#' Publish Content
#' Publishes an `sf` or `data.frame` object to an ArcGIS Portal as a
#' FeatureCollection.
#' @details
#' `r lifecycle::badge("experimental")`
#' - `add_item()` takes a data.frame like object and uploads it as an item in
#' your portal.
#' - `publish_item()` takes an ID of an item in your portal and publishes it
#' as a feature service.
#' - `publish_layer()` is a high-level wrapper that first adds an object as
#' an item in your portal and subsequently publishes it for you.
#' - `.publish_params()` is a utility function to specify optional publish
#' parameters such as copyright text, and the spatial reference of the
#' published feature collection.
#' Note that there is _only_ support for feature services meaning that only
#' tables and feature layers can be made by these functions.
#' ### Publish Parameters
#' When publishing an item to a portal, a number of [publish parameters]( can be provided. Most importantly is the `targetSR` which will be
#' the CRS of the hosted feature service. By default this is `EPSG:3857`.
#' `publish_layer()` will use the CRS of the input object, `x`, by default. If
#' publishing content in two steps with `add_item()` and `publish_item()`, use
#' `.publish_params()` to craft your publish parameters. Ensure that the CRS
#' provided to `target_crs` matches that of the item you added with
#' `add_item()`.
#' @inheritParams arcgisutils::as_layer
#' @param description a length 1 character vector containing the description of
#' the item that is being added. Note that the value cannot be larger than 64kb.
#' @param tags a character vector of tags to add to the item.
#' @param snippet a length 1 character vector with no more than 2048 characters.
#' @param categories a character vector of the categories of the item.
#' @param async default `FALSE`. Cannot be changed at this time.
#' @param type default `"Feature Service"`. Must not be changed at this time.
#' @inheritParams arcgisutils::refresh_token
#' @export
#' @rdname publish
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' nc <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package = "sf"))
#' x <- nc[1:5, 13]
#' token <- auth_code()
#' set_arc_token(token)
#' publish_res <- publish_layer(
#' x, "North Carolina SIDS sample"
#' )
#' @returns
#' A named list containing the url of the newly published service.
add_item <- function(
description = "",
tags = character(0),
snippet = "",
categories = character(0),
async = FALSE,
type = "Feature Service",
token = arc_token()
) {
# validate the token
# check that there is a user associated with the token
# extract username
user <- token[["username"]]
# fetch the host from the token
host <- token[["arcgis_host"]]
description = description,
snippet = snippet,
async = async,
type = type
# if CRS is missing require user input if interactive
if (interactive() && && inherits(x, "sf")) {
cli::cli_bullets(c("!" = "{.arg x} has no CRS"))
choice <- utils::menu(
c("Yes", "No"),
title = "CRS is missing from `x`. Continue?"
if (choice == 2L) {
} else {
c("{.arg x} has no CRS.",
"*" = "Set CRS with {.fn sf::st_set_crs}")
} else if (!interactive() && {
c("CRS is missing from {.arg x}",
"i" = "Using {.val EPSG:3857}")
req_url <- paste0(host, "/sharing/rest/content/users/", user, "/addItem")
# create the feature collection json
feature_collection <- as_feature_collection(
list(as_layer(x, title, title))
# if not sf object we gotta not pass in spatial reference or extent
if (!inherits(x, "sf")) {
extent <- NULL
spatial_reference <- NULL
} else {
extent <- paste0(sf::st_bbox(x), collapse = ",")
spatial_reference <- jsonify::to_json(
unbox = TRUE
req_fields <- compact(
title = title,
description = description,
tags = tags,
snippet = snippet,
text = unclass(jsonify::to_json(feature_collection, unbox = TRUE)),
extent = extent,
spatialReference = spatial_reference,
categories = categories,
type = "Feature Collection",
async = async,
url = host,
f = "json"
req <- arc_base_req(req_url, token)
req_body <- httr2::req_body_form(req, !!!req_fields)
resp <- httr2::req_perform(req_body)
parsed <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(httr2::resp_body_string(resp))
#' @noRd
check_add_item_args <- function(
description = "",
snippet = "",
async = FALSE,
type = "Feature Service",
call = rlang::caller_env()) {
# if async = TRUE stop
if (async) {
"{.arg async} must be {.val FALSE}",
call = call
# type must be feature service right now
if (!identical(type, "Feature Service")) {
check_string(type, call = call)
"{.arg type} must be {.str Feature Service}",
call = call
# TODO Check if snippet is allowed as a NULL input
check_string(snippet, call = call)
# check if snippet is too long
if (nchar(snippet) > 2048) {
# TODO If snippet *must* be 2048 or fewer characters this should be an error
cli::cli_warn("{.arg snippet} must be 2048 or fewer characters.")
check_string(description, call = call)
# check if description is too big or too many eles
descrip_kb <- as.numeric(utils::object.size(description)) / 1000
if (descrip_kb > 64) {
"{.arg description} must be smaller than 64kb"
#' @export
#' @param item_id the ID of the item to be published.
#' @param file_type default `"featureCollection"`. Cannot be changed.
#' @param publish_params a list of named values of the `publishParameters`. Must match
#' the values in the [/publish endpoint documentation](
#' @inheritParams add_item
#' @rdname publish
publish_item <- function(
publish_params = .publish_params(),
file_type = "featureCollection",
token = arc_token()
) {
# validate the token
# check that there is a user associated with the token
# extract username
user <- token[["username"]]
# fetch the host
host <- token[["arcgis_host"]]
# create request URL
# TODO check for trailing `/` in host (should create a `sanitize_host()`)
req_url <- paste0(host, "/sharing/rest/content/users/", user, "/publish")
# add token and agent
base_req <- arc_base_req(req_url, token)
# create request
req <- httr2::req_body_form(
itemID = item_id,
fileType = file_type,
publishParameters = jsonify::to_json(publish_params, unbox = TRUE),
f = "json",
resp <- httr2::req_perform(req)
res <- RcppSimdJson::fparse(httr2::resp_body_string(resp))
# check if any errors occurred
#' @export
#' @rdname publish
#' @param ... arguments passed into `add_item()`.
publish_layer <- function(
publish_params = .publish_params(title, target_crs = sf::st_crs(x)),
token = arc_token()
) {
adtl_args <- rlang::list2(...)
item_res <- rlang::inject(
token = token,
# fetch item_id
item_id <- item_res[["id"]]
published_item <- publish_item(
publish_params = publish_params,
token = token
#' @export
#' @rdname publish
#' @param max_record_count the maximum number of records that can be returned
#' from the created Feature Service.
#' @param target_crs the CRS of the Feature Service to be created. By default,
#' `EPSG:3857`.
#' @param copyright an optional character scalar containing copyright text to
#' add to the published Feature Service.
.publish_params <- function(
name = NULL,
description = NULL,
copyright = NULL,
target_crs = 3857,
max_record_count = 2000L
) {
# FeatureCollection publish parameters:
# - name
# - description
# - maxRecordCount
# - copyrightText
# - layerInfo (ignore for now. No good use case)
# - targetSR (derive from the object)
check_string(name, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(description, allow_null = TRUE)
check_string(copyright, allow_null = TRUE)
if ( {
target_sr <- NULL
} else {
target_sr <- validate_crs(target_crs)[[1]]
name = name,
description = description,
copyright = copyright,
maxRecordCount = as.integer(max_record_count),
targetSR = target_sr
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.