Man pages for annovarR
Integrated Framework to Annotate Genetic Variants

annotationAnnotation function (single name)
annotation.cols.matchA position annotation utils that can be used to write a...
annotation.mergeAnnotation function (mulitple name)
annotation.region.matchA regeion annotation utils that can be used to write a...
annovarR function to run ANNOVAR.
annovarRThe 'annovarR' package provides R functions as well as...
delDelete table or database (text file, sqlite, mysql)
download.databaseDownload annovarR databases
drop.mysql.indexDrop search index of annovarR database table in mysql
drop.sqlite.indexDrop search index of annovarR database table in sqlite
get.annotation.dbtypeGet annovarR default databases type [sqlite, txt]
get.annotation.namesGet all annovarR supported databases
get.annotation.needcolsGet annovarR annotation needed colnames according the... annotation name to get that can be used to... annovarR database in mysql (auto from... annovarR database in mysql (auto from...
mysql.buildBuild annovarR database in mysql
mysql.headShow top n line of table of database in mysql database
mysql.indexGenerate search index of annovarR database table in mysql
mysql.tb.colnamesGet colnames of table of database in mysql
mysql.tb.indexesGet mysql table indexes
sql2sqliteConvert sql file to sqlite database
sqlite2sqlFunction to dump sqlite database (Now only use system version... annovarR database in sqlite (auto from... annovarR database in sqlite (auto from...
sqlite.buildBuild annovarR database in sqlite
sqlite.headShow top n line of table of database in sqlite database
sqlite.indexGenerate search index of annovarR database table in sqlite
sqlite.tb.colnamesGet colnames of table of database in sqlite
sqlite.tb.indexesGet sqlite table indexes
vcfannoR function to run vcfanno
vepR function to run VEP
annovarR documentation built on Jan. 9, 2018, 5:05 p.m.