## ############
## ## haploPop
## ############
## ##
## ## Simulate only SNPs, allow reverse mutations.
## ##
## ## - haplo.length: length of simulated haplotypes
## ## - mu: substitution rate / nucleotide / year
## ## - n.steps: number of generations to simulate
## ##
## haploPop <- function(n.steps=20, ini.obj=NULL, ini.haplo=NULL, haplo.length=1e6, mu=1e-5, n.snp.ini=1,
## birth.func=function(){ sample(0:3, 1, prob=c(.05, .45, .35, .15))},
## max.pop.size=function(){1e4}, max.nb.pop=30, ini.pop.size=10, regen=FALSE,
##{1e-4}, death.func=function(age){age>1},
## quiet=FALSE, allow.reverse=TRUE) {
## ## if(is.numeric(ini.pop.size)){
## ## ini.pop.size.val <- ini.pop.size
## ## ini.pop.size <- function(){ini.pop.size.val}
## ## }
## if(is.numeric(max.pop.size)){
## max.pop.size.val <- max.pop.size
## max.pop.size <- function(){max.pop.size.val}
## }
## if(is.numeric({
## <-
## <- function(){}
## }
## if(is.numeric(birth.func)){
## birth.func.val <- birth.func[1]
## birth.func <- function(){birth.func.val}
## }
## if(is.numeric(death.func)){
## death.func.val <- death.func[1]
## death.func <- function(age){age>death.func.val}
## }
## SNP.POOL <- 1:haplo.length
## vecS <- 1 # will be redefined later, but needed for evolveOnePop definition
## if(allow.reverse){
## createMutations <- function(N){ # L:genome length; N: pop size
## nb.mutations <- sum(rbinom(N, size=haplo.length, prob=mu))
## return( sample(SNP.POOL, size=nb.mutations, replace=TRUE) )
## }
## } else {
## createMutations <- function(N){ # L:genome length; N: pop size
## nb.mutations <- sum(rbinom(N, size=haplo.length, prob=mu))
## res <- sample(SNP.POOL, size=nb.mutations, replace=TRUE)
## SNP.POOL <<- setdiff(SNP.POOL, res)# update pool of SNPs
## return(res)
## }
## }
## ## clean reverse mutations
## cleanRes <- function(vec){
## temp <- table(vec)
## return( as.integer(names(temp)[temp %% 2 != 0]) )
## }
## ## assign mutation to haplotypes
## assignMutations <- function(myPop, mutations){ # mypop: list of `haplotypes'; mutations: vector of SNPs
## if(length(mutations)==0 | length(myPop)==0) return(myPop)
## id <- sample(1:length(myPop), size=length(mutations), replace=TRUE)
## mutations <- split(mutations, id)
## ## function to merge new mutations - handle reverse case
## f1 <- function(a,b){
## revMut <- intersect(a,b)
## if(length(revMut)==0) return(c(a,b))
## return(setdiff(c(a ,b), revMut))
## }
## ##myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))] <- mapply(c, myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))], mutations, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))] <- mapply(f1, myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))], mutations, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## return(myPop)
## } # end assignMutations
## if(!regen){
## evolveOnePop <- function(myPop, myS, myAge){ # myPop: pop to evolve; myS: nb of susceptible in the pop; myAge: vector of ages
## ## strains get older
## myAge <- myAge + 1
## ## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## ## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## ## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## ## generate new strains for new generation
## sampSize <- round(min( length(myPop)*birth.func(), myS)) # number of strains for next step
## if(sampSize<1){ # if no new strains
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS, age=myAge))
