
Defines functions as.data.table.orsf_summary_uni print.orsf_summary_uni orsf_summarize_uni

Documented in as.data.table.orsf_summary_uni orsf_summarize_uni print.orsf_summary_uni

#' ORSF summary; univariate
#' @description Summarize the univariate information from an ORSF object
#' @inheritParams orsf_pd_oob
#' @param n_variables (_integer_) how many variables should be summarized?
#'   Setting this input to a lower number will reduce computation time.
#' @param importance `r roxy_importance_header()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_none()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_anova()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_negate()`
#' - `r roxy_importance_permute()`
#' For details on these methods, see [orsf_vi].
#' @return an object of class 'orsf_summary', which includes data on
#' - importance of individual predictors.
#' - expected values of predictions at specific values of predictors.
#' @details
#'  If `pred_horizon` is left unspecified, the median value of
#'    the time-to-event variable in `object`'s training data will be used.
#'    It is recommended to always specify your own prediction horizon,
#'    as the median time may not be an especially meaningful horizon to
#'    compute predicted risk values at.
#'  If `object` already has variable importance values, you can
#'    safely bypass the computation of variable importance in this function
#'    by setting importance = 'none'.
#' @export
#' @seealso as.data.table.orsf_summary_uni
#' @examples
#' object <- orsf(pbc_orsf, Surv(time, status) ~ . - id, n_tree = 25)
#' # since anova importance was used to make object, we can
#' # safely say importance = 'none' and skip computation of
#' # variable importance while running orsf_summarize_uni
#' orsf_summarize_uni(object, n_variables = 3, importance = 'none')
#' # however, if we want to summarize object according to variables
#' # ranked by negation importance, we can compute negation importance
#' # within orsf_summarize_uni() as follows:
#' orsf_summarize_uni(object, n_variables = 3, importance = 'negate')
orsf_summarize_uni <- function(object,
                               n_variables = NULL,
                               pred_horizon = NULL,
                               pred_type = 'risk',
                               importance = 'negate',

 check_dots(list(...), .f = orsf_summarize_uni)

 # for CRAN check:
 medn <- name <- value <- level <- variable <- NULL

 check_arg_is(arg_value = object,
              arg_name = 'object',
              expected_class = 'orsf_fit')


  check_arg_type(arg_value = n_variables,
                 arg_name = 'n_variables',
                 expected_type = 'numeric')

  check_arg_is_integer(arg_value = n_variables,
                       arg_name = 'n_variables')

  check_arg_gteq(arg_value = n_variables,
                 arg_name = 'n_variables',
                 bound = 1)

  check_arg_lteq(arg_value = n_variables,
                 arg_name = 'n_variables',
                 bound = length(get_names_x(object, ref_code_names = FALSE)),
                 append_to_msg = "(total number of predictors)")

  check_arg_length(arg_value = n_variables,
                   arg_name = 'n_variables',
                   expected_length = 1)


 check_predict(object = object,
               pred_horizon = pred_horizon,
               pred_type = pred_type)

 if(is.null(pred_horizon)) pred_horizon <- object$pred_horizon

 if(importance == 'none' && get_importance(object) == 'none')
  stop("importance cannot be 'none' if object does not have variable ",
       " importance values.", call. = FALSE)

 check_orsf_inputs(importance = importance)

 if(importance == 'none') importance <- get_importance(object)

 vi <- switch(
  'anova' = orsf_vi_anova(object, group_factors = TRUE),
  'negate' = orsf_vi_negate(object, group_factors = TRUE),
  'permute' = orsf_vi_permute(object, group_factors = TRUE)

 if(is.null(n_variables)) n_variables <- length(vi)

 x_numeric_key <- get_numeric_bounds(object)

 fctr_info <- get_fctr_info(object)

 n_obs <- get_n_obs(object)

 pred_spec <- list_init(names(vi)[seq(n_variables)])

 for(x_name in names(pred_spec)){

  if(x_name %in% colnames(x_numeric_key)){

   pred_spec[[x_name]] <- unique(
    as.numeric(x_numeric_key[c('25%','50%','75%'), x_name])

  } else if (x_name %in% fctr_info$cols) {

   pred_spec[[x_name]] <- fctr_info$lvls[[x_name]]



 pd_output <- orsf_pd_oob(object = object,
                          pred_spec = pred_spec,
                          expand_grid = FALSE,
                          pred_type = pred_type,
                          prob_values = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),
                          pred_horizon = pred_horizon)

 fctrs_unordered <- c()

 # did the orsf have factor variables?
  fctrs_unordered <- fctr_info$cols[!fctr_info$ordr]

 # some cart-wheels here for backward compatibility.
 f <- as.factor(pd_output$variable)

 name_rep <- rle(as.integer(f))

 pd_output$importance <- rep(vi[levels(f)[name_rep$values]],
                             times = name_rep$lengths)

