
Defines functions max_cond min_cond count_vals filter_joined

Documented in count_vals filter_joined max_cond min_cond

#' Filter Observations Taking Other Observations into Account
#' @description
#' The function filters observation using a condition taking other observations
#' into account. For example, it could select all observations with `AVALC ==
#' "Y"` and `AVALC == "Y"` for at least one subsequent observation. The input
#' dataset is joined with itself to enable conditions taking variables from both
#' the current observation and the other observations into account. The suffix
#' ".join" is added to the variables from the subsequent observations.
#' An example usage might be checking if a patient received two required
#' medications within a certain timeframe of each other.
#' In the oncology setting, for example, we use such processing to check if a
#' response value can be confirmed by a subsequent assessment. This is commonly
#' used in endpoints such as best overall response.
#' @param dataset `r roxygen_param_dataset(expected_vars = c("by_vars", "order"))`
#' @param dataset_add Additional dataset
#'   The variables specified for `by_vars`, `join_vars`, and `order` are
#'   expected.
#' @param by_vars By variables
#'   The specified variables are used as by variables for joining the input
#'   dataset with itself.
#'  `r roxygen_param_by_vars()`
#' @param join_vars Variables to keep from joined dataset
#'   The variables needed from the other observations should be specified for
#'   this parameter. The specified variables are added to the joined dataset
#'   with suffix ".join". For example to select all observations with `AVALC ==
#'   "Y"` and `AVALC == "Y"` for at least one subsequent visit `join_vars =
#'   exprs(AVALC, AVISITN)` and `filter_join = AVALC == "Y" & AVALC.join == "Y"
#'   & AVISITN < AVISITN.join` could be specified.
#'   The `*.join` variables are not included in the output dataset.
#' @param first_cond Condition for selecting range of data
#'   `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#'   This argument is *deprecated*, please use `first_cond_upper` instead.
#'   If this argument is specified, the other observations are restricted up to
#'   the first observation where the specified condition is fulfilled. If the
#'   condition is not fulfilled for any of the subsequent observations, all
#'   observations are removed.
#' @param first_cond_lower Condition for selecting range of data (before)
#'   If this argument is specified, the other observations are restricted from
#'   the first observation before the current observation where the specified
#'   condition is fulfilled up to the current observation. If the condition is
#'   not fulfilled for any of the other observations, no observations are
#'   considered, i.e., the observation is not flagged.
#'   This parameter should be specified if `filter_join` contains summary
#'   functions which should not apply to all observations but only from a
#'   certain observation before the current observation up to the current
#'   observation. For an example see the last example below.
#' @param first_cond_upper Condition for selecting range of data (after)
#'   If this argument is specified, the other observations are restricted up to
#'   the first observation where the specified condition is fulfilled. If the
#'   condition is not fulfilled for any of the other observations, no
#'   observations are considered, i.e., the observation is not flagged.
#'   This parameter should be specified if `filter_join` contains summary
#'   functions which should not apply to all observations but only up to the
#'   confirmation assessment. For an example see the last example below.
#' @param order Order
#'   The observations are ordered by the specified order.
#'   `r roxygen_order_na_handling()`
#'   *Permitted Values:* list of expressions created by `exprs()`, e.g.,
#'   `exprs(ADT, desc(AVAL))`
#' @param tmp_obs_nr_var Temporary observation number
#'   The specified variable is added to the input dataset (`dataset`) and the
#'   additional dataset (`dataset_add`). It is set to the observation number
#'   with respect to `order`. For each by group (`by_vars`) the observation
#'   number starts with `1`. The variable can be used in the conditions
#'   (`filter_join`, `first_cond_upper`, `first_cond_lower`). It is not included
#'   in the output dataset. It can also be used to select consecutive
#'   observations or the last observation (see example below).
#' @param filter_add Filter for additional dataset (`dataset_add`)
#'   Only observations from `dataset_add` fulfilling the specified condition are
#'   joined to the input dataset. If the argument is not specified, all
#'   observations are joined.
#'   Variables created by the `order` argument can be used in the condition.
#'   The condition can include summary functions. The additional dataset is
#'   grouped by the by variables (`by_vars`).
#' @param filter Condition for selecting observations
#'   `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`
#'   This argument is *deprecated*, please use `filter_join` instead.
