absoluteGrob | Absolute grob |
addShowSelectedForLegend | Add a showSelected aesthetic if legend is specified |
addSSandCSasAesthetics | Add the showSelected/clickSelects params to the aesthetics... |
add_theme | Modify properties of an element in a theme object |
aes | Define aesthetic mappings. |
aes_ | Define aesthetic mappings from strings, or quoted calls and... |
aes_all | Given a character vector, create a set of identity mappings |
aes_auto | Automatic aesthetic mapping |
aes_colour_fill_alpha | Colour related aesthetics: colour, fill and alpha |
aes_linetype_size_shape | Differentiation related aesthetics: linetype, size, shape |
aes_position | Position related aesthetics: x, y, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax,... |
animint | Create an animint |
animint2dir | Compile and render an animint in a local directory. |
animint2-gganimintproto | Base gganimintproto classes for ggplot2 |
animint2pages | Publish a list of ggplots as interactive visualizations on a... |
animintOutput | Shiny ui output function |
annotate | Create an annotation layer. |
annotation_custom | Annotation: Custom grob. |
annotation_logticks | Annotation: log tick marks |
annotation_map | Annotation: maps. |
annotation_raster | Annotation: High-performance rectangular tiling. |
as_labeller | Coerce to labeller function |
as.list.gganimintproto | Convert a gganimintproto object to a list |
autoplot | Create a complete ggplot appropriate to a particular data... |
benchplot | Benchmark plot creation time. Broken down into construct,... |
borders | Create a layer of map borders. |
breakpoints | The breakpointError of simulated signals |
calc_element | Calculate the element properties, by inheriting properties... |
checkAnimationTimeVar | Check animation variable for errors |
checkExtraParams | Check 'extra_params' argument for duplicates, non-named list |
checkForSSandCSasAesthetics | Check if showSelected and clickSelects have been used as... |
checkPlotForAnimintExtensions | Performs error checking on the plot for animint extensions |
checkPlotList | Check plot.list for errors |
checkSingleShowSelectedValue | Issue warnings for non interactive plots where there is only... |
colsNotToCopy | Filter out columns that do not need to be copied |
continuous_scale | Continuous scale constructor. |
coord_cartesian | Cartesian coordinates. |
coord_fixed | Cartesian coordinates with fixed relationship between x and y... |
coord_flip | Flipped cartesian coordinates. |
coord_map | Map projections. |
coord_munch | Munch coordinates data |
coord_polar | Polar coordinates. |
coord_trans | Transformed cartesian coordinate system. |
cut_interval | Cut up numeric vector into useful groups. |
diamonds | Prices of 50,000 round cut diamonds |
discrete_scale | Discrete scale constructor. |
draw_key | Key drawing functions |
economics | US economic time series. |
element_blank | Theme element: blank. This theme element draws nothing, and... |
element_grob | Generate grid grob from theme element |
element_line | Theme element: line. |
element_rect | Theme element: rectangle. |
element_text | Theme element: text. |
expand_limits | Expand the plot limits with data. |
facet | Facet specification. |
facet_grid | Lay out panels in a grid. |
facet_null | Facet specification: a single panel. |
facet_wrap | Wrap a 1d ribbon of panels into 2d. |
faithfuld | 2d density estimate of Old Faithful data |
FluView | FluView |
format.gganimintproto | Format a gganimintproto object |
fortify | Fortify a model with data. |
fortify.lm | Supplement the data fitted to a linear model with model fit... |
fortify.map | Fortify method for map objects. |
fortify.sp | Fortify method for classes from the sp package. |
generation.loci | Evolution simulation |
geom_abline | Lines: horizontal, vertical, and specified by slope and... |
geom_blank | Blank, draws nothing. |
geom_histogram | Histograms and frequency polygons. |
geom_tallrect | ggplot2 geom with xmin and xmax aesthetics that covers the... |
geom_widerect | ggplot2 geom with ymin and ymax aesthetics that covers the... |
getCommonChunk | Save the common columns for each tsv to one chunk |
getLayerName | Gives a unique name to each layer in 'saveLayer' |
getLayerParams | Get all parameters for a layer |
getLegend | Function to get legend information for each scale |
getLegendList | Function to get legend information from ggplot |
getTextSize | Function to process text size with different types of unit |
getUniqueAxisLabels | Get unique axis labels for the plot |
gg-add | Add a new component to a ggplot or theme object. |
gganimintproto | Create a new gganimintproto object |
gg_dep | Give a deprecation error, warning, or message, depending on... |
ggplot | Create a new ggplot plot. |
ggplot_build | Build ggplot for rendering. |
ggplotGrob | Generate a ggplot2 plot grob. |
ggplot_gtable | Build a plot with all the usual bits and pieces. |
ggsave | Save a ggplot (or other grid object) with sensible defaults |
ggtheme | ggplot2 themes |
graphical-units | Graphical units |
g_train_layout | Learn the layout of panels within a plot. |
guide_colourbar | Continuous colour bar guide. |
guide_legend | Legend guide. |
guides | Set guides for each scale. |
hmisc | Wrap up a selection of summary functions from Hmisc to make... |