## } # if there are new strains, do...
## newGen <- myPop[sample(1:length(myPop), sampSize, replace=TRUE)] # sample strains for new generations
## newGen <- assignMutations(newGen, createMutations(sampSize)) # mutate strains
## newAge <- rep(0, sampSize) # new ages for newborns
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## ## merge old and new generation
## myPop <- c(myPop,newGen)
## myAge <- c(myAge, newAge)
## ## possibly create one or more new pop
## if((length(listPop) < max.nb.pop) & (>0)) { # total number of pop. limitation
## nbNewPop <- rbinom(1, length(myPop),
## } else {
## nbNewPop <- 0
## }
## if(nbNewPop>0){
## ## newPop <- sample(listPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE) # wrong
## newPop <- lapply(sample(myPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE), as.list)
## listPop <<- c(listPop, newPop)
## vecS <<- c(vecS, replicate(nbNewPop, max.pop.size()) )
## listAges <<- c(listAges, replicate(nbNewPop, 0, simplify=FALSE) )
## } # end new pop
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS-sampSize, age=myAge))
## } # end no regen version
## } else { ## REGEN VERSION
## evolveOnePop <- function(myPop, myS, myAge){ # myPop: pop to evolve; myS: nb of susceptible in the pop; myAge: vector of ages
## ## strains get older
## myAge <- myAge + 1
## ## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## ## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## ## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## myS <- max.pop.size() ## DIFFERENCE between the two versions of the function
## ## generate new strains for new generation
## sampSize <- round(min( length(myPop)*birth.func(), myS)) # number of strains for next step
## if(sampSize<1){ # if no sample
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS, age=myAge))
## }
## newGen <- myPop[sample(1:length(myPop), sampSize, replace=TRUE)] # sample strains for new generations
## newGen <- assignMutations(newGen, createMutations(sampSize)) # mutate strains
## newAge <- rep(0, sampSize) # new ages for newborns
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## ## merge old and new generation
## myPop <- c(myPop,newGen)
## myAge <- c(myAge, newAge)
## ## possibly create one or more new pop
## if((length(listPop) < max.nb.pop) & (>0)) { # total number of pop. limitation
## nbNewPop <- rbinom(1, length(myPop),
## } else {
## nbNewPop <- 0
## }
## if(nbNewPop>0){
## ## newPop <- sample(listPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE) # wrong
## newPop <- lapply(sample(myPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE), as.list)
## listPop <<- c(listPop, newPop)
## vecS <<- c(vecS, replicate(nbNewPop, max.pop.size()) )
## listAges <<- c(listAges, replicate(nbNewPop, 0, simplify=FALSE) )
## } # end new pop
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS, age=myAge)) ## DIFFERENCE between the two versions of the function
## } # end no regen version
## } ## end evolveOnePop (both versions)
## vecS <- max.pop.size() # susceptibles
## if(is.null(ini.obj)){
## ##vecS <- max.pop.size() - n.snp.ini # susceptibles
## if(is.null(ini.haplo)) {
## haplo.ini <- sample(SNP.POOL, n.snp.ini, replace=TRUE)
## } else {
## haplo.ini <- ini.haplo
## }
## ANCES <- haplo.ini
## listPop <- list()
## listPop[[1]] <- lapply(1:ini.pop.size, function(i) haplo.ini) # contains only one population of identical clones to start with
