
Defines functions .do_by_layer_table

.do_by_layer_table <- function(dataset, input.location){
  df <- table(dataset$layer, dataset$location_mode, useNA = "ifany")
  if(nrow(df) == 0) return()
  if("show.uncertainty" %in% input.location){
    dataset$fuzzy.sum <- factor(dataset$fuzzy.sum, levels = c(0, 1, 2, 3), 
           labels = c("exact", "linear", "planar", "volume"))
    df <- table(dataset$layer, dataset$fuzzy.sum, useNA = "ifany")
  if(ncol(df) > 1){
    df <- as.matrix(df)
    df <- df[order(rownames(df), decreasing = FALSE), ]
    df <- rbind(df, "total" = apply(df, 2, sum))
    df <- cbind(df, "total" = apply(df, 1, sum))
  if(ncol(df) == 1 & nrow(df) > 1){
    df <- df[order(rownames(df), decreasing = FALSE), ]
    df <- c(df, "total" = sum(df))
    df <- as.data.frame(df)
    colnames(df) <- input.location
  colnames(df) <- sapply(colnames(df), .term_switcher)
  rownames(df)[is.na(rownames(df))] <- "NA"
  rownames(df)[nrow(df)] <- .term_switcher("total")

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archeoViz documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:04 a.m.