#'   The filter is applied to the joined dataset for selecting the confirmed
#'   observations. The condition can include summary functions. The joined
#'   dataset is grouped by the original observations. I.e., the summary function
#'   are applied to all observations up to the confirmation observation. For
#'   example in the oncology setting when using this function for confirmed best
#'   overall response,  `filter = AVALC == "CR" & all(AVALC.join %in% c("CR",
#'   "NE")) & count_vals(var = AVALC.join, val = "NE") <= 1` selects
#'   observations with response "CR" and for all observations up to the
#'   confirmation observation the response is "CR" or "NE" and there is at most
#'   one "NE".
#' @param filter_join Condition for selecting observations
#'   The filter is applied to the joined dataset for selecting the confirmed
#'   observations. The condition can include summary functions like `all()` or
#'   `any()`. The joined dataset is grouped by the original observations. I.e.,
#'   the summary function are applied to all observations up to the confirmation
#'   observation. For example in the oncology setting when using this function
#'   for confirmed best overall response,  `filter_join = AVALC == "CR" &
#'   all(AVALC.join %in% c("CR", "NE")) & count_vals(var = AVALC.join, val =
#'   "NE") <= 1` selects observations with response "CR" and for all
#'   observations up to the confirmation observation the response is "CR" or
#'   "NE" and there is at most one "NE".
#' @param check_type Check uniqueness?
#'   If `"warning"` or `"error"` is specified, the specified message is issued
#'   if the observations of the input dataset are not unique with respect to the
#'   by variables and the order.
#'   *Permitted Values:* `"none"`, `"warning"`, `"error"`
#' @inheritParams get_joined_data
#' @details
#'   The following steps are performed to produce the output dataset.
#'   ## Step 1
#'   - The variables specified by `order` are added to the additional dataset
#'   (`dataset_add`).
#'   - The variables specified by `join_vars` are added to the additional dataset
#'   (`dataset_add`).
#'   - The records from the additional dataset (`dataset_add`) are restricted to
#'   those matching the `filter_add` condition.
#'   Then the  input dataset (`dataset`) is joined with the restricted
#'   additional dataset by the variables specified for `by_vars`. From the
#'   additional dataset only the variables specified for `join_vars` are kept.
#'   The suffix ".join" is added to those variables which are also present in
#'   the input dataset.
#'   For example, for `by_vars = USUBJID`, `join_vars = exprs(AVISITN, AVALC)`
#'   and input dataset and additional dataset
#'   ```{r eval=FALSE}
#'   # A tibble: 2 x 4
#'   <chr>     <dbl> <chr> <dbl>
#'   1             1 Y         1
#'   1             2 N         0
#'   ```
#'   the joined dataset is
#'   ```{r eval=FALSE}
#'   A tibble: 4 x 6
#'   <chr>     <dbl> <chr> <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>
#'   1             1 Y         1            1 Y
#'   1             1 Y         1            2 N
#'   1             2 N         0            1 Y
#'   1             2 N         0            2 N
#'   ```
#'   ## Step 2
#'   The joined dataset is restricted to observations with respect to
#'   `join_type` and `order`.
#'   The dataset from the example in the previous step with `join_type =
#'   "after"` and `order = exprs(AVISITN)` is restricted to
#'   ```{r eval=FALSE}
#'   A tibble: 4 x 6
#'   <chr>     <dbl> <chr> <dbl>        <dbl> <chr>
#'   1             1 Y         1            2 N
#'   ```
#'   ## Step 3
#'   If `first_cond_lower` is specified, for each observation of the input
#'   dataset the joined dataset is restricted to observations from the first
#'   observation where `first_cond_lower` is fulfilled (the observation
#'   fulfilling the condition is included) up to the observation of the input
#'   dataset. If for an observation of the input dataset the condition is not
#'   fulfilled, the observation is removed.
#'   If `first_cond_upper` is specified, for each observation of the input
#'   dataset the joined dataset is restricted to observations up to the first
#'   observation where `first_cond_upper` is fulfilled (the observation
#'   fulfilling the condition is included). If for an observation of the input
#'   dataset the condition is not fulfilled, the observation is removed.
#'   For an example see the last example in the "Examples" section.
