
Defines functions `%calls%` `%fn_in%` is_typeof_function is_closure_function is_builtin_function is_special_function is_internal_function is_s3_generic is_s3_method is_s3_primitive_generic is_s3_group_generic is_s4_group_generic is_s3_internal_generic

Documented in is_builtin_function is_closure_function is_internal_function is_s3_generic is_s3_group_generic is_s3_internal_generic is_s3_method is_s3_primitive_generic is_s4_group_generic is_special_function

# Constants ---------------------------------------------------------------

S3_PRIMITIVE_GENERICS <- mget(.S3PrimitiveGenerics, envir = baseenv())

# Listed in tools:::.get_S3_primitive_generics
# Same as S4 group generics, but with extra ! and without log2 and log10
  "abs", "sign", "sqrt", "floor", "ceiling", "trunc", "round", "signif", "exp", 
  "log", "expm1", "log1p", "cos", "sin", "tan", "acos", "asin", "atan", "cosh", 
  "sinh", "tanh", "acosh", "asinh", "atanh", "lgamma", "gamma", "digamma", 
  "trigamma", "cumsum", "cumprod", "cummax", "cummin", "+", "-", "*", "/", "^", 
  "%%", "%/%", "&", "|", "!", "==", "!=", "<", "<=", ">=", ">", "all", "any", 
  "sum", "prod", "max", "min", "range", "Arg", "Conj", "Im", "Mod", "Re"
  envir = baseenv()

  c("[", "[[", "$", "[<-", "[[<-", "$<-", "as.vector", "unlist"),
  envir = baseenv()

#' @importFrom methods getGeneric
    groups <- c("Arith", "Compare", "Logic", "Math", "Math2", "Summary", "Complex")
    names(groups) <- groups
        # simplified version of methods::getGroupMembers(group)
        mget(unlist(getGeneric(group)@groupMembers), envir = baseenv())

BASE_S3_METHODS <- as.list(baseenv()$.__S3MethodsTable__.)

# Utilities ---------------------------------------------------------------

#' Does the function call another function?
#' Operator wrapper to \code{\link[codetools]{findGlobals}}.
#' @param caller_fn A closure function.
#' @param callee_fn_name A character vector of function names.
#' @return \code{TRUE} if \code{caller_fn} calls any the the functions named in
#' \code{callee_fn_name}.
#' @details The LHS is a function and the RHS is a character vector because 
#' that is how \code{\link[codetools]{findGlobals}} works.
#' @importFrom codetools findGlobals
#' @noRd
`%calls%` <- function(caller_fn, callee_fn_name)
  fns_called <- codetools::findGlobals(caller_fn, merge = FALSE)$functions
  any(fns_called %in% callee_fn_name)

`%fn_in%` <- function(x, y)
  any(vapply(y, identical, logical(1), x, ignore.environment = TRUE))

# Types: closure/builtin/special ------------------------------------------

is_typeof_function <- function(x, type, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
  typeof_x <- typeof(x)
  if(typeof_x != type)
      false("%s is not a %s function; it is a %s function.", .xname, type, typeof_x)

#' Is the input a closure, builtin or special function?
#' Checks to see if the input is a closure, builtin or special function. 
#' @param x Input to check.
#' @param .xname Not intended to be used directly.
#' @param severity How severe should the consequences of the assertion be?  
#' Either \code{"stop"}, \code{"warning"}, \code{"message"}, or \code{"none"}.
#' @return \code{is_internal_function} returns \code{TRUE} when the input is a 
#' closure function that calls \code{\link[base]{.Internal}}.  The 
#' \code{assert_*} function returns nothing but throw an error if the 
#' corresponding \code{is_*} function returns \code{FALSE}.
#' @references There is some discussion of closure vs. builtin vs. special
#' functions in the Argument Evaluation section of R-internals.
#' \url{https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/R-ints.html#Argument-evaluation}
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{is.function}} and its assertive wrapper
#' \code{\link{is_function}}.
#' \code{\link[base]{typeof}} is used to distinguish the three types 
#' of function.
#' @examples 
#' # most functions are closures
#' is_closure_function(mean)
#' is_closure_function(lm)
#' is_closure_function(summary)
#' # builtin functions are typically math operators, low level math functions
#' # and commonly used functions
#' is_builtin_function(`*`)
#' is_builtin_function(cumsum)
#' is_builtin_function(is.numeric)
#' # special functions are mostly language features 
#' is_special_function(`if`)
#' is_special_function(`return`)
#' is_special_function(`~`)
#' # some failure messages
#' assertive.base::dont_stop({
#' assert_is_builtin_function(mean)
#' assert_is_builtin_function("mean")
#' })
#' @export
is_closure_function <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  is_typeof_function(x, "closure", .xname)

