
Defines functions corrplot

Documented in corrplot

corrplot <- function(data, varnames=NULL, cutpts=NULL, abs=TRUE, details=TRUE,
                     n.col.legend=5, cex.col=0.7, cex.var=0.9, digits=1,

    # some check!
    if (is.matrix(data)|is.data.frame(data)){
    else {
        stop ("Data must be a matrix or a data frame!")
    if (sum(sapply(data, FUN=is.character))>0)
        stop ("Data contains non-numeric variables!")
    if (n.col.legend > 8)
        stop ("Suggestion: More than 8 levels of colors is difficult to read!")

    # prepare correlation matrix
    if (abs){
        z.plot <- abs(cor(data, data, use="pairwise.complete.obs"))
        z.plot <- cor(data, data, use="pairwise.complete.obs")

    if (is.null(varnames)){
        z.names <- dimnames(data)[[2]]
        z.names <- varnames

    triangleplot(x=z.plot, y=z.names, cutpts=cutpts, details=details,
                cex.col=cex.col, cex.var=cex.var,
                digits=digits, color=color)

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arm documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:14 a.m.