intreg | Interval regression |
is.Coord | Is this object a coordinate system? |
is.facet | Is this object a facetting specification? |
is.gganimintproto | Is an object a gganimintproto object? |
is.ggplot | Reports whether x is a ggplot object |
is.rel | Reports whether x is a rel object |
is.rgb | Check if character is an RGB hexadecimal color value |
issueSelectorWarnings | Issue warnings for selectors |
is.theme | Reports whether x is a theme object |
knit_print.animint | Insert an interactive animation into an R markdown document... |
label_bquote | Backquoted labeller |
labeller | Generic labeller function for facets |
labellers | Labeller functions |
labs | Change axis labels, legend titles, plot title/subtitle and... |
last_plot | Retrieve the last plot to be modified or created. |
layer | Create a new layer |
limits | Generate correct scale type for specified limits |
lims | Convenience functions to set the axis limits. |
luv_colours | 'colors()' in Luv space. |
make_bar | Convenience function for an interactive bar that might... |
make_tallrect | Make a clickSelects geom_tallrect that completely tiles the x... |
make_tallrect_or_widerect | Make a clickSelects geom_widerect or geom_tallrect that... |
make_text | Convenvience function for a showSelected plot label. |
make_widerect | Make a clickSelects geom_widerect that completely tiles the y... |
map_data | Create a data frame of map data. |
margin | Define margins. |
mean_se | Calculate mean and standard errors on either side. |
merge_recurse | Merge a list of data frames. |
midwest | Midwest demographics. |
mpg | Fuel economy data from 1999 and 2008 for 38 popular models of... |
msleep | An updated and expanded version of the mammals sleep dataset. |
newEnvironment | Environment to store meta data |
parsePlot | Convert a ggplot to a list. |
position_dodge | Adjust position by dodging overlaps to the side. |
position_identity | Don't adjust position |
position_jitter | Jitter points to avoid overplotting. |
position_jitterdodge | Adjust position by simultaneously dodging and jittering |
position_nudge | Nudge points. |
position_stack | Stack overlapping objects on top of one another. |
presidential | Terms of 11 presidents from Eisenhower to Obama. |
print.animint | print animint |
print.gganimintplot | Draw plot on current graphics device. |
print.gganimintproto | Print a gganimintproto object |
pt.to.lines | Convert 'pt' value to 'lines' |
qplot | Quick plot |
reexports | Objects exported from other packages |
rel | Relative sizing for theme elements |
remove_missing | Convenience function to remove missing values from a... |
renderAnimint | Create an animint output element |
resolution | Compute the "resolution" of a data vector. |
saveChunks | Split data set into chunks and save them to separate files. |
scale_alpha | Alpha scales. |
scale_brewer | Sequential, diverging and qualitative colour scales from... |
scale_continuous | Continuous position scales (x & y). |
scale_date | Position scale, date & date times |
scale_discrete | Discrete position. |
scale_gradient | Smooth gradient between two colours |
scale_grey | Sequential grey colour scale. |
scale_hue | Qualitative colour scale with evenly spaced hues. |
scale_identity | Use values without scaling. |
scale_linetype | Scale for line patterns. |
scale_manual | Create your own discrete scale. |
scale_shape | Scale for shapes, aka glyphs. |
scale_size | Scale size (area or radius). |
scale_size_animint | Scale point sizes using circle area, but specifying the... |
seals | Vector field of seal movements. |
selectSSandCS | Separate .variable/.value selectors |
setPlotSizes | Set plot width and height for all plots |
should_stop | Used in examples to illustrate when errors should occur. |
split_recursive | Split data.frame into recursive list of data.frame. |
stat_ecdf | Empirical Cumulative Density Function |
stat_ellipse | Plot data ellipses. |
stat_identity | Identity statistic. |
stat_summary_2d | Bin and summarise in 2d (rectangle & hexagons) |
summary.gganimintplot | Displays a useful description of a ggplot object |
switch_axes | Flip axes in case of coord_flip Switches column names. Eg.... |
theme | Set theme elements |
theme_animint | theme for passing animint specific params |
theme_update | Get, set and update themes. |
toRGB | Convert R colors to RGB hexadecimal color values |
train_position | Train position scales with data |
transform_position | Convenience function to transform all position variables. |
transform_shape | Function to transform R shapes into d3 shapes... |
translate_qplot_ggplot | Translating between qplot and ggplot |
translate_qplot_lattice | Translating between qplot and lattice |
txhousing | Housing sales in TX. |
update_defaults | Modify geom/stat aesthetic defaults for future plots |
update_gallery | Update gallery |
update_labels | Update axis/legend labels |
UStornadoes | Tornadoes in the United States from 1950 to 2012 |
varied.chunk | Extract subset for each data.frame in a list of data.frame |
waiver | A waiver object. |
WorldBank | Demographics by country from 1960 to 2012 |
worldPop | World population by subcontinent |
zeroGrob | The zero grob draws nothing and has zero size. |
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