
rakelist <-
function(inputter, dataframe, caseid, 
    weightvec = NULL, cap = 999999, verbose = FALSE, maxit = 1000, 
    convcrit = 0.01) {
    mat <- dataframe
    if (is.null(weightvec)) {
        weightvec <- rep(1, length(caseid))
    prevec <- weightvec
    if (sum(is.na(weightvec)) > 0) {
        stop("seed weights cannot have missing values, use filter to eliminate missing values or substitute 1 for missing cases")
    if (length(weightvec) != length(caseid)) {
        stop("weight vector does not contain the same number of cases as data frame")
    if (cap <= 1) {
        stop("cap may not be less than or equal to 1")
    if (cap < 1.5) {
        print("cap is very low, the model may take a long time to run")
    diferr <- 9999999
    diferrold <- 99999999999
    g <- 0
    pctstill <- 1 - convcrit
    pop <- 0
    while (diferr < pctstill * diferrold) {
        g <- g + 1
        wvold <- weightvec
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
            print(paste("Raking...Iteration", g))
        for (i in names(inputter)) {
            weightvec <- rakeonvar(mat[,i], inputter[[i]], 
        q <- 0
        while (range(weightvec)[2] > cap + 1e-04) {
            q <- q + 1
            if (verbose == TRUE) {
                print(paste("Capping...Iteration ", g, ".", q, 
                  sep = ""))
            weightvec <- sapply(weightvec, function(x) if (x > 
                cap) {
                x <- cap
            else {
                x <- x
            }, simplify = TRUE)
            weightvec <- weightvec/mean(weightvec)
        if (g %in% seq(100, 10000, 50)) {
            print(paste(g, "iterations have occurred, convergence may not be possible...still working"))
        diferrold <- diferr
        diferr <- sum(abs(weightvec - wvold))
        if (verbose == TRUE) {
            print(paste("Current iteration changed total weights by", 
        if (g > maxit) {
            print(paste("convergence did not occur in", maxit, 
            print("output may not be accurate")
            warning("Raking Algorithm Did Not Converge, Results May Be Highly Inconsistent")
            diferrold <- 0
            pop <- 2
            converge <- paste("No convergence in", maxit, "iterations")
    if (diferr > 0.001) {
        print("raking achieved only partial convergence, please check the results to ensure that sufficient convergence was achieved.")
        print(paste("no improvement was apparent after", g, "iterations"))
        print(paste("current total change in the iteration is:", 
            diferr, "average change per weight is:", diferr/sum(weightvec)))
        warning(paste("Raking algorithm achieved only partial convergence, please check the results to ensure that sufficient convergence was achieved.  Average change in weight per case is", 
        warning("Results are stable, but do not perfectly match population marginals")
        diferrx <- diferr
        pop <- 1
        converge <- "Results are stable, but do not perfectly match population marginals"
    if (pop == 0) {
        print(paste("Raking converged in", g, "iterations"))
        diferrx <- diferr
        converge <- "Complete convergence was achieved"
    names(weightvec) <- caseid
    out <- list(weightvec = weightvec, caseid = caseid, iterations = g, 
        nonconvergence = diferr, converge = converge, varsused = names(inputter), 
        targets = inputter, dataframe = dataframe, prevec=prevec)
    class(out) <- "anesrakelist"

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anesrake documentation built on May 2, 2019, 1:42 p.m.