
Defines functions bar_chart

Documented in bar_chart

#' bar_chart - creates barchart of AEs for all patient
#' @description
#' Creates bar charts daily and total for all patients separately according to treatment (R Package required: 'dplyr')
#' @param ae_data Adverse event dataset
#' @param patients Patient dataset
#' @param day The study day of interest
#' @param variables Vector of Adverse events
#' @param day_max Maximum Day
#' @param count_max Maximum Counts
#' @param cex.n Font size of the text in the bars
#' @keywords internal

bar_chart <- function(ae_data = ae,
                      patients = patient,
                      day = day_slider,
                      variables = vars,
                      day_max = day_mx,
                      count_max = count_mx,
                      cex.n = 2){

ae <- day_slider <- vars <- day_mx <- count_mx <- ps <- treat <- summarise <- n <- . <- N <- NULL
#app colors
colors <- c("#e43157", "#377eb8", "#4daf4a", "#984ea3",
            "#ff7f00", "#ffff33", "#a65628", "#f781bf")

# merge ae's and colors
col_ae <- data.frame('ae' = variables,
                     'col' = colors[1:length(variables)])
col_ae$ae <- factor(col_ae$ae, levels = col_ae$ae)
#rename variable ps from patient data set for merging
patient <- patients %>%
  dplyr::rename(patient = ps)
#merging ae and patient data set as tot (Total)
tot <- ae_data %>%
  dplyr::right_join(patient %>%
               dplyr::select(patient, treat), by = 'patient') %>%
#filter for used variables (ae's)
tot <- tot %>%
  dplyr::filter(ae %in% variables)
#'refactor' to remove non used ae's
tot$ae <- factor(tot$ae, levels = variables)

  #use count_event function to calculate the counts of AE's in Treatment groups
  #and total
  count_ev <- count_event(total = tot, day = day)
  count_ev$ae <- factor(count_ev$ae, levels = col_ae$ae)

  count_ev2 <- count_ev %>%
    dplyr::left_join(col_ae, by = 'ae') %>%
    dplyr::left_join(patients %>%
                       dplyr::select(ps,treat) %>%
                       unique() %>%
                       dplyr::group_by(treat) %>%
                       dplyr::summarise(N = n()), by = 'treat') %>%
    dplyr::mutate(n_rel = n/N)

  #create multiple plots
  on_ex <- par("mfrow", "mai")
  par(mfrow = c(2, length(levels(tot$treat))) , mai = c(1.12, 0.82, 0.62, 0.42))

  #for every treatment group + Total draw a barplot
  for(i in 1:(length(levels(tot$treat)))){

    vec <- count_ev2 %>%
      dplyr::filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%

    names(vec) = variables

      ylim <- c(0, count_max + (count_max/15))

      posi <-  vec + (count_max/30)

      axpos <- c(0, 2 * count_max)

    #draw barplot
    Barplot <- graphics::barplot(vec,
            cex.main = 1.4,
            col.main = "#6b6b6b",
            col = c(as.character(count_ev2 %>%
                                   dplyr::filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
            ylim = ylim,
            ylab = "",
            las = 2,
            add = FALSE,
            col.lab = "#6b6b6b",
            main = paste0(levels(count_ev2$treat)[i], "\n", "AE Frequency on Day ", day),
            axisnames = FALSE,
            cex.lab = 1,
            axes = FALSE,
            border = NA,
            font.axis = 2,
            col.axis ="#6b6b6b"
    graphics::axis(2, col = "#6b6b6b", col.axis = ("#6b6b6b"), cex.axis = 1.7, las = 1)
    graphics::axis(2, axpos, labels = FALSE, col = "#6b6b6b", col.axis = ("#6b6b6b"), cex.axis = 1.7, las = 1)
    #numbers over bars
    text(Barplot, posi, paste0(round(vec,1)), cex = cex.n, col = "#6b6b6b")

  y_max <- as.numeric(table(rep((tot %>%
                                   drop_na() %>%
                                ifelse((pmin(day,(tot %>%
                                                    drop_na() %>%
                                                    .$day_end)) - (tot %>%
                                                                     drop_na() %>%
                                                                     .$day_start) + 1) < 1 ,
                                       0, pmin(day,(tot %>%
                                                      drop_na() %>%
                                                      .$day_end) - (tot %>%
                                                                      drop_na() %>%
                                                                      .$day_start) + 1))))[1])
  #create an empty matrix for the total values
  res_max <- matrix(NA, length(levels(tot$treat)), length(variables))
  for (i in 1:(length(levels(tot$treat)))) {
  vec <- table(rep((tot %>%
                      drop_na() %>%
                      filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i])%>%
                   ifelse((pmin(day_max,(tot %>%
                                           drop_na() %>%
                                           filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                                           .$day_end)) - (tot %>%
                                                            drop_na() %>%
                                                            filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                                                            .$day_start) + 1) < 1 ,
                          0, pmin(day_max,(tot %>%
                                             drop_na() %>%
                                             filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i])) %>%
                                    .$day_end) - (tot %>%
                                                    drop_na() %>%
                                                    filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                                                    .$day_start) + 1)))
  res_max[i,] <- vec

  res_max <- max(res_max)

  result <- matrix(NA, length(levels(tot$treat)), length(variables))

    axpos <- c(0, 2 * res_max)

  for(i in 1:(length(levels(tot$treat)))){
    vec <- table(rep((tot %>%
                        drop_na() %>%
                        filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                     ifelse((pmin(day,(tot %>%
                                         drop_na() %>%
                                         filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                                         .$day_end)) - (tot %>%
                                                          drop_na() %>%
                                                          filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                                                          .$day_start) + 1) < 1 ,
                            0, pmin(day,(tot %>%
                                           drop_na() %>%
                                           filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i])) %>%
                                      .$day_end) - (tot %>%
                                                      drop_na() %>%
                                                      filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
                                                      .$day_start) + 1)))
    result[i,] <- vec

    Barplot <- graphics::barplot(vec,
            cex.main = 1.4,
            col = c(as.character(count_ev2 %>%
                                   dplyr::filter(treat == levels(count_ev2$treat)[i]) %>%
            ylab = "",
            las = 2,
            ylim = c(0, res_max + (res_max/15)),
            add = FALSE,
            col.lab = "#6b6b6b",
            main = paste0(levels(count_ev2$treat)[i], "\n", "Patient Days with AE ", "\n"," until Day ", day),
            col.main = "#6b6b6b",
            cex.lab = 1,
            axes = FALSE,
            border = NA,
            axisnames = FALSE,
            font.axis = 2,
            col.axis = "#6b6b6b",
            col.sub = "#6b6b6b",
            cex.sub = 1.6
    graphics::axis(2, col = "#6b6b6b", col.axis = ("#6b6b6b"), cex.axis = 1.7, las = 1)
    graphics::axis(2, axpos, labels = FALSE, col = "#6b6b6b", col.axis = ("#6b6b6b"), cex.axis = 1.7, las = 1)
    text(Barplot, vec + res_max/30, paste0(round(vec, 1)), cex = cex.n, col = "#6b6b6b")

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adepro documentation built on July 6, 2021, 5:08 p.m.