## ###############
## ## simOutbreak
## ###############
## simOutbreak <- function(R0, infec.curve, n.hosts=200, duration=50,
## seq.length=1e4, mu.transi=1e-4, mu.transv=mu.transi/2,
## tree=TRUE){
## ## CHECKS ##
## if(!require(ape)) stop("The ape package is required.")
## ## normalize gen.time
## infec.curve <- infec.curve/sum(infec.curve)
## infec.curve <- c(infec.curve, rep(0, duration)) # make sure dates go all the way
## t.clear <- which(diff(infec.curve<1e-10)==1) # time at which infection is cleared
## NUCL <- as.DNAbin(c("a","t","c","g"))
## TRANSISET <- list('a'=as.DNAbin('g'), 'g'=as.DNAbin('a'), 'c'=as.DNAbin('t'), 't'=as.DNAbin('c'))
## TRANSVSET <- list('a'=as.DNAbin(c('c','t')), 'g'=as.DNAbin(c('c','t')), 'c'=as.DNAbin(c('a','g')), 't'=as.DNAbin(c('a','g')))
## ## generate sequence from scratch
## seq.gen <- function(){
## ##res <- list(sample(NUCL, size=seq.length, replace=TRUE)) # DNAbin are no longer lists by default
## res <- sample(NUCL, size=seq.length, replace=TRUE)
## class(res) <- "DNAbin"
## return(res)
## }
## ## create substitutions for defined SNPs - no longer used
## substi <- function(snp){
## res <- sapply(1:length(snp), function(i) sample(setdiff(NUCL,snp[i]),1)) # ! sapply does not work on DNAbin vectors directly