## listAges <- list() # will contain vectors of ages of haplotypes (a time of appearance, age=0)
## listAges[[1]] <- rep(0, ini.pop.size)
## if(!inherits(ini.obj, "haploPop")) stop("x is not a haploPop object")
## ##vecS <- ini.obj$S
## ANCES <- attr(ini.obj, "ances")
## listPop <- ini.obj$pop
## listAges <- ini.obj$ages
## }
## ## evolve all populations
## i <- 1L
## if(!quiet){
## cat("\nSimulating populations of haplotypes through time: \n")
## }
## ##while((sum(vecS)>0) & (i<(n.steps+1))){ # evolve all generations
## while(i<(n.steps+1)){ # evolve all generations
## i <- i + 1L # update iterator
## if(!quiet){
## catStep <- max(round(n.steps/100), 10)
## cat(ifelse((i %% catStep)==0, paste(" ...", i), ""))
## }
## ## make populations evolve of one generation
## ##idx <- which(vecS>0) # make sure that new pop won't evolve this time ! leads to not dying
## idx <- 1:length(listPop) # make sure that new pop won't evolve this time
## if(length(idx)>0){
## for(j in idx){
## temp <- evolveOnePop(listPop[[j]], vecS[j], listAges[[j]])
## listPop[[j]] <- temp$pop
## vecS[j] <- temp$S
## listAges[[j]] <- temp$age
## }
## }
## ## ## purge non-susceptible pop
## ## listPop <- listPop[vecS>0]
## ## vecS <- vecS[vecS>0]
## ## purge empty populations
## toKeep <- sapply(listPop, length)>0
## listPop <- listPop[toKeep]
## vecS <- vecS[toKeep]
## listAges <- listAges[toKeep]
## ## stop if all pop go extinct
## if(length(listPop)==0L){
## if(!quiet) cat("\n All populations went extinct at time",i,"\n")
## return(invisible(NULL))
## }
## ## cat("\n=== ",i," ===")
## ## cat("\nlistPop")
## ## print(listPop)
## ## cat("\nvecS")
## ## print(vecS)
## ## cat("\nlistAges")
## ## print(listAges)
## } # end while
## if(!quiet){
## cat("\n... done! \n")
## }
## ## handle reverse mutations
## ## if(clean.haplo){
## ## if(!quiet){
## ## cat("\n... Cleaning haplotypes (handling reverse mutations)\n")
## ## }
## ## cleanRes <- function(vec){
## ## temp <- table(vec)
## ## return(sort(as.integer(names(temp)[temp %% 2 != 0])))
## ## }
## ## for(i in 1:length(listPop)){
## ## listPop[[i]] <- lapply(listPop[[i]], cleanRes)
## ## }
## ## if(!quiet){
## ## cat("\n... done! \n")
## ## }
## ## }
## res <- list(pop=listPop, ages=listAges, S=vecS)
## class(res) <- "haploPop"
## res$call <-
## attr(res,"ances") <- ANCES # ancestral genotype
## return(res)
## } # end haploPop
## ##################
## ## print.haploPop
## ##################
## print.haploPop <- function(x, ...){
## myCall <- x$call
## cat("\n== haploPop object ==\n")
## cat("\nNumber of populations :", length(x$pop))
## N <- sum(sapply(x$pop,length))
## cat("\nNumber of haplotypes :", N)
## N.mut <- length(unique(unlist(x$pop)))
## cat("\nNumber of mutations :", N.mut)
## N.empty <- sum(sapply(x$pop, function(e) length(e)==0))
## cat("\nNumber of unmutated genotypes :", N.empty)
## if( (length(x$pop) == length(x$ages)) & (length(x$pop) == length(x$S)) ){
## cat("\nSlot lengths consistency: OK\n")
## } else {
## cat("\nSlot lengths consistency: !! NOT OK !!\n")
## }
## } # end print.haploPop
## ##################
## ## summary.haploPop
## ##################
## summary.haploPop <- function(object, ...){
## x <- object$pop
## myCall <- x$call
## x$call <- NULL
## res <- list()
## ## cat("\t\n=======================================")
## ## cat("\t\n= simulated populations of haplotypes =")
## ## cat("\t\n= (haploPop object) =")
## ## cat("\t\n=======================================\n")
## cat("\nNumber of populations :", length(x))
## cat("\nPopulation sizes :\n")
## temp <- sapply(x,length)
## names(temp) <- 1:length(temp)
## print(temp)
## res$pop.size <- temp
## cat("\nNumber of SNPs per population :\n")
## temp <- sapply(x,function(e) length(unique(unlist(e))))
## names(temp) <- 1:length(temp)
## print(temp)