#'   ## Step 4
#'   The joined dataset is grouped by the observations from the input dataset
#'   and restricted to the observations fulfilling the condition specified by
#'   `filter_join`.
#'   ## Step 5
#'   The first observation of each group is selected and the `*.join` variables
#'   are dropped.
#' @returns A subset of the observations of the input dataset. All variables of
#'   the input dataset are included in the output dataset.
#' @keywords utils_fil
#' @family utils_fil
#' @seealso [count_vals()], [min_cond()], [max_cond()]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' library(admiral)
#' # filter observations with a duration longer than 30 and
#' # on or after 7 days before a COVID AE (ACOVFL == "Y")
#' adae <- tribble(
#'   "1",        10, "N",          1,
#'   "1",        21, "N",         50,
#'   "1",        23, "Y",         14,
#'   "1",        32, "N",         31,
#'   "1",        42, "N",         20,
#'   "2",        11, "Y",         13,
#'   "2",        23, "N",          2,
#'   "3",        13, "Y",         12,
#'   "4",        14, "N",         32,
#'   "4",        21, "N",         41
#' )
#' filter_joined(
#'   adae,
#'   dataset_add = adae,
#'   by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#'   join_vars = exprs(ACOVFL, ADY),
#'   join_type = "all",
#'   order = exprs(ADY),
#'   filter_join = ADURN > 30 & ACOVFL.join == "Y" & ADY >= ADY.join - 7
#' )
#' # filter observations with AVALC == "Y" and AVALC == "Y" at a subsequent visit
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",      1,        "Y",
#'   "1",      2,        "N",
#'   "1",      3,        "Y",
#'   "1",      4,        "N",
#'   "2",      1,        "Y",
#'   "2",      2,        "N",
#'   "3",      1,        "Y",
#'   "4",      1,        "N",
#'   "4",      2,        "N",
#' )
#' filter_joined(
#'   data,
#'   dataset_add = data,
#'   by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#'   join_vars = exprs(AVALC, AVISITN),
#'   join_type = "after",
#'   order = exprs(AVISITN),
#'   filter_join = AVALC == "Y" & AVALC.join == "Y" & AVISITN < AVISITN.join
#' )
#' # select observations with AVALC == "CR", AVALC == "CR" at a subsequent visit,
#' # only "CR" or "NE" in between, and at most one "NE" in between
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",      1,        "PR",
#'   "1",      2,        "CR",
#'   "1",      3,        "NE",
#'   "1",      4,        "CR",
#'   "1",      5,        "NE",
#'   "2",      1,        "CR",
#'   "2",      2,        "PR",
#'   "2",      3,        "CR",
#'   "3",      1,        "CR",
#'   "4",      1,        "CR",
#'   "4",      2,        "NE",
#'   "4",      3,        "NE",
#'   "4",      4,        "CR",
#'   "4",      5,        "PR"
#' )
#' filter_joined(
#'   data,
#'   dataset_add = data,
#'   by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#'   join_vars = exprs(AVALC),
#'   join_type = "after",
#'   order = exprs(AVISITN),
#'   first_cond_upper = AVALC.join == "CR",
#'   filter_join = AVALC == "CR" & all(AVALC.join %in% c("CR", "NE")) &
#'     count_vals(var = AVALC.join, val = "NE") <= 1
#' )
#' # select observations with AVALC == "PR", AVALC == "CR" or AVALC == "PR"
#' # at a subsequent visit at least 20 days later, only "CR", "PR", or "NE"
#' # in between, at most one "NE" in between, and "CR" is not followed by "PR"
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",         6, "PR",
#'   "1",        12, "CR",
#'   "1",        24, "NE",
#'   "1",        32, "CR",
#'   "1",        48, "PR",
#'   "2",         3, "PR",
#'   "2",        21, "CR",
#'   "2",        33, "PR",
#'   "3",        11, "PR",
#'   "4",         7, "PR",
#'   "4",        12, "NE",
#'   "4",        24, "NE",
#'   "4",        32, "PR",
#'   "4",        55, "PR"
#' )
#' filter_joined(
#'   data,
#'   dataset_add = data,
#'   by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#'   join_vars = exprs(AVALC, ADY),
#'   join_type = "after",
#'   order = exprs(ADY),
#'   first_cond_upper = AVALC.join %in% c("CR", "PR") & ADY.join - ADY >= 20,
#'   filter_join = AVALC == "PR" &
#'     all(AVALC.join %in% c("CR", "PR", "NE")) &
#'     count_vals(var = AVALC.join, val = "NE") <= 1 &
#'     (
#'       min_cond(var = ADY.join, cond = AVALC.join == "CR") >
#'         max_cond(var = ADY.join, cond = AVALC.join == "PR") |
