#' Derive Treatment-emergent Flag
#' Derive treatment emergent analysis flag (e.g., `TRTEMFL`).
#' @param dataset `r roxygen_param_dataset()`
#' The variables specified by `start_date`, `end_date`, `trt_start_date`,
#' `trt_end_date`, `initial_intensity`, and `intensity` are expected.
#' @param new_var New variable
#' @param start_date Event start date
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a date or datetime variable of
#' the input dataset
#' @param end_date Event end date
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a date or datetime variable of
#' the input dataset
#' @param trt_start_date Treatment start date
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a date or datetime variable of
#' the input dataset
#' @param trt_end_date Treatment end date
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a date or datetime variable of
#' the input dataset or `NULL`
#' @param end_window
#' If the argument is specified (in 'days'), events starting more than the specified
#' number of days after end of treatment, are not flagged.
#' *Permitted Values:* A non-negative integer or `NULL`
#' @param ignore_time_for_trt_end
#' If the argument is set to `TRUE`, the time part is ignored for checking if
#' the event occurred more than `end_window` days after end of treatment.
#' *Permitted Values:* `TRUE`, `FALSE`
#' @param initial_intensity Initial severity/intensity or toxicity
#' `initial_intensity` is ignored when `group_var` is specified.
#' If this argument is specified and `group_var` is `NULL`, events which start
#' before treatment start and end after treatment start (or are ongoing) and
#' worsened (i.e., the intensity is greater than the initial intensity), are
#' flagged.
#' The values of the specified variable must be comparable with the usual
#' comparison operators. I.e., if the intensity is greater than the initial
#' intensity `initial_intensity < intensity` must evaluate to `TRUE`.
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a variable of the input dataset
#' or `NULL`
#' @param intensity Severity/intensity or toxicity
#' If the argument is specified, events which start before treatment start and
#' end after treatment start (or are ongoing) and worsened (i.e., the
#' intensity is greater than the initial intensity), are flagged.
#' The values of the specified variable must be comparable with the usual
#' comparison operators. I.e., if the intensity is greater than the initial
#' intensity `initial_intensity < intensity` must evaluate to `TRUE`.
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a variable of the input dataset
#' or `NULL`
#' @param group_var Grouping variable
#' If the argument is specified, it assumes that AEs are recorded as one episode
#' of AE with multiple lines using a grouping variable.
#' Events starting during treatment or before treatment and worsening afterward
#' are flagged. Once an AE record in a group is flagged, all subsequent records
#' in the treatment window are flagged regardless of severity.
#' *Permitted Values:* A symbol referring to a variable of the input dataset
#' or `NULL`
#' @param subject_keys Variables to uniquely identify a subject.
#' A list of symbols created using `exprs()` is expected. This argument is only
#' used when `group_var` is specified.
#' @details For the derivation of the new variable the following cases are
#' considered in this order. The first case which applies, defines the value
#' of the variable.
#' - *not treated*: If `trt_start_date` is `NA`, it is set to `NA_character_`.
#' - *event before treatment*: If `end_date` is before `trt_start_date` (and
#' `end_date` is not `NA`), it is set to `NA_character_`.
#' - *no event date*: If `start_date` is `NA`, it is set to `"Y"` as in such
#' cases it is usually considered more conservative to assume the event was
#' treatment-emergent.
#' - *event started during treatment*:
#' - if `end_window` is not specified:
#' if `start_date` is on or after `trt_start_date`, it is set to `"Y"`,
#' - if `end_window` is specified:
#' if `start_date` is on or after `trt_start_date` and `start_date` is on
#' or before `trt_end_date` + `end_window` days, it is set to `"Y"`,
#' - *event started before treatment and (possibly) worsened on treatment*:
#' - if `initial_intensity`, `intensity` is specified and `group_var` is not specified:
#' if `initial_intensity < intensity` and `start_date` is before `trt_start_date`
#' and `end_date` is on or after `trt_start_date` or `end_date` is `NA`, it
#' is set to `"Y"`;
#' - if `group_var` is specified:
#' if previous `intensity` < `intensity` and `start_date` is after `trt_start_date`
#' and `end_date` is on or after `trt_start_date` or `end_date` is `NA`, it
#' is set to `"Y"`;
#' - Otherwise it is set to `NA_character_`.
