of specific version
commit2chargit2r commit class to character converter
commitProjectGit commit of project.
condenseFileInfoGenerate condensed information about files from dependency...
createFileInfoCreates a list containing information about a file
createMarkdownCreates an Rmarkdown file in specified directory
createProgramGraphMake plot of project programs only Summarize all programs....
create_source_file_dirCreate source file directories
dataDirReturns project's data directory, allows relative...
defaultAdaprSetupSet up adapr 1st time
dependency-classDependency class
DigestDigest files from (digest package)
fileInfoProjectsList project file information disk space, modification...
finalize_dependencyWrites dependency data to file in "Dependency" directory
firstProjectCreate first project
getAdaprOptionsReturns the primary hub file with project location and id...
getDepSubgraphProduces subgraph of dependencies of R script
getFileInfoRetrieve the file info for the file by name OR from the data...
getFileSysTimeRetrun time of file system
getLibraryGet library for a project
get_orchardReturns the primary hub file with project location and id...
getProjectReturns the adapr project in R option "adaprProject"
getProjectInfoAcquire all dependencies related to a project, Generate graph...
getProjectInfoSIGiven source_info object, retrieves project information
getProjectLibraryGiven Project name, Return project library directory
getProjectPathGiven Project id, Return project directory
getProjectPublishPathGiven Project name, Return project publish directory
getProjectSwapPathRetrieve project swap directory
getPubResultsRead result filepaths to publish
getSourceInfoReturns the information related to the adapr script
getUpstreamIdentifies dependencies in a DAG
gitAddgit add to stage the file
gitCommitgit commit. Requires git installation.
gitConfigureConfigure and email for git.
gitConfigureTestChecks git configuration. Requires git installation
gitHistorySearchPerformes git history search
gitIgnoreLibraryGit ignore the library file
gitInfoRetrieves the information from git about a file
gitInitInitiate git
git_pathFind path for git executable
gitProvenanceIdentify git provenance of file within a project
GraphWrite object and capture file information
graphProjectMake plot of project programs only Summarize all programs.... function for reading common file types
guessWriteFcnReturn function for writing common file types
idPackagesLower level function that captures packages that are...
idSyncReturns the source files needed to repair synchrony
importDataImport selected file into the project data directory
initialize_dependency_infoInitializes dependency object source_info
initProjectinitialize project
installInstall package of specific version
installLibraryInstall package of specific version
installProjectPackagesInstalls all packages
LibraryInstalls and loads library specific to a project
listBranchesLists the branches available for loading in the adapr project
listDatafilesLists the data files available for reading in the adapr...
listProjectsList projects
listScriptsLists the R scripts in the adapr project
loadAdaprTestCreate adaprTest example project
Load.branchLoads a single R object from file
loadFlexLoads a single R object from file, more flexible than...
loadInstallLibraryFileThis function is no longer supported. Loads libraries within...
makeDependencyGraphObjCreates an graph object from a dependency object
makeFunctionGenerates the shell of a R function that is project specific...
makeHyperlinkMakes HTML hyper link
makeScriptGenerates the shell of a code that is project specific
makeSummaryGraphMake.summary graph of projects based on files in dependency...
monitorParallelSyncExperimental (use with caution) track parallelSync while in...
openProjectListBrowses orchard in file system
openScriptOpens script from a project with default R program. Can open...
parallelSyncExperimental (use with caution) parallel syncrhonization of...
path.expand.2Location of options file and project listing. Swap / for \ in...
plantOrchardCreate project hub files in root directory
plantTreeinitialize project
programIOTableCreate program io table directory tree structure contains the relative...
projectReportMarkdownMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
projectReportSendMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
publishResultsRead in results to publish & Copies results to the project's...
pullSourceInfoCreate source_info from
rapidPlotMake project graph with sync status already computed.
ReadRead data and capture the file information within dependency...
Read.capLower level function that reads data and capture the file...
read.dependencyLower level function that reads the script dependcy data from...
readDependencyCollect trees from dependency directory
readLibraryRead library file
ReadTrackTracks files that read by functions not in adapr and captures...
redirectTreeLower level function that that changes project...
relocateProjectchanges project directory/publish directory/library locataion...
removePackageRemove R package to a project
removeProjectRemoves project from orchard, but doesn't delete project from...
removeScriptRemove an R script from a project. Removes program,...
renderRmdRenders and Rmarkdown file
reportProjectMake plot of network within html documents. Summarize all...
resultsDirReturns project's results directory, allows relative...
reworkProjectPathLower level function that collects all trees in...
runScriptRun an R script within a project using devtools::clean_source
runSourceDirectoryRuns all source files within the directory
scriptLoaderInitializes dependency object source_info
scriptSubgraphProduces script only subgraph
searchScriptsSearches R scripts and R markdown files within a project.
sendBranchCopy dependent programs to swap directory
sendBranchSICopy dependent programs to swap directory
setAdaprOptionsReturns Modifies the primary adapr option file
setProjectChecks or changes the specified adapr project in R option...
showProjectOpens project directory
showResultsOpens results directory of project or R script within a...
sourceSyncSILower level function that synchronizes project by running...
sourceSyncSILoadSynchronize project by IDENTIFYING necessary R scripts
sproutProgramLower level function that generates the shell of a code that...
swapProjectPathLower level function that takes list of dependency file data...
syncProjectChecks the synchronization project and runs scripts needed...
syncTestLower level function that checks the synchrony of source...
syncTestPILower level function that tests the synchrony of files in...
syncTestProjectTests the synchrony of files in dependency tree
syncTestSITests the synchrony of files in dependency tree
syncTrunkPartial project synchronization of dependencies to an...
updateAdaprConfigUpdates the project list file to include project specific...
WriteWrite object and capture file information
Write.capLower level function that writes data and captures the file...
write.dependencyLower level function that writes the dependency object to...
WriteTrackTracks files written by functions not in adapr and captures...
adapr documentation built on May 1, 2019, 7:05 p.m.