## class(res) <- "DNAbin"
## return(res)
## }
## ## create transitions for defined SNPs
## transi <- function(snp){
## res <- unlist(TRANSISET[as.character(snp)])
## class(res) <- "DNAbin"
## return(res)
## }
## ## create transversions for defined SNPs
## transv <- function(snp){
## res <- sapply(TRANSVSET[as.character(snp)],sample,1)
## class(res) <- "DNAbin"
## return(res)
## }
## ## duplicate a sequence (including possible mutations)
## seq.dupli <- function(seq, T){ # T is the number of time units between ancestor and decendent
## ## transitions ##
## n.transi <- rbinom(n=1, size=seq.length*T, prob=mu.transi) # total number of transitions
## if(n.transi>0) {
## idx <- sample(1:seq.length, size=n.transi, replace=FALSE)
## seq[idx] <- transi(seq[idx])
## }
## ## transversions ##
## n.transv <- rbinom(n=1, size=seq.length*T, prob=mu.transv) # total number of transitions
## if(n.transv>0) {
## idx <- sample(1:seq.length, size=n.transv, replace=FALSE)
## seq[idx] <- transv(seq[idx])
## }
## return(seq)
## }
## ## initialize results ##
## dynam <- data.frame(nsus=integer(duration+1), ninf=integer(duration+1), nrec=integer(duration+1))
## rownames(dynam) <- 0:duration
## res <- list(n=1, dna=NULL, dates=NULL, id=NULL, ances=NULL, dynam=dynam)
## res$dynam$nsus[1] <- n.hosts-1
## res$dynam$ninf[1] <- 1
## res$dates[1] <- 0
## res$ances <- NA
## res$dna <- matrix(seq.gen(),nrow=1)
## class(res$dna) <- "DNAbin"
## ## run outbreak ##
## for(t in 1:duration){
## ## individual force of infection
## indivForce <- infec.curve[t-res$dates+1]
## ## global force of infection (R0 \sum_j I_t^j / N)
## globForce <- sum(indivForce)*R0/n.hosts
## ## number of new infections
## nbNewInf <- rbinom(1, size=res$dynam$nsus[t], prob=globForce)
## ## dates of new infections
## if(nbNewInf>0){
## res$dates <- c(res$dates, rep(t,nbNewInf))
## ## ancestries of the new infections
## temp <- as.vector(rmultinom(1, size=nbNewInf, prob=indivForce))
## newAnces <- rep(which(temp>0), temp[which(temp>0)])
## res$ances <- c(res$ances,newAnces)
## ## dna sequences of the new infections
## newSeq <- t(sapply(newAnces, function(i) seq.dupli(res$dna[i,], t-res$dates[i])))
## res$dna <- rbind(res$dna, newSeq)
## }
## ## update nb of infected, recovered, etc.
## res$dynam$nrec[t+1] <- sum(res$dates>=t.clear)
## res$dynam$ninf[t+1] <- sum(res$dates>=0 & res$dates < t.clear)
## res$dynam$nsus[t+1] <- res$dynam$nsus[t] - nbNewInf
## } # end for
## res$n <- nrow(res$dna)
## res$id <- 1:res$n
## res$nmut <- sapply(1:res$n, function(i) dist.dna(res$dna[c(res$id[i],res$ances[i]),], model="raw"))*ncol(res$dna)
## res$call <-
## if(tree){
## res$tree <- fastme.ols(dist.dna(res$dna, model="TN93"))
## res$tree <- root(res$tree,"1")
## }
## class(res) <- "simOutbreak"
## return(res)
## } # end simOutbreak
## ##################
## ## print.simOutbreak
## ##################
## print.simOutbreak <- function(x, ...){
## cat("\t\n=========================")
## cat("\t\n= simulated outbreak =")
## cat("\t\n= (simOutbreak object) =")
## cat("\t\n=========================\n")
## cat("\nSize :", x$n,"cases (out of", x$dynam$nsus[1],"susceptible hosts)")
## cat("\nGenome length :", ncol(x$dna),"nucleotids")
## cat("\nDate range :", min(x$dates),"-",max(x$dates))
## cat("\nContent:\n")
## print(names(x))
## return(NULL)
## } # end print.simOutbreak
## ##############
## ## [.simOutbreak
## ##############
## "[.simOutbreak" <- function(x,i,j,drop=FALSE){
## res <- x
## res$dna <- res$dna[i,,drop=FALSE]
## res$id <- res$id[i]
## res$ances <- res$ances[i]
## res$ances[!res$ances %in% res$id] <- NA
## res$dates <- res$dates[i]
## res$n <- nrow(res$dna)
## return(res)
## }
## ##################
## ## labels.simOutbreak
## ##################
## labels.simOutbreak <- function(object, ...){
## return(object$id)
## }
## #########################
## ## as.igraph.simOutbreak
## #########################
## as.igraph.simOutbreak <- function(x, ...){
## if(!require(igraph)) stop("package igraph is required for this operation")
## if(!require(ape)) stop("package ape is required for this operation")
## ## GET DAG ##
## from <- x$ances
## to <- x$id
## isNotNA <- ! & !
## dat <- data.frame(from,to,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)[isNotNA,,drop=FALSE]
## vnames <- as.character(unique(unlist(dat)))
## out <-, directed=TRUE, vertices=data.frame(names=vnames, dates=x$dates[vnames]))
## ## SET WEIGHTS ##
## D <- as.matrix(dist.dna(x$dna,model="raw")*ncol(x$dna))
## temp <- mapply(function(i,j) return(D[i,j]), as.integer(from), as.integer(to))
## E(out)$weight <- temp[isNotNA]
## temp <- max(E(out)$weight) - E(out)$weight
## temp <- temp/max(temp) * 4
## E(out)$width <- round(temp)+1
## return(out)
## }
## ####################
## ## plot.simOutbreak
## ####################
## plot.simOutbreak <- function(x, y=NULL, cex=1, col=num2col(x$dates), label=x$id,
## edge.col=num2col(x$nmut[-1], col.pal=seasun), lwd=1, ...){
## if(!require(igraph)) stop("package igraph is required for this operation")
## if(!require(ape)) stop("package ape is required for this operation")
## plot(as.igraph(x), vertex.size=15*cex, vertex.color=col, vertex.label=label,
## vertex.label.cex=cex, edge.color=edge.col, edge.width=lwd, ...)
## } # end plot.simOutbreak
## ## #####################
## ## ## seqTrack.simOutbreak
## ## #####################
## ## seqTrack.simOutbreak <- function(x, best=c("min","max"), prox.mat=NULL, ...){
## ## myX <- dist.dna(x$dna, model="raw")
## ## x.names <- labels(x)
## ## x.dates <- as.POSIXct(x)
## ## seq.length <- ncol(x$dna)
## ## myX <- myX * seq.length
## ## myX <- as.matrix(myX)
## ## prevCall <- as.list(x$call)
## ## if(is.null(prevCall$mu)){
## ## mu0 <- 0.0001
## ## } else {
## ## mu0 <- eval(prevCall$mu)
## ## }
## ## res <- seqTrack(myX, x.names=x.names, x.dates=x.dates, best=best, prox.mat=prox.mat,...)
## ## return(res)
## ## }
## ## ########################
## ## ## as.seqTrack.simOutbreak
## ## ########################
## ## as.seqTrack.simOutbreak <- function(x){
## ## ## x.ori <- x
## ## ## x <- na.omit(x)
## ## toSetToNA <- x$dates==min(x$dates)
## ## res <- list()
## ## res$id <- labels(x)
## ## res <-
## ## res$ances <- x$ances
## ## res$ances[toSetToNA] <- NA
## ## res$weight <- 1 # ??? have to recompute that...
## ## res$weight[toSetToNA] <- NA
## ## res$date <- as.POSIXct(x)[labels(x)]
## ## res$ <- as.POSIXct(x)[x$ances]
## ## ## set results as indices rather than labels
## ## res$ances <- match(res$ances, res$id)
## ## res$id <- 1:length(res$id)
## ## ## SET CLASS
## ## class(res) <- c("seqTrack", "data.frame")
## ## return(res)
## ## }
## ## ###################
## ## ## sample.simOutbreak
## ## ###################
## ## sample.simOutbreak <- function(x, n){
## ## ##sample.simOutbreak <- function(x, n, rDate=.rTimeSeq, arg.rDate=NULL){
## ## res <- x[sample(1:nrow(x$dna), n, replace=FALSE)]
## ## prevCall <- as.list(x$call)
## ## if(!is.null(prevCall$mu)){
## ## mu0 <- eval(prevCall$mu)
## ## } else {
## ## mu0 <- 1e-04
## ## }
## ## if(!is.null(prevCall$dna.length)){
## ## L <- eval(prevCall$dna.length)
## ## } else {
## ## L <- 1000
## ## }
## ## ## truedates <- res$dates
## ## ## daterange <- diff(range(res$dates,na.rm=TRUE))
## ## ## if(identical(rDate,.rTimeSeq)){
## ## ## sampdates <- .rTimeSeq(n=length(truedates), mu=mu0, L=L, maxNbDays=daterange/2)
## ## ## } else{
## ## ## arg.rDate$n <- n
## ## ## sampdates <-, arg.rDate)
## ## ## }
## ## ## sampdates <- truedates + abs(sampdates)
## ## return(res)
## ## } # end sample.simOutbreak
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