#'         count_vals(var = AVALC.join, val = "CR") == 0
#'     )
#' )
#' # select observations with CRIT1FL == "Y" at two consecutive visits or at the last visit
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",      1,        "Y",
#'   "1",      2,        "N",
#'   "1",      3,        "Y",
#'   "1",      5,        "N",
#'   "2",      1,        "Y",
#'   "2",      3,        "Y",
#'   "2",      5,        "N",
#'   "3",      1,        "Y",
#'   "4",      1,        "Y",
#'   "4",      2,        "N",
#' )
#' filter_joined(
#'   data,
#'   dataset_add = data,
#'   by_vars = exprs(USUBJID),
#'   tmp_obs_nr_var = tmp_obs_nr,
#'   join_vars = exprs(CRIT1FL),
#'   join_type = "all",
#'   order = exprs(AVISITN),
#'   filter_join = CRIT1FL == "Y" & CRIT1FL.join == "Y" &
#'     (tmp_obs_nr + 1 == tmp_obs_nr.join | tmp_obs_nr == max(tmp_obs_nr.join))
#' )
#' # first_cond_lower and first_cond_upper argument
#' myd <- tribble(
#'   ~subj, ~day, ~val,
#'   "1",      1, "++",
#'   "1",      2, "-",
#'   "1",      3, "0",
#'   "1",      4, "+",
#'   "1",      5, "++",
#'   "1",      6, "-",
#'   "2",      1, "-",
#'   "2",      2, "++",
#'   "2",      3, "+",
#'   "2",      4, "0",
#'   "2",      5, "-",
#'   "2",      6, "++"
#' )
#' # select "0" where all results from the first "++" before the "0" up to the "0"
#' # (excluding the "0") are "+" or "++"
#' filter_joined(
#'   myd,
#'   dataset_add = myd,
#'   by_vars = exprs(subj),
#'   order = exprs(day),
#'   join_vars = exprs(val),
#'   join_type = "before",
#'   first_cond_lower = val.join == "++",
#'   filter_join = val == "0" & all(val.join %in% c("+", "++"))
#' )
#' # select "0" where all results from the "0" (excluding the "0") up to the first
#' # "++" after the "0" are "+" or "++"
#' filter_joined(
#'   myd,
#'   dataset_add = myd,
#'   by_vars = exprs(subj),
#'   order = exprs(day),
#'   join_vars = exprs(val),
#'   join_type = "after",
#'   first_cond_upper = val.join == "++",
#'   filter_join = val == "0" & all(val.join %in% c("+", "++"))
#' )
filter_joined <- function(dataset,
                          first_cond = NULL,
                          first_cond_lower = NULL,
                          first_cond_upper = NULL,
                          tmp_obs_nr_var = NULL,
                          filter_add = NULL,
                          filter = NULL,
                          check_type = "warning") {
  # Check input parameters
  join_type <-
      values = c("before", "after", "all"),
      case_sensitive = FALSE
  first_cond_lower <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(first_cond_lower), optional = TRUE)
  first_cond_upper <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(first_cond_upper), optional = TRUE)
  if (!missing(first_cond)) {
    first_cond_upper <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(first_cond), optional = TRUE)
  tmp_obs_nr_var <- assert_symbol(enexpr(tmp_obs_nr_var), optional = TRUE)
  filter_add <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter_add), optional = TRUE)
  filter_join <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter_join))
  if (!missing(filter)) {
    deprecate_stop("1.1.0", "filter_joined(filter=)", "filter_joined(filter_join=)")
    filter_join <- assert_filter_cond(enexpr(filter))
  check_type <-
      values = c("none", "warning", "error"),
      case_sensitive = FALSE
    required_vars = expr_c(by_vars, extract_vars(order))

    required_vars = expr_c(by_vars, join_vars, extract_vars(order))

  if (is.null(tmp_obs_nr_var)) {
    tmp_obs_nr_var <- get_new_tmp_var(dataset, prefix = "tmp_obs_nr_")
    dataset_add = dataset_add,
    by_vars = by_vars,
    join_vars = join_vars,
    join_type = join_type,
    first_cond_lower = !!first_cond_lower,
    first_cond_upper = !!first_cond_upper,
    order = order,
    tmp_obs_nr_var = !!tmp_obs_nr_var,
    filter_add = !!filter_add,
    filter_join = !!filter_join,
    check_type = check_type
  ) %>%
    # select one observation of each group, as the joined variables are removed
    # it doesn't matter which one, so we take just the first one
    group_by(!!!by_vars, !!tmp_obs_nr_var) %>%
    slice(1L) %>%
    ungroup() %>%

#' Count Number of Observations Where a Variable Equals a Value
#' Count number of observations where a variable equals a value.
