
Defines functions write_json write_json_con as_json

Documented in write_json

as_json <- function(cast) {
  if (!inherits(cast, "asciicast")) {
      "{.var cast} must be an {.cls asciicast}, object.",
      i = "It is a {.type {cast}}."
  con <- textConnection(NULL, "w", local = TRUE)
  on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
  write_json_con(cast, con)

write_json_con <- function(cast, con) {
  # Header
  cat(jsonlite::toJSON(cast$config, auto_unbox = TRUE), file = con)
  cat("\n", file = con)

  # data
    sep = "", file = con,
      "[", cast$output$time, ", ",
      encode_str(cast$output$type), ", ",
      encode_str(cast$output$data), "]", "\n"

#' Write an ascii cast to file
#' The file uses the asciinema file format, version 2:
#' <https://github.com/asciinema/asciinema/blob/master/doc/asciicast-v2.md>.
#' @param cast `asciicast` object.
#' @param path Path to write to.
#' @export
#' @family asciicast functions
#' @examplesIf !asciicast:::is_rcmd_check()
#' script <- system.file("examples", "hello.R", package = "asciicast")
#' cast <- record(script)
#' json <- tempfile(fileext = ".json")
#' write_json(cast, json)
#' \dontshow{
#' unlink(json, recursive = TRUE)
#' }
write_json <- function(cast, path) {
  con <- file(path, open = "wb")
  on.exit(close(con), add = TRUE)
  write_json_con(cast, con)

Try the asciicast package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

asciicast documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:24 a.m.