
Defines functions .estim_nbd_moments .estim_nbinom NBMinerParameters

Documented in NBMinerParameters

## interface

NBMinerParameters <- function(data, trim = 0.01, pi = 0.99, theta = 0.5, 
    minlen = 1, maxlen = 5, rules = FALSE,
    plot = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, getdata = FALSE){
    itemf <- itemFrequency(data, type = "abs")
    ## number of items with 0 occurrences unknown
    obs <- c(0, tabulate(itemf))
    r <- .estim_nbinom(obs, trim = trim, missing_zeros = TRUE, verb = verbose)
    k <- r$k
    a <- r$m * r$k
    n <- r$items
    ## use estimate for n for items with 0 occurrences
    obs[1] <- n - sum(obs)
    exp <- dnbinom(0:max(itemf), size=k, prob=1/(1+a))
    if(plot) {
        observed <- n-cumsum(obs)
	expected <- n - n*cumsum(exp)
	maxx <- max(itemf)

	plot(0:maxx, observed, type="l", xlab="r", 
            ylab="n - cummulative frequency", 
	    xlim=c(0, maxx),
	    ylim=c(0, max(observed, expected, na.rm=TRUE)))
        lines(0:maxx, expected, col="red", lty = 2)
        legend("topright", c("data","model"), col = c(1, "red"), 
             lty = c(1, 2), inset = 0.02)

    a <- a  / length(data@data@i) ### a per incidence

    param <- new("NBMinerParameter", pi = pi, theta = theta, 
        n = n, k = k, a = a, rules = rules,
        minlen = as.integer(minlen), maxlen = as.integer(maxlen))
    if(!getdata) param
    else list(parameter = param, obs = obs, exp = exp)

## estimate the parameters of the NBD distribution
## uses EM-Algorithm for missing zero-class
## Author: Michael Hahsler (hahsler@ai.wu-wien.ac.at)
## License:  GPL version 2 or later.

## counts_hist is a vector starting with 0,1,2,...
.estim_nbinom <- function(counts_hist, missing_zeros = FALSE, 
    tol = 0.0001, trim = 0, verb = FALSE) {

    items <- sum(counts_hist)
    r_max <- length(counts_hist)
    trimmed_items <- 0
    ## trim items from the tail
    if (trim >0) {
        trimmed_items <- 0

        while (trimmed_items<items*trim) {
            trimmed_items <- trimmed_items+counts_hist[r_max]
            r_max <- r_max-1

        items <- sum(counts_hist)
        if (verb) cat(trimmed_items,"item(s) trimmed, leaving ", 
                items, " items.", "\n")  

    ## clear trailing zeroes
    while(counts_hist[r_max]==0) r_max <- r_max-1
    length(counts_hist) <- r_max
    ## since we start with 0
    r_max <- r_max-1

    if (missing_zeros == FALSE) {
        if (verb) cat("using method of moments\n") 
        par = .estim_nbd_moments(counts_hist)
        return(list(items=items, trimmed_items=trimmed_items, 
                r_max=r_max, mean=par$m, k=par$k, var=par$var, 

    ## now with missing zeros
    if (verb) cat("using Expectation Maximization for missing zero class\n") 

    ## get start values for Expectation Maximization
    counts_hist[1] <- counts_hist[2] ### lower bound for 0 class
    par <- .estim_nbd_moments(counts_hist);
    k <- par$k
    m <- par$mean

    k_old <- 0
    i <- 0
    p0 <- 0

    while(abs(k-k_old) > tol) {
	i <- i+1

        k_old <- k
        ## update zero class
        p0 <- dnbinom(0, size=k, mu=m)
        counts_hist[1] <- round(items/(1-p0) * p0) 

        ## estimate parameters (max. likelihood estims are 
            ## equal to meth. of monents)
        par <- .estim_nbd_moments(counts_hist);
        k <- par$k
        m <- par$m

	if (verb) cat("iteration =",i,", zero class =", counts_hist[1],
		", k =",k,", m =", m,"\n" ) 

	if(is.na(k) || is.na(m) || is.na(p0)) stop(
		"Unable to fit distribution. Did you trim too many items?")


    p_nbinom <- dnbinom( c(0:(r_max-1)), size=k, mu=m); 
    p_nbinom[r_max+1] <- 1 - sum(p_nbinom)

    items <- items+counts_hist[1] ### add zero class
    if (verb) cat ("total items = ", items, "\n")

        items = as.integer(items), 
        trimmed_items = as.integer(trimmed_items), 
        r_max = as.integer(r_max),
        mean = m, 
        k = k, 
        var = par$var, 
        p0 = p0, 
        f0 = counts_hist[1],
        counts_hist = counts_hist, 
        p_nbinom = p_nbinom)


.estim_nbd_moments <- function(counts_hist) {
    mv <- .mean_var_from_hist (counts_hist)
    k <- mv$mean^2/(mv$var-mv$mean)
    list(k = k, 
        mean = mv$mean, 
        var = mv$var

## get mean and var from a histogramm with cells 0, 1, 2,...
.mean_var_from_hist <- function (counts_hist) {

    r_max <- length(counts_hist)-1  ### since we start with 0
    items <- sum(counts_hist)

    m <- 1/items * sum(counts_hist * c(0:r_max))
    v <- 1/(items-1) * sum(counts_hist * ((c(0:r_max) - m)^2))    

    list(mean = m, 
        var = v, 
        items = items

.chi2_test <- function (obs, exp, parameters = 3, bins = NULL, verb = FALSE) {
    ## bins is a list of index vectors to build classes
    ## e.g., list(c(0), c(1,2), c(3:7), c(7:100)) makes
    ## a bins for 1. r=0, 2. r=1 and 2, 3. r=3-6 and 4. r=7-100
    ## bins = NULL means no binning

    n <- sum(obs) 

    if (!is.null(bins)) {
        bins <- as.list(bins)
        if(verb) { cat("Binning data\n") } 
        obs <- sapply(bins, function(x) sum(obs[x+1]))
        exp <- sapply(bins, function(x) sum(exp[x+1]))

    if(verb) { 
        print(cbind(obs, exp = exp*n))

    chitest <- chisq.test(obs, p = exp)
    chitest$prob <- pchisq(chitest$statistic, 
        log.p = FALSE, lower.tail = FALSE)
    attr(chitest$prob, "names") <- "p-value"


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arulesNBMiner documentation built on Sept. 8, 2021, 1:09 a.m.