current.adf.dir: Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object

current.adf.dirR Documentation

Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object


Get or set the current directory of an amigaDisk object.


## S4 method for signature 'amigaDisk'

## S4 replacement method for signature 'amigaDisk,character'
current.adf.dir(x) <- value



An amigaDisk object for which the current directory needs to be obtained or changed.


A character representation of the path, that needs to be set as current directory. Use Amiga DOS syntax as specified in the details


By default the disk's root is stored as the current directory for a new amigaDisk object. With this method, the current directory can be retrieved or changed.

For this purpose the path should be specified conform Amiga DOS syntax. Use the disk's name or "DF0" followed by a colon in order to refer to the disk's root. Subdirectories are separated by forward slashes ("/"). Colons and forward slashes are not allowed in file and directory names. Both upper and lowercase letters are allowed in file and directory names. The case is ignored when identifying files however. This packages will NOT follow the Amiga's full search path (


Returns a character representation of the current directory.


Pepijn de Vries



## by default the current dir is the
## disk's root. The disk name is
## therefore shown when running
## current.adf.dir for the provided
## example data:


## change the current dir:
current.adf.dir(adf.example) <- "DF0:this/is/a/deep/path"

## confirm that it has changed:

## let's set it back to the disk's root:
current.adf.dir(adf.example) <- "DF0:"

adfExplorer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:23 a.m.