dataset_factory: Create a DatasetFactory

dataset_factoryR Documentation

Create a DatasetFactory


A Dataset can constructed using one or more DatasetFactorys. This function helps you construct a DatasetFactory that you can pass to open_dataset().


  filesystem = NULL,
  format = c("parquet", "arrow", "ipc", "feather", "csv", "tsv", "text", "json"),
  partitioning = NULL,
  hive_style = NA,
  factory_options = list(),



A string path to a directory containing data files, a vector of one one or more string paths to data files, or a list of DatasetFactory objects whose datasets should be combined. If this argument is specified it will be used to construct a UnionDatasetFactory and other arguments will be ignored.


A FileSystem object; if omitted, the FileSystem will be detected from x


A FileFormat object, or a string identifier of the format of the files in x. Currently supported values:

  • "parquet"

  • "ipc"/"arrow"/"feather", all aliases for each other; for Feather, note that only version 2 files are supported

  • "csv"/"text", aliases for the same thing (because comma is the default delimiter for text files

  • "tsv", equivalent to passing ⁠format = "text", delimiter = "\t"⁠

Default is "parquet", unless a delimiter is also specified, in which case it is assumed to be "text".


One of

  • A Schema, in which case the file paths relative to sources will be parsed, and path segments will be matched with the schema fields. For example, schema(year = int16(), month = int8()) would create partitions for file paths like "2019/01/file.parquet", "2019/02/file.parquet", etc.

  • A character vector that defines the field names corresponding to those path segments (that is, you're providing the names that would correspond to a Schema but the types will be autodetected)

  • A HivePartitioning or HivePartitioningFactory, as returned by hive_partition() which parses explicit or autodetected fields from Hive-style path segments

  • NULL for no partitioning


Logical: if partitioning is a character vector or a Schema, should it be interpreted as specifying Hive-style partitioning? Default is NA, which means to inspect the file paths for Hive-style partitioning and behave accordingly.


list of optional FileSystemFactoryOptions:

  • partition_base_dir: string path segment prefix to ignore when discovering partition information with DirectoryPartitioning. Not meaningful (ignored with a warning) for HivePartitioning, nor is it valid when providing a vector of file paths.

  • exclude_invalid_files: logical: should files that are not valid data files be excluded? Default is FALSE because checking all files up front incurs I/O and thus will be slower, especially on remote filesystems. If false and there are invalid files, there will be an error at scan time. This is the only FileSystemFactoryOption that is valid for both when providing a directory path in which to discover files and when providing a vector of file paths.

  • selector_ignore_prefixes: character vector of file prefixes to ignore when discovering files in a directory. If invalid files can be excluded by a common filename prefix this way, you can avoid the I/O cost of exclude_invalid_files. Not valid when providing a vector of file paths (but if you're providing the file list, you can filter invalid files yourself).


Additional format-specific options, passed to FileFormat$create(). For CSV options, note that you can specify them either with the Arrow C++ library naming ("delimiter", "quoting", etc.) or the readr-style naming used in read_csv_arrow() ("delim", "quote", etc.). Not all readr options are currently supported; please file an issue if you encounter one that arrow should support.


If you would only have a single DatasetFactory (for example, you have a single directory containing Parquet files), you can call open_dataset() directly. Use dataset_factory() when you want to combine different directories, file systems, or file formats.


A DatasetFactory object. Pass this to open_dataset(), in a list potentially with other DatasetFactory objects, to create a Dataset.

arrow documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:02 p.m.