get.diskLocation: Get the physical location on the disk for a specific block

get.diskLocationR Documentation

Get the physical location on the disk for a specific block


Get the side, cylinder and sector on a disk, based on disk type and block id.


## S4 method for signature 'character,numeric'
get.diskLocation(disktype, block)



A character string indicating the type of disk: DD for double density disks. HD for high density disks.


numeric identifier of a block. Whole numbers ranging from 0 up to 1759 (for DD disks) or 3519 (for HD disks). Note that the base index is zero (for consitency with Amiga specifications and documentation) opposed to the base of one used in R.


Data on Amiga floppy disks are stored as 512 byte blocks. These blocks are physically stored on a specific cylinder and side at a specific sector. This method returns the identifiers for the physical location based on the block identifier. The inverse of this function is achieved with the get.blockID method.


Returns a list with corresponding sector, side and cylinder identifiers (numeric).


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other block.operations: amigaBlock-method, get.blockID()


## get the physical location of the first 20 blocks on a DD disk
## and arrange as a data.frame:"DD", 0:19))

adfExplorer documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:23 a.m.