
## ##########################
## ## Function gstat.randtest
## ##########################
## gstat.randtest <- function(x,pop=NULL, method=c("global","within","between"),
##                            sup.pop=NULL, sub.pop=NULL, nsim=499){
##     message("Sorry, this function depends on hierfstat, and has been moved to the package hierfstat.")
##     return()

##     ## ##   cat("\nSorry, hierfstat package has been disabled - this function will be restored in a future release.\n")
##     ## ## return(invisible())

##     ## if(!is.genind(x)) stop("x is not a valid genind object")
##     ## if(x@ploidy != as.integer(2)) stop("not implemented for non-diploid genotypes")
##     ## checkType(x)
##     ## ## if(!require(hierfstat)) stop("hierfstat package is required. Please install it.")

##     ## if(is.null(pop)) pop <- x@pop
##     ## if(is.null(pop)) pop <- as.factor(rep("P1",nrow(x@tab)))
##     ## if(length(pop)!=nrow(x@tab)) stop("pop has a wrong length.")

##     ## met <- tolower(method[1])
##     ## if(met=="within" && is.null(sup.pop)) stop("Method 'within' chosen but 'sup.pop' is not provided.")
##     ## if(met=="between" && is.null(sub.pop)) stop("Method 'between' chosen but 'sub.pop' is not provided.")

##     ## ## make data for hierfstat
##     ## X <- genind2hierfstat(x=x,pop=pop)

##     ## ## compute obs gstat
##     ## obs <- g.stats.glob(X)$g.stats

##     ## pop <- X[,1]
##     ## X <- X[,-1]

##     ## ## simulations according one of the 3 different schemes
##     ## ## note: for, lapply and sapply are all equivalent
##     ## ## recursive functions would require options("expression") to be modified...
##     ## sim <- vector(mode="numeric",length=nsim)

##     ## if(met=="global"){

##     ##     sim <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) g.stats.glob(cbind(sample(pop),X))$g.stats)

##     ## } else if(met=="within"){

##     ##     if(length(sup.pop) != length(pop)) stop("pop and sup.pop do not have the same length.")
##     ##     sim <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) g.stats.glob(cbind(pop,X[samp.within(sup.pop),]))$g.stats)

##     ## } else if(met=="between"){

##     ##     if(length(sub.pop) != length(pop)) stop("pop and sub.pop do not have the same length.")
##     ##     sim <- sapply(1:nsim, function(i) g.stats.glob(cbind(pop,X[samp.between(sub.pop),]))$g.stats)

##     ## } else {
##     ##     stop("Unknown method requested.")
##     ## }

##     ## prevcall <- match.call()

##     ## res <- as.randtest(sim=sim, obs=obs, call=prevcall)

##     ## return(res)

## }

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