

test_that("MNL works", {
  rm(list = ls())
  apollo_control = list(
    modelName  = "MNL",
    modelDescr = "Simple MNL model on mode choice RP data",
    indivID    = "ID"

  data("apollo_modeChoiceData", package="apollo")
  database = apollo_modeChoiceData
  database = subset(database,database$RP==1)

  apollo_beta=c(asc_car   = 0,
                asc_bus   = 0,
                asc_air   = 0,
                asc_rail  = 0,
                b_tt_car  = 0,
                b_tt_bus  = 0,
                b_tt_air  = 0,
                b_tt_rail = 0,
                b_access  = 0,
                b_cost    = 0)
  apollo_fixed = c("asc_car")

  apollo_inputs <- apollo_validateInputs(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, database,
                                         apollo_control, apollo_HB=NA, apollo_draws=NA,
                                         apollo_randCoeff=NA, apollo_lcPars=NA)

  apollo_probabilities=function(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="estimate"){
    apollo_attach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs)
    on.exit(apollo_detach(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs))
    P = list()
    V = list()
    V[['car']]  = asc_car  + b_tt_car *time_car                         + b_cost*cost_car
    V[['bus']]  = asc_bus  + b_tt_bus *time_bus  + b_access*access_bus  + b_cost*cost_bus
    V[['air']]  = asc_air  + b_tt_air *time_air  + b_access*access_air  + b_cost*cost_air
    V[['rail']] = asc_rail + b_tt_rail*time_rail + b_access*access_rail + b_cost*cost_rail
    mnl_settings = list(
      alternatives  = c(car=1, bus=2, air=3, rail=4),
      avail         = list(car=av_car, bus=av_bus, air=av_air, rail=av_rail),
      choiceVar     = choice,
      V             = V
    P[['model']] = apollo_mnl(mnl_settings, functionality)
    P = apollo_panelProd(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)
    P = apollo_prepareProb(P, apollo_inputs, functionality)

  model = apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs, list(writeIter=FALSE))

  expect_equal(model$maximum, -1025.756379 , tolerance=0.1, scale=1)

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