#' Implementation of the automatic multiscale-based peak detection (AMPD) algorithm.
#' AMPD enables to detect peaks in noisy periodic and quasi-periodic signals
#' @param data list containing noisy data with quasi-periodic distribution of local maxima
#' @param L, maximum number of scales (corresponding to the maximum width of the window used)
#' @param extended default FALSE, if TRUE it uses an optimzed algorithm, which is capable to detect Maxima at the beginning and/or the end of the data. This was a bottleneck for the old algorithm. FALSE uses the traditional method.
#' @param splitting default FALSE, splits the data vector to achieve better computation performance. However, with this option, no other parameter than the positions of the maxima will be returned
#' @param splittingSize default NaN, it is recommended to specify a splitting size, otherwise a splitting size of 5000 is used. The splitting size is adapted anyway, so that at least 10 local maxima are included.
#' @return A list with different variables: LMS ($LMS), rescaled LMS ($rLMS), position of global minimum of the row-wise summation of LMS ($minLoc), position of maxima ($maximaLoc). Note that for big data vectors, only the positions of the local maxima will be returned. The others remain empty.
#' @keywords peak detection
#' @references Scholkmann et al. (2012). An Efficient Algorithm for Automatic Peak Detection in Noisy Periodic and Quasi-Periodic Signals. Algorithms, 5 (4), 588-603 http://www.mdpi.com/1999-4893/5/4/588
#' @importFrom grDevices heat.colors
#' @importFrom graphics abline image par plot points
#' @importFrom stats fitted lm runif sd
#' @export
#' @examples
#' t = seq(0,2,0.005)
#' data = sin(25*t)*sin(0.3*t)+0.4*t
#' dataNoise = jitter(data,1000)
#' result = AMPD(dataNoise)
#' result2 = AMPD(dataNoise, extended=TRUE)
#' par(mfrow=c(1,2))
#' plot(dataNoise, main="traditional algorithm", type="l")
#' points(result$maximaLoc, dataNoise[result$maximaLoc],col="red")
#' plot(dataNoise, main="extended algorithm", type="l")
#' points(result2$maximaLoc, dataNoise[result2$maximaLoc],col="red")

AMPD = function(data, L=NaN, extended=FALSE, splitting=FALSE, splittingSize=NaN){

  # (1) Linear detrending of the signal x
  N = length(data)
  f = fitted(lm(data~seq(1:N)))
  dataDetrended = data-f

  # if no splittingSize is given, the algorithm starts with 1000, but will
  # automatically adapt it to a size which will involve at least 10 maxima
  if (splitting){
    if (is.na(splittingSize)){
      splittingSizeFixed = FALSE
      if (length(dataDetrended) >=1000){
        splittingSize = 1000
        splittingSize = length(dataDetrended)
    else{splittingSizeFixed = TRUE}
    p = c(0)
    ScanWindow = ceiling(splittingSize/2)-1
    start = 1
    end = start+splittingSize-1
    while (splitting){
      if (end>=N){
        end = N
        start = end - splittingSize + 1
        splitting = FALSE
      maximas = doCalculation(dataDetrended[start:end],splittingSize,ScanWindow,extended=TRUE, LMS=FALSE)$maximaLoc + start - 1
      if (!is.element(p[length(p)],maximas)){p = p[-length(p)]}
      p = append(p,maximas)
      if (start == 1){
          goodWindowLength = ceiling(mean(diff(p))*10)
          splittingSize = goodWindowLength
          ScanWindow = ceiling(splittingSize/2)-1

      start = start + splittingSize-floor(splittingSize/10*1.5)
      end = start+splittingSize-1
    p = unique(p)
    #p = p[!duplicated(p)]
    return(list("LMS" = NULL, "rLMS" = NULL, "minPos"=NULL, "maximaLoc"=p))

    if (is.na(L)){L = ceiling(N/2)-1}

doCalculation = function(dataDetrended,N,L,extended, LMS){
  # Calculates the Local Maxima Scalogram (LMS)
  M = array(1,c(N,L))

  if (extended){
    dataMin = min(dataDetrended)
    M = sapply(1:L, localExtremaAdvanced, x=dataDetrended, N=N, dataMin = dataMin)

    #for (i in 1:L){
    #  M[,i] = localExtremaAdvanced(dataDetrended,N,i,dataMin);

    M = sapply(1:L, localExtrema, x=dataDetrended, N=N)

    # for (i in 1:L){
    #   M[,i] = localExtrema(dataDetrended,N,i);
    # }

  if (extended){
    # weight of each row decreases with increasing row number
    # this makes the algorithm more stable.
    colSumM = colSums(M)
    f = fitted(lm(colSumM~seq(1:length(colSumM))))
    colSumM = c((colSumM-f))
    # colSumM = (colSumM-f)+f[1]+seq(1:length(colSumM))
    minLoc = which.min(colSumM)
    # the old simple search for the global minimum
    minLoc = which.min(colSums(M))
  M = t(M)
  # calculate rescaled LMS
  rescaled = M[1:minLoc,]

  # search for local maximum, which means for rows with standard deviation = 0
  p = which(apply(rescaled,2,sd)==0)

  if (extended){
    # make sure that the local maximum is not at the edges of the dataset
    if (p[length(p)] == length(p)){
      p = p[-length(p)]

    if (p[1] == 1){
      p = p[-1]

  if (LMS){
    newList <- list("LMS" = M, "rLMS" = rescaled, "minPos"=minLoc, "maximaLoc"=p)
  else{return(list("LMS" = NULL, "rLMS" = NULL, "minPos"=NULL, "maximaLoc"=p))}

localExtremaAdvanced = function(x, N, k, dataMin){
  # min(data) will be added to the data vector at the beginning an at the end
  alpha = 1
  m = c(runif(N) * alpha + 1)
  x = c(array(dataMin,c(1,k)),x,array(dataMin,c(1,k)))
  # checks if data point is max around +- k
  locMax = ((x[(k+1):(N+k)]>x[1:N]) & (x[(k+1):(N+k)]>x[(k+1+k):(N+k+k)]))
  m[locMax] = 0

  # for (i in (1:length(m))[locMax]) {
  #   m[i] = 0
  # }
  # for (i in (1+k):(N+k)){
  #   if (x[i] > x[i-k] && x[i] > x[i+k]){
  #     m[i-k] = 0
  #   }
  # }



localExtrema = function(x, N, k){

  alpha = 1
  locMax = logical(N)
  m = c(runif(N) * alpha + 1)
  locMax[(k+1):(N-k)] = ((x[(k+1):(N-k)]>x[(1):(N-2*k)]) & (x[(k+1):(N-k)]>x[(k+1+k):(N)]))

  m[locMax] = 0


  # randomArray = runif(N) * alpha + 1
  # m = array(1,c(N-2*k,1))
  # j = 1;
  # plot(x)
  # print(x[3:6])
  # for (i in (k+2):(N-k+1)){
  #   if (x[i-1] > x[i-k-1] && x[i-1] > x[i+k-1]){
  #     m[j,] = c(0)
  #   }
  #   else{
  #     m[j,] = randomArray[i]
  #   }
  #   j = j+1
  # }
  # return(array(c(randomArray[1:k+1], c(t(m)) ,randomArray[N-k+1:N]),c(N,1)))

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