#' @rdname is_closure_function
#' @export
is_builtin_function <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  is_typeof_function(x, "builtin", .xname)

#' @rdname is_closure_function
#' @export
is_special_function <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  is_typeof_function(x, "special", .xname)

# Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------

#' Is the input an internal function?
#' Checks to see if the input is an internal function. That is, it is a 
#' non-primitive function that calls C-code via \code{\link[base]{.Internal}}.
#' @param x Input to check.
#' @param .xname Not intended to be used directly.
#' @param severity How severe should the consequences of the assertion be?  
#' Either \code{"stop"}, \code{"warning"}, \code{"message"}, or \code{"none"}.
#' @return \code{is_internal_function} returns \code{TRUE} when the input is a 
#' closure function that calls \code{\link[base]{.Internal}}.  The 
#' \code{assert_*} function returns nothing but throw an error if the 
#' corresponding \code{is_*} function returns \code{FALSE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{is.function}} and its assertive wrapper
#' \code{\link{is_function}}.
#' @references This function is modeled upon \code{is_internal}, internal to the
#' \code{pryr} package.
#' The differences between the \code{.Internal} and \code{.Primitive} interfaces
#' to C code are discussed in R-Internals, in the chapter Internal vs. Primitive.
#' \url{https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/R-ints.html#g_t_002eInternal-vs-_002ePrimitive}
#' @examples
#' # Some common fns calling .Internal
#' is_internal_function(unlist)
#' is_internal_function(cbind)
#' # Some failures
#' assertive.base::dont_stop({
#' assert_is_internal_function("unlist")
#' assert_is_internal_function(sqrt)
#' assert_is_internal_function(function(){})
#' })
#' @export
is_internal_function <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
      false("%s is a primitive function, thus cannot be internal.", .xname)
  # should be guaranteed typeof(x) == "closure" now
  if(!x %calls% ".Internal")
      false("%s does not call .Internal.", .xname)

# S3 Generics and methods -------------------------------------------------

#' Is the input an S3 generic or method?
#' Checks whether the input is an S3 generic or method.
#' @param x Input to check.
#' @param groups A character vector of S4 group generic groups.
#' @param .xname Not intended to be used directly.
#' @param severity How severe should the consequences of the assertion be?  
#' Either \code{"stop"}, \code{"warning"}, \code{"message"}, or \code{"none"}.
#' @return \code{is_internal_function} returns \code{TRUE} when the input is a 
#' closure function that calls \code{\link[base]{.Internal}}.  The 
#' \code{assert_*} function returns nothing but throw an error if the 
#' corresponding \code{is_*} function returns \code{FALSE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link[base]{is.function}} and its assertive wrapper
#' \code{\link{is_function}}.
#' \code{\link{is_closure_function}} to check for closures/builtin and
#' special functions.
#' \code{\link{is_internal_function}} to check for functions that use the
#' \code{\link[base]{.Internal}} interface to C code.
#' @references \code{is_s3_generic} is based upon
#' \code{\link[pryr]{is_s3_generic}}. Similarly, \code{is_s3_method} is based
#' upon \code{find_generic}, internal to \code{pryr}, with some ideas from
#' \code{\link[utils]{isS3method}}.
#' \code{is_primitive_generic} checks for the functions listed by
#' \code{\link[base]{.S3PrimitiveGenerics}}.
#' \code{is_s3_group_generic} checks for the functions listed by 
#' \code{.get_internal_S3_generics}, internal to the \code{tools} package.
#' \code{is_s4_group_generic} checks for the functions listed by
#' \code{\link[methods]{getGroupMembers}}. S4 group generics are mostly the same
#' as S3 group generics, except that the not operator, \code{!}, is S3 group 
#' generic but not S4, and \code{log2} and \code{log10} are S4
#' group generic but not S3.
#' \code{is_s3_internal_generic} checks for the functions listed by
#' \code{.get_internal_S3_generics}, internal to the \code{tools} package.
#' \code{internal_generics}, internal to \code{pryr} works similarly, though
#' checks for S4 group generics rather than S3 group generics.
#' There is some discussion of group generics scatterd throughout R-internals.
#' In particular, see the section on the Mechanics of S4 Dispatch.
#' \url{https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-devel/R-ints.html#Mechanics-of-S4-dispatch}
#' @examples
#' # General check for S3 generics and methods
#' is_s3_generic(is.na)
#' is_s3_method(is.na.data.frame)
#' # More specific types of S3 generic
#' is_s3_primitive_generic(c)
#' is_s3_group_generic(abs)
#' is_s3_internal_generic(unlist)
#' # S4 group generics are mostly the same as S3 group generics
#' is_s4_group_generic(cosh)
#' # Renaming functions is fine
#' not <- `!`
#' is_s3_group_generic(not)
#' # Some failures
#' assertive.base::dont_stop({
#' assert_is_s3_primitive_generic(exp)
#' assert_is_s4_group_generic(`!`)
#' })
#' @export
is_s3_generic <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
  if(is.primitive(x) || is_internal_function(x))
    if(!is_s3_internal_generic(x, .xname = .xname))
      return(false("%s is not an S3 generic function.", .xname))
  } else 
    if(!x %calls% "UseMethod")
      return(false("%s is not an S3 generic function.", .xname))

#' @rdname is_s3_generic
#' @export
is_s3_method <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  # Loosely modelled on pryr:::find_generic with ideas from
  # utils::isS3method.
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
  # For speed, rule out some common choices
  if(x %fn_in% BASE_S3_METHODS)
  splits <- strsplit(.xname, ".", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  n <- length(splits)
  if(n < 2L)
    return(false("%s has no '.' in its name, so cannot be an S3 method.", .xname))
  for(i in seq.int(1L, length(splits) - 1))
    generic_name <- paste(splits[seq_len(i)], collapse = ".")
    generic <- mget(generic_name, ifnotfound = NA, inherits = TRUE)[[1]]
    # don't use is.na as it gives warning for function input
    if(identical(generic, NA)) 
    if(is_s3_generic(generic, .xname = generic_name))
  return(false("%s is not an S3 method.", .xname))

#' @rdname is_s3_generic
#' @export
is_s3_primitive_generic <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
  if(!(x %fn_in% S3_PRIMITIVE_GENERICS))
    return(false("%s is not an S3 primitive generic function.", .xname))

#' @rdname is_s3_generic
#' @export
is_s3_group_generic <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
  if(!x %fn_in% S3_GROUP_GENERICS)
    return(false("%s is not an S3 group generic function.", .xname))

#' @rdname is_s3_generic
#' @export
is_s4_group_generic <- function(x, 
  groups = c("Arith", "Compare", "Ops", "Logic", "Math", "Math2", "Summary", "Complex"), 
  .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
  groups <- match.arg(groups, several.ok = TRUE)
  if("Ops" %in% groups) 
    groups <- unique(c(groups[groups != "Ops"], "Arith", "Compare", "Logic"))
  fns <- unlist(
    recursive = FALSE,
    use.names = FALSE
  if(!x %fn_in% fns)
    return(false("%s is not an internal group generic function.", .xname))

#' @rdname is_s3_generic
#' @export
is_s3_internal_generic <- function(x, .xname = get_name_in_parent(x))
  # logic as per tools:::.get_internal_S3_generics
  if(!(ok <- is_function(x)))