#' @return The input dataset with the variable specified by `new_var` added
#' @keywords der_occds
#' @family der_occds
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(lubridate)
#' adae <- tribble(
#' # before treatment
#' "1", "2021-12-13T20:15", "2021-12-15T12:45", "1", "1",
#' "1", "2021-12-14T20:15", "2021-12-14T22:00", "1", "3",
#' # starting before treatment and ending during treatment
#' "1", "2021-12-30T20:00", "2022-01-14T11:00", "1", "3",
#' "1", "2021-12-31T20:15", "2022-01-01T01:23", "1", "1",
#' # starting during treatment
#' "1", "2022-01-01T12:00", "2022-01-02T23:25", "3", "4",
#' # after treatment
#' "1", "2022-05-10T11:00", "2022-05-10T13:05", "2", "2",
#' "1", "2022-05-11T11:00", "2022-05-11T13:05", "2", "2",
#' # missing dates
#' "1", "", "", "3", "4",
#' "1", "2021-12-30T09:00", "", "3", "4",
#' "1", "2021-12-30T11:00", "", "3", "3",
#' "1", "", "2022-01-04T09:00", "3", "4",
#' "1", "", "2021-12-24T19:00", "3", "4",
#' "1", "", "2022-06-04T09:00", "3", "4",
#' # without treatment
#' "2", "", "2021-12-03T12:00", "1", "2",
#' "2", "2021-12-01T12:00", "2021-12-03T12:00", "1", "2",
#' "2", "2021-12-06T18:00", "", "1", "2"
#' ) %>%
#' mutate(
#' ASTDTM = ymd_hm(ASTDTM),
#' AENDTM = ymd_hm(AENDTM),
#' TRTSDTM = if_else(USUBJID == "1", ymd_hm("2022-01-01T01:01"), ymd_hms("")),
#' TRTEDTM = if_else(USUBJID == "1", ymd_hm("2022-04-30T23:59"), ymd_hms(""))
#' )
#' # derive TRTEMFL without considering treatment end and worsening
#' derive_var_trtemfl(adae) %>% select(ASTDTM, AENDTM, TRTSDTM, TRTEMFL)
#' # derive TRTEM2FL taking treatment end and worsening into account
#' derive_var_trtemfl(
#' adae,
#' new_var = TRTEM2FL,
#' trt_end_date = TRTEDTM,
#' end_window = 10,
#' initial_intensity = AEITOXGR,
#' intensity = AETOXGR
#' adae2 <- tribble(
#' # before treatment
#' "1", "2021-12-13T20:15", "2021-12-15T12:45", "1", "1", "1",
#' "1", "2021-12-14T20:15", "2021-12-14T22:00", "1", "3", "1",
#' # starting before treatment and ending during treatment
#' "1", "2021-12-30T20:15", "2022-01-14T01:23", "3", "3", "2",
#' "1", "2022-01-05T20:00", "2022-06-01T11:00", "3", "1", "2",
#' "1", "2022-01-10T20:15", "2022-01-11T01:23", "3", "2", "2",
#' "1", "2022-01-13T20:15", "2022-03-01T01:23", "3", "1", "2",
#' # starting during treatment
#' "1", "2022-01-01T12:00", "2022-01-02T23:25", "4", "4", "3",
#' # after treatment
#' "1", "2022-05-10T11:00", "2022-05-10T13:05", "2", "2", "4",
#' "1", "2022-05-10T12:00", "2022-05-10T13:05", "2", "2", "4",
#' "1", "2022-05-11T11:00", "2022-05-11T13:05", "2", "2", "4",
#' # missing dates
#' "1", "", "", "3", "4", "5",
#' "1", "2021-12-30T09:00", "", "3", "4", "5",
#' "1", "2021-12-30T11:00", "", "3", "3", "5",
#' "1", "", "2022-01-04T09:00", "3", "4", "5",
#' "1", "", "2021-12-24T19:00", "3", "4", "5",
#' "1", "", "2022-06-04T09:00", "3", "4", "5",
#' # without treatment
#' "2", "", "2021-12-03T12:00", "1", "2", "1",
#' "2", "2021-12-01T12:00", "2021-12-03T12:00", "1", "2", "2",
#' "2", "2021-12-06T18:00", "", "1", "2", "3"
#' ) %>%
#' mutate(
#' STUDYID = "ABC12345",
#' ASTDTM = ymd_hm(ASTDTM),
#' AENDTM = ymd_hm(AENDTM),
#' TRTSDTM = if_else(USUBJID == "1", ymd_hm("2022-01-01T01:01"), ymd_hms("")),
#' TRTEDTM = if_else(USUBJID == "1", ymd_hm("2022-04-30T23:59"), ymd_hms(""))
#' )
#' # derive TRTEMFL taking treatment end and worsening into account within a grouping variable
#' derive_var_trtemfl(
#' adae2,
#' new_var = TRTEMFL,
#' trt_end_date = TRTEDTM,
#' end_window = 10,
#' intensity = AETOXGR,
#' group_var = AEGRPID
derive_var_trtemfl <- function(dataset,
new_var = TRTEMFL,
start_date = ASTDTM,
end_date = AENDTM,
trt_start_date = TRTSDTM,
trt_end_date = NULL,
end_window = NULL,
ignore_time_for_trt_end = TRUE,
initial_intensity = NULL,
intensity = NULL,
group_var = NULL,
subject_keys = get_admiral_option("subject_keys")) {
# Convert inputs to symbols
new_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(new_var))
start_date <- assert_symbol(enexpr(start_date))
end_date <- assert_symbol(enexpr(end_date))
trt_start_date <- assert_symbol(enexpr(trt_start_date))
trt_end_date <-
assert_symbol(enexpr(trt_end_date), optional = TRUE)
assert_integer_scalar(end_window, subset = "non-negative", optional = TRUE)
initial_intensity <-
assert_symbol(enexpr(initial_intensity), optional = TRUE)
intensity <- assert_symbol(enexpr(intensity), optional = TRUE)
group_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(group_var), optional = TRUE)
# group_var is not specified
# Check if both initial_intensity and intensity are provided
if (is.null(group_var)) {
if (is.null(initial_intensity) && !is.null(intensity)) {
"{.arg intensity} argument was specified but not {.arg initial_intensity}",
"Either both or none of them must be specified."