#' @param var A vector
#' @param val A value
#' @keywords utils_fil
#' @family utils_fil
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral)
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",      1,        "PR",
#'   "1",      2,        "CR",
#'   "1",      3,        "NE",
#'   "1",      4,        "CR",
#'   "1",      5,        "NE",
#'   "2",      1,        "CR",
#'   "2",      2,        "PR",
#'   "2",      3,        "CR",
#'   "3",      1,        "CR",
#'   "4",      1,        "CR",
#'   "4",      2,        "NE",
#'   "4",      3,        "NE",
#'   "4",      4,        "CR",
#'   "4",      5,        "PR"
#' )
#' # add variable providing the number of NEs for each subject
#' group_by(data, USUBJID) %>%
#'   mutate(nr_nes = count_vals(var = AVALC, val = "NE"))
count_vals <- function(var, val) {
  length(var[var == val])

#' Minimum Value on a Subset
#' The function derives the minimum value of a vector/column on a subset of
#' entries/observations.
#' @param var A vector
#' @param cond A condition
#' @keywords utils_fil
#' @family utils_fil
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral)
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",      1,        "PR",
#'   "1",      2,        "CR",
#'   "1",      3,        "NE",
#'   "1",      4,        "CR",
#'   "1",      5,        "NE",
#'   "2",      1,        "CR",
#'   "2",      2,        "PR",
#'   "2",      3,        "CR",
#' )
#' # In oncology setting, when needing to check the first time a patient had
#' # a Complete Response (CR) to compare to see if any Partial Response (PR)
#' # occurred after this add variable indicating if PR occurred after CR
#' group_by(data, USUBJID) %>% mutate(
#'   first_cr_vis = min_cond(var = AVISITN, cond = AVALC == "CR"),
#'   last_pr_vis = max_cond(var = AVISITN, cond = AVALC == "PR"),
#'   pr_after_cr = last_pr_vis > first_cr_vis
#' )
min_cond <- function(var, cond) {
  if (length(var[cond]) == 0) {
  } else {

#' Maximum Value on a Subset
#' The function derives the maximum value of a vector/column on a subset of
#' entries/observations.
#' @param var A vector
#' @param cond A condition
#' @keywords utils_fil
#' @family utils_fil
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(tibble)
#' library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#' library(admiral)
#' data <- tribble(
#'   "1",      1,        "PR",
#'   "1",      2,        "CR",
#'   "1",      3,        "NE",
#'   "1",      4,        "CR",
#'   "1",      5,        "NE",
#'   "2",      1,        "CR",
#'   "2",      2,        "PR",
#'   "2",      3,        "CR",
#' )
#' # In oncology setting, when needing to check the first time a patient had
#' # a Complete Response (CR) to compare to see if any Partial Response (PR)
#' # occurred after this add variable indicating if PR occurred after CR
#' group_by(data, USUBJID) %>% mutate(
#'   first_cr_vis = min_cond(var = AVISITN, cond = AVALC == "CR"),
#'   last_pr_vis = max_cond(var = AVISITN, cond = AVALC == "PR"),
#'   pr_after_cr = last_pr_vis > first_cr_vis
#' )
max_cond <- function(var, cond) {
  if (length(var[cond]) == 0) {
  } else {

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