CsvFileFormat: CSV dataset file format

CsvFileFormatR Documentation

CSV dataset file format


A CSVFileFormat is a FileFormat subclass which holds information about how to read and parse the files included in a CSV Dataset.


A CsvFileFormat object


CSVFileFormat$create() can take options in the form of lists passed through as parse_options, read_options, or convert_options parameters. Alternatively, readr-style options can be passed through individually. While it is possible to pass in CSVReadOptions, CSVConvertOptions, and CSVParseOptions objects, this is not recommended as options set in these objects are not validated for compatibility.

See Also



# Set up directory for examples
tf <- tempfile()
df <- data.frame(x = c("1", "2", "NULL"))
write.table(df, file.path(tf, "file1.txt"), sep = ",", row.names = FALSE)

# Create CsvFileFormat object with Arrow-style null_values option
format <- CsvFileFormat$create(convert_options = list(null_values = c("", "NA", "NULL")))
open_dataset(tf, format = format)

# Use readr-style options
format <- CsvFileFormat$create(na = c("", "NA", "NULL"))
open_dataset(tf, format = format)

arrow documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:02 p.m.