if (!is.null(initial_intensity) && is.null(intensity)) {
"{.arg initial_intensity} argument was specified but not {.arg intensity}",
"Either both or none of them must be specified."
# group_var is specified
} else {
if (!is.null(initial_intensity)) {
"{.arg initial_intensity} argument is ignored when {.arg group_var} is specified",
"Please only specify one of them."
if (is.null(subject_keys)) {
"{.arg group_var} argument was specified but not {.arg subject_keys}",
"{.arg subject_keys} argument must be provided when {.arg group_var} is specified."
# Assert required variables
required_vars <-
if (!is.null(group_var)) {
required_vars <- c(required_vars, group_var)
assert_data_frame(dataset, required_vars = required_vars)
# Assert date variables
assert_date_var(dataset, var = !!start_date)
assert_date_var(dataset, var = !!end_date)
assert_date_var(dataset, var = !!trt_start_date)
if (!is.null(trt_end_date)) {
assert_date_var(dataset, var = !!trt_end_date)
# end window condition
if (is.null(end_window)) {
end_cond <- expr(TRUE)
} else {
if (is.null(trt_end_date)) {
"{.arg end_window} argument was specified but not {.arg trt_end_date}",
"Either both or none of them must be specified."
if (ignore_time_for_trt_end) {
end_cond <- expr(
(!!trt_end_date) |
date(!!start_date) <= date(!!trt_end_date) + days(end_window))
} else {
end_cond <-
(!!trt_end_date) |
!!start_date <= !!trt_end_date + days(end_window))
# new_ae_cond: Y - new AE, N - AE exists before trt_start_date
new_ae_cond <- get_new_tmp_var(dataset)
if (is.null(group_var)) {
dataset <- dataset %>%
!!new_ae_cond := if_else(!!start_date >= !!trt_start_date, "Y", "N")
} else {
dataset <- dataset %>%
dataset_add = dataset,
by_vars = expr_c(subject_keys, group_var),
order = exprs(!!start_date),
new_vars = exprs(!!new_ae_cond := "N"),
filter_add = !!start_date < !!trt_start_date,
mode = "last"
) %>%
!!new_ae_cond := if_else(!!new_ae_cond), "Y", "N")
if (is.null(intensity)) {
worsening_cond <- expr(FALSE)
} else {
if (is.null(group_var)) {
worsening_cond <-
!!start_date < !!trt_start_date &
(!!initial_intensity < !!intensity |!!initial_intensity) |!!intensity))
} else {
prev_intensity <- get_new_tmp_var(dataset)
worsen_date <- get_new_tmp_var(dataset)
dataset <- dataset %>%
arrange(USUBJID, !!group_var, !!start_date) %>%
group_by(USUBJID, !!group_var) %>%
!!prev_intensity := lag(!!intensity),
!!worsen_date :=
!!!start_date) & !!!trt_start_date) & !!!prev_intensity) &
!!start_date >= !!trt_start_date &
(!!intensity > !!prev_intensity) ~ !!start_date,
) %>%
fill(!!worsen_date, .direction = "down") %>%
worsening_cond <- expr(!!!worsen_date))
# Derive TRTEMFL based on conditions
dataset <- dataset %>%
!!new_var := case_when(!!trt_start_date) ~ NA_character_,
!!end_date < !!trt_start_date ~ NA_character_,!!start_date) ~ "Y",
!!new_ae_cond == "Y" & !!end_cond ~ "Y", # new AE
!!worsening_cond ~ "Y" # worsened AE
) %>%
# Remove temporary variable
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