
### R code from vignette source 'arulesViz.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: arulesViz.Rnw:75-76
options(width = 75)

### code chunk number 2: arulesViz.Rnw:236-238
options(digits = 2)

### code chunk number 3: arulesViz.Rnw:248-250

### code chunk number 4: arulesViz.Rnw:260-261

### code chunk number 5: arulesViz.Rnw:267-269
rules <- apriori(Groceries, parameter = list(support = 0.001, confidence = 0.5))

### code chunk number 6: arulesViz.Rnw:277-278
inspect(head(rules, n = 3, by = "lift"))

### code chunk number 7: arulesViz.Rnw:288-289
args(getS3method("plot", "rules"))

### code chunk number 8: scatterplot1

### code chunk number 9: arulesViz.Rnw:347-348

### code chunk number 10: scatterplot2
plot(rules, measure = c("support", "lift"), shading = "confidence")

### code chunk number 11: scatterplot3
plot(rules, method = "two-key plot")

### code chunk number 12: arulesViz.Rnw:402-406 (eval = FALSE)
## sel <- plot(rules,
##   measure = c("support", "lift"), shading = "confidence",
##   interactive = TRUE
## )

### code chunk number 13: arulesViz.Rnw:483-485
subrules <- rules[quality(rules)$confidence > 0.8]

### code chunk number 14: matrix1
plot(subrules, method = "matrix", measure = "lift")

### code chunk number 15: matrix3D1
plot(subrules, method = "matrix", engine = "3d", measure = "lift")

### code chunk number 16: clusterplot1
plot(rules, method = "grouped")

### code chunk number 17: clusterplot2
plot(rules, method = "grouped", control = list(k = 50))

### code chunk number 18: arulesViz.Rnw:746-747 (eval = FALSE)
## sel <- plot(rules, method = "grouped", interactive = TRUE)

### code chunk number 19: arulesViz.Rnw:770-771
subrules2 <- head(rules, n = 10, by = "lift")

### code chunk number 20: graph1
plot(subrules2, method = "graph")

### code chunk number 21: arulesViz.Rnw:815-816 (eval = FALSE)
## saveAsGraph(head(rules, n = 1000, by = "lift"), file = "rules.graphml")

### code chunk number 22: pc1
plot(subrules2, method = "paracoord")

### code chunk number 23: pc2
plot(subrules2, method = "paracoord", control = list(reorder = TRUE))

### code chunk number 24: arulesViz.Rnw:915-917
oneRule <- sample(rules, 1)

### code chunk number 25: doubledecker1
plot(oneRule, method = "doubledecker", data = Groceries)

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arulesViz documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:37 a.m.