 # pd_output$value <- ifelse(test = is.na(value),
 #                           yes = as.character(level),
 #                           no = round_magnitude(value))

 pd_output[, value := fifelse(test = is.na(value),
                              yes = as.character(level),
                              no = round_magnitude(value))]

 # if a := is used inside a function with no DT[] before the end of the
 # function, then the next time DT or print(DT) is typed at the prompt,
 # nothing will be printed. A repeated DT or print(DT) will print.
 # To avoid this: include a DT[] after the last := in your function.

 setcolorder(pd_output, c('variable',

  .Data = list(dt = pd_output,
               pred_type = pred_type,
               pred_horizon = pred_horizon),
  class = 'orsf_summary_uni'


#' Print ORSF summary
#' @param x an object of class 'orsf_summary'
#' @param n_variables The number of variables to print
#' @param ... `r roxy_dots()`
#' @return invisibly, `x`
#' @export
#' @examples
#' object <- orsf(pbc_orsf, Surv(time, status) ~ . - id)
#' smry <- orsf_summarize_uni(object, n_variables = 3)
#' print(smry)
print.orsf_summary_uni <- function(x, n_variables = NULL, ...){

 check_dots(list(...), .f = print.orsf_summary_uni)

 if(is.null(n_variables)) n_variables <- length(unique(x$dt$variable))

 pred_label <- switch(
  'risk' = 'Risk',
  'surv' = 'Survival',
  'chf'  = 'Cumulative hazard',
  'mort' = 'Mortality',

 msg_btm <- paste("Predicted", tolower(pred_label),
                  "at time t =", x$pred_horizon,
                  "for top", n_variables,

 .sd_orig <- c("value",

 .sd_fncy <- c("Value",
               "25th %",
               "75th %")

 if(any(.sd_fncy %in% names(x$dt)))
  setnames(x$dt, old = .sd_fncy, new = .sd_orig, skip_absent = TRUE)

          old = .sd_orig,
          new = .sd_fncy)

 banner_input_length <-
      list(x = x$dt[, .SD, .SDcols = .sd_fncy],
           row.names = FALSE,
           trunc.cols = TRUE)

 first_col_vals <- nchar(x$dt$Value)
 first_col_width <- max(first_col_vals)
 first_col_pad <- first_col_width - first_col_vals

 for(i in seq_along(x$dt$Value)){

  pad <- paste(
   rep(" ", times = first_col_pad[i]),
   collapse = ''

  x$dt$Value[i] <- paste0(pad, x$dt$Value[i])


 # cart-wheels for rle backward compatibility
 f <- as.factor(x$dt$variable)

 name_index <- rle(as.integer(f))

 row_current <- 1

 i_vals <- seq(min(n_variables, length(name_index$values)))

 for(i in i_vals){

  name <- paste0('-- ', levels(f)[name_index$values[i]],
                 " (VI Rank: ", i, ")")

  banner_input <- paste(
   rep("-", times = max(0, banner_input_length - nchar(name))),
   collapse = ''

  banner_value_length <-
       list(x = x$dt[i, .SD, .SDcols = .sd_fncy[1]],
            row.names = FALSE,
            trunc.cols = TRUE)

  banner_value_length <- banner_value_length + 1

  header_length <-
   (banner_input_length - banner_value_length - nchar(pred_label)) / 2

  header_length <- header_length - 1.5

  header_row <- paste(
   paste(rep(" ", times = banner_value_length), collapse = ''),
   paste(c("|",rep("-", times = header_length)), collapse = ''),
   " ",
   " ",
   paste(c(rep("-", times = header_length), "|"), collapse = ''),
   collapse = '',
   sep = ''

      " ",
      sep = "")

  row_new <- row_current + name_index$lengths[i]-1

  print(x$dt[row_current:row_new, .SD, .SDcols = .sd_fncy],
        row.names = FALSE,
        col.names = "top",
        trunc.cols = TRUE)

  row_current <- row_new+1


 cat("\n", msg_btm, "\n")

          old = .sd_fncy,
          new = .sd_orig)



#' Coerce to data.table
#' Convert an 'orsf_summary' object into a `data.table` object.
#' @param x an object of class 'orsf_summary_uni'
#' @param ... not used
#' @return a [data.table][data.table::data.table-package]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(data.table)
#' object <- orsf(pbc_orsf, Surv(time, status) ~ . - id)
#' smry <- orsf_summarize_uni(object, n_variables = 3)
#' as.data.table(smry)
as.data.table.orsf_summary_uni <- function(x, ...){

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