## res$n.snp <- temp
## return(invisible(res))
## } # end print.haploPop
## ##################
## ## sample.haploPop
## ##################
## sample.haploPop <- function(x, n, n.pop=NULL, keep.pop=TRUE){
## if(!inherits(x, "haploPop")) stop("x is not a haploPop object")
## x$call <- NULL
## if(!is.null(n.pop)){ # pre-treatment: reduce to n.pop populations with same size
## popToKeep <- sample(which(sapply(x$pop, length) > n), n.pop, replace=FALSE) # keep n.pop large enough populations
## if(length(popToKeep)==0L) stop("No population is big enough for this sampling.")
## x$pop <- x$pop[popToKeep]
## x$ages <- x$ages[popToKeep]
## x$S <- x$S[popToKeep]
## popSizes <- sapply(x$pop, length)
## for(i in 1:n.pop){
## idx <- sample(1:popSizes[i], n, replace=FALSE)
## x$pop[[i]] <- x$pop[[i]][idx]
## x$ages[[i]] <- x$ages[[i]][idx]
## }
## } # end pop pre-treatment
## if(keep.pop){
## popSizes <- sapply(x$pop, length)
## <- rep(1:length(x$pop), popSizes)
## }
## x$pop <- unlist(x$pop, recursive=FALSE)
## x$ages <- unlist(x$ages, recursive=FALSE)
## idx <- sample(1:length(x$pop), n, replace=FALSE)
## res <- list(pop=list(), ages=list() )
## if(keep.pop){
## res$pop <- split(x$pop[idx],[idx])
## res$ages <- split(x$ages[idx],[idx])
## } else {
## res$pop[[1]] <- x$pop[idx]
## res$ages[[1]] <- x$ages[idx]
## }
## res$S <- rep(n, length(res$pop))
## class(res) <- "haploPop"
## attr(res, "ances") <- attr(x, "ances")
## return(res)
## } # end sample.haploPop
## ###############
## ## dist.haploPop
## ###############
## dist.haploPop <- function(x, add.root=TRUE, res.type=c("dist","matrix")){
## if(!inherits(x, "haploPop")) stop("x is not a haploPop object")
## res.type <- match.arg(res.type)
## ANCES <- attr(x,"ances")
## x <- unlist(x$pop, recursive=FALSE)
## ## handle root
## if(add.root){ # add the root
## x <- c(ANCES, x)
## }
## n <- length(x)
## f1 <- function(a,b){
## return(sum(!union(unlist(a),unlist(b)) %in% intersect(unlist(a),unlist(b))))
## }
## ## res <- outer(x, x, FUN=f1)
## res <- matrix(0, ncol=n, nrow=n)
## for(i in 1:(n-1)){
## for(j in (i+1):n){
## res[i,j] <- f1(x[[i]], x[[j]])
## }
## }
## res <- res+t(res)
## if(res.type=="dist"){
## res <- as.dist(res)
## }
## return(res)
## } # end dist.haploPop
## ###############
## ## plot.haploPop
## ###############
## plot.haploPop <- function(x, y=NULL, type="unrooted", size.limit=300, show.pop=TRUE, col=NULL,
## transp=TRUE, tip.cex=2, method=c("nj", "bionj", "fastme.bal", "fastme.ols"), ...){
## ## CHECKS ##
## if(!require(ape)) stop("ape package is required")
## if(!inherits(x, "haploPop")) stop("x is not a haploPop object")
## method <- match.arg(method)
## N <- sum(sapply(x$pop,length))
## if(N > size.limit) {
## stop("tree exceeds size limit")
## }
## ## PLOT TREE ##
## f1 <- get(method)
## if(method %in% c("nj","bionj")){
## tre <- root(f1(dist.haploPop(x)),"1")
## } else {
## tre <- f1(dist.haploPop(x))
## }
## plot(tre, type=type, ...)
## xy <- get("last_plot.phylo", envir = .PlotPhyloEnv)
## if(!is.null(col)){
## if(is.integer(col) | is.numeric(col)) {
## col <- palette()[col]
## }
## if(transp){
## transp <- function(col, alpha=.5){
## res <- apply(col2rgb(col),2, function(c) rgb(c[1]/255, c[2]/255, c[3]/255, alpha))
## return(res)
## }
## col <- transp(col)
## }
## points(xy$xx[2:(N+1)], xy$yy[2:(N+1)], pch=20, col=col, cex=tip.cex)
## } else if(show.pop){
## nPop <- length(x$pop)
## popSizes <- sapply(x$pop, length)
## <- rep(1:length(x$pop), popSizes)
## opal <- palette()
## on.exit(palette(opal))
## if(nPop>1){
## pop.col <- rainbow(nPop)
## } else {
## pop.col <- c("red","red")
## }
## if(transp){
## transp <- function(col, alpha=.5){
## res <- apply(col2rgb(col),2, function(c) rgb(c[1]/255, c[2]/255, c[3]/255, alpha))
## return(res)
## }
## pop.col <- transp(pop.col)
## }
## palette(pop.col)
## points(xy$xx[2:(N+1)], xy$yy[2:(N+1)], pch=20,, cex=tip.cex)
## }
## ## SHOW ROOT ##
## points(xy$xx[1], xy$yy[1], pch=20, cex=3)
## return(invisible(tre))
## } # end plot.haploPop
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## ##########################################################################
## ############
## ## haploPopDiv
## ############
## haploPopDiv <- function(n.steps=20, ini.obj=NULL, ini.haplo=NULL, haplo.length=1e6, mu=1e-5, n.snp.ini=1,
## birth.func=function(){ sample(0:3, 1, prob=c(.05, .45, .35, .15))},
## max.pop.size=function(){1e4}, max.nb.pop=30, ini.pop.size=10, regen=FALSE,
##{1e-4}, death.func=function(age){age>1},
## quiet=FALSE, allow.reverse=TRUE,
## track=c("div", "distRoot", "freq","nbMut"), root.haplo=NULL, samp.size=50) {
## ## if(is.numeric(ini.pop.size)){
## ## ini.pop.size.val <- ini.pop.size
## ## ini.pop.size <- function(){ini.pop.size.val}
## ## }
## track <- match.arg(track)
## if(is.numeric(max.pop.size)){
## max.pop.size.val <- max.pop.size
## max.pop.size <- function(){max.pop.size.val}
## }
## if(is.numeric({
## <-
## <- function(){}
## }
## if(is.numeric(birth.func)){
## birth.func.val <- birth.func[1]
## birth.func <- function(){birth.func.val}
## }
## if(is.numeric(death.func)){
## death.func.val <- death.func[1]
## death.func <- function(age){age>death.func.val}
## }
## SNP.POOL <- 1:haplo.length
## vecS <- 1 # will be redefined later, but needed for evolveOnePop definition
## if(allow.reverse){
## createMutations <- function(N){ # L:genome length; N: pop size
## nb.mutations <- sum(rbinom(N, size=haplo.length, prob=mu))
## return( sample(SNP.POOL, size=nb.mutations, replace=TRUE) )
## }
## } else {
## createMutations <- function(N){ # L:genome length; N: pop size
## nb.mutations <- sum(rbinom(N, size=haplo.length, prob=mu))
## res <- sample(SNP.POOL, size=nb.mutations, replace=TRUE)
## SNP.POOL <<- setdiff(SNP.POOL, res)# update pool of SNPs
## return(res)
## }
## }
## ## assign mutation to haplotypes
## assignMutations <- function(myPop, mutations){ # mypop: list of `haplotypes'; mutations: vector of SNPs
## if(length(mutations)==0 | length(myPop)==0) return(myPop)
## id <- sample(1:length(myPop), size=length(mutations), replace=TRUE)
## mutations <- split(mutations, id)
## ## function to merge new mutations - handle reverse case
## f1 <- function(a,b){
## revMut <- intersect(a,b)
## if(length(revMut)==0) return(c(a,b))
## return(setdiff(c(a ,b), revMut))
## }
## ##myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))] <- mapply(c, myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))], mutations, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))] <- mapply(f1, myPop[as.integer(names(mutations))], mutations, SIMPLIFY=FALSE)
## return(myPop)
## } # end assignMutations
## if(!regen){
## evolveOnePop <- function(myPop, myS, myAge){ # myPop: pop to evolve; myS: nb of susceptible in the pop; myAge: vector of ages
## ## strains get older
## myAge <- myAge + 1
## ## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## ## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## ## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## ## generate new strains for new generation
## sampSize <- round(min( length(myPop)*birth.func(), myS)) # number of strains for next step
## if(sampSize<1){ # if no sample
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS, age=myAge))
## }
## newGen <- myPop[sample(1:length(myPop), sampSize, replace=TRUE)] # sample strains for new generations
## newGen <- assignMutations(newGen, createMutations(sampSize)) # mutate strains
## newAge <- rep(0, sampSize) # new ages for newborns
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## ## merge old and new generation
## myPop <- c(myPop,newGen)
## myAge <- c(myAge, newAge)
## ## possibly create one or more new pop
## if((length(listPop) < max.nb.pop) & (>0)) { # total number of pop. limitation
## nbNewPop <- rbinom(1, length(myPop),
## } else {
## nbNewPop <- 0
## }
## if(nbNewPop>0){
## ## newPop <- sample(listPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE) # wrong
## newPop <- lapply(sample(myPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE), as.list)
## listPop <<- c(listPop, newPop)
## vecS <<- c(vecS, replicate(nbNewPop, max.pop.size()) )
## listAges <<- c(listAges, replicate(nbNewPop, 0, simplify=FALSE) )
## } # end new pop
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS-sampSize, age=myAge))
## } # end no regen version
## } else { ## REGEN VERSION
## evolveOnePop <- function(myPop, myS, myAge){ # myPop: pop to evolve; myS: nb of susceptible in the pop; myAge: vector of ages
## ## strains get older
## myAge <- myAge + 1
## ## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## ## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## ## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## myS <- max.pop.size() ## DIFFERENCE between the two versions of the function
## ## generate new strains for new generation
## sampSize <- round(min( length(myPop)*birth.func(), myS)) # number of strains for next step
## if(sampSize<1){ # if no sample
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS, age=myAge))
## }
## newGen <- myPop[sample(1:length(myPop), sampSize, replace=TRUE)] # sample strains for new generations
## newGen <- assignMutations(newGen, createMutations(sampSize)) # mutate strains
## newAge <- rep(0, sampSize) # new ages for newborns
## ## old strains die
## toKill <- death.func(myAge)
## myPop[toKill] <- NULL
## myAge <- myAge[!toKill]
## ## merge old and new generation
## myPop <- c(myPop,newGen)
## myAge <- c(myAge, newAge)
## ## possibly create one or more new pop
## if((length(listPop) < max.nb.pop) & (>0)) { # total number of pop. limitation
## nbNewPop <- rbinom(1, length(myPop),
## } else {
## nbNewPop <- 0
## }
## if(nbNewPop>0){
## ## newPop <- sample(listPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE) # wrong
## newPop <- lapply(sample(myPop, size=nbNewPop, replace=TRUE), as.list)
## listPop <<- c(listPop, newPop)
## vecS <<- c(vecS, replicate(nbNewPop, max.pop.size()) )
## listAges <<- c(listAges, replicate(nbNewPop, 0, simplify=FALSE) )
## } # end new pop
## return(list(pop=myPop, S=myS, age=myAge)) ## DIFFERENCE between the two versions of the function
## } # end no regen version
## } ## end evolveOnePop (both versions)
## vecS <- max.pop.size() # susceptibles
## if(is.null(ini.obj)){
## ## vecS <- max.pop.size() - n.snp.ini # susceptibles
## if(is.null(ini.haplo)) {
## haplo.ini <- sample(SNP.POOL, n.snp.ini, replace=TRUE)
## } else {
## haplo.ini <- ini.haplo
## }
## ANCES <- haplo.ini
## listPop <- list()
## listPop[[1]] <- lapply(1:ini.pop.size, function(i) haplo.ini) # contains only one population of identical clones to start with
## listAges <- list() # will contain vectors of ages of haplotypes (a time of appearance, age=0)
## listAges[[1]] <- rep(0, ini.pop.size)
## if(!inherits(ini.obj, "haploPop")) stop("x is not a haploPopDiv object")
## ## vecS <- ini.obj$S
## ANCES <- attr(ini.obj, "ances")
## listPop <- ini.obj$pop
## listAges <- ini.obj$ages
## }
## ## function getting pairwise distances
## if(track=="div"){
## fRes <- function(list.pop){
## list.pop <- list(pop=list.pop) # kludge needed for dist.haploPop
## class(list.pop) <- "haploPop" # kludge needed for dist.haploPop
## N <- sum(sapply(list.pop$pop, length))
## if(N<2) return(0)
## if(N > samp.size){
## return(dist.haploPop(sample.haploPop(list.pop, samp.size, keep.pop=FALSE), add.root=FALSE)) # do not include the root in distances.
## } else {
## return(dist.haploPop(list.pop, add.root=FALSE))
## }
## } # end fRes
## }
## ## function getting distances to the root
## if(track=="distRoot"){
## if(is.null(root.haplo)) {
## root.haplo <- ANCES
## }
## fRes <- function(list.pop){
## list.pop <- list(pop=list.pop) # kludge needed for sample.haploPop
## class(list.pop) <- "haploPop" # kludge needed for sample.haploPop
## N <- sum(sapply(list.pop$pop, length))
## if(N<1) return(0)
## if(N > samp.size){
## list.pop <- sample.haploPop(list.pop, samp.size, keep.pop=FALSE)
## }
## res <- sapply(unlist(list.pop$pop, recursive=FALSE), function(e) sum(!e %in% root.haplo))
## return(res)
## } # end fRes
## }
## ## function getting allele absolute frequencies
## if(track=="freq"){
## fRes <- function(list.pop){
## res <- table(unlist(list.pop))
## return(res)
## } # end fRes
## }
## ## function getting allele absolute frequencies
## if(track=="nbMut"){
## fRes <- function(list.pop){
## list.pop <- list(pop=list.pop) # kludge needed for sample.haploPop
## class(list.pop) <- "haploPop" # kludge needed for sample.haploPop
## N <- sum(sapply(list.pop$pop, length))
## if(N<1) return(0)
## if(N > samp.size){
## list.pop <- sample.haploPop(list.pop, samp.size, keep.pop=FALSE)
## }
## return( length(unique(unlist(list.pop))) )
## } # end fRes
## }
## res <- list(div=list(), popSize=integer())
## res$div[[1]] <- fRes(listPop)
## res$popSize[1] <- sum(sapply(listPop, length))
## ## evolve all populations
## i <- 1L
## if(!quiet){
## cat("\nSimulating populations of haplotypes through time: \n")
## }
## ##while((sum(vecS)>0) & (i<(n.steps+1))){ # evolve all generations
## while(i<(n.steps+1)){ # evolve all generations
## i <- i + 1L # update iterator
## if(!quiet){
## catStep <- max(round(n.steps/100), 10)
## cat(ifelse((i %% catStep)==0, paste(" ...", i), ""))
## }
## ## make populations evolve of one generation
## ##idx <- which(vecS>0) # make sure that new pop won't evolve this time ! leads to not dying
## idx <- 1:length(listPop) # make sure that new pop won't evolve this time
## if(length(idx)>0){
## for(j in idx){
## temp <- evolveOnePop(listPop[[j]], vecS[j], listAges[[j]])
## listPop[[j]] <- temp$pop
## vecS[j] <- temp$S
## listAges[[j]] <- temp$age
## }
## }
## ## ## purge non-susceptible pop
## ## listPop <- listPop[vecS>0]
## ## vecS <- vecS[vecS>0]
## ## purge empty populations
## toKeep <- sapply(listPop, length)>0
## listPop <- listPop[toKeep]
## vecS <- vecS[toKeep]
## listAges <- listAges[toKeep]
## ## stop if all pop go extinct
## if(length(listPop)==0L){
## if(!quiet) cat("\n All populations went extinct at time",i,"\n")
## return(res)
## }
## res$div[[i]] <- fRes(listPop)
## res$popSize[i] <- sum(sapply(listPop, length))
## ## cat("\n=== ",i," ===")
## ## cat("\nlistPop")
## ## print(listPop)
## ## cat("\nvecS")
## ## print(vecS)
## ## cat("\nlistAges")
## ## print(listAges)
## } # end while
## if(!quiet){
## cat("\n... done! \n")
## }
## obj <- list(pop=listPop, ages=listAges, S=vecS)
## class(obj) <- "haploPop"
## obj$call <-
## attr(obj,"ances") <- ANCES # ancestral genotype
## if(!quiet) cat("\nStored haploPop object in 'last.haploPop'\n")
## assign("last.haploPop", obj, envir= .GlobalEnv)
## return(res)
## } # end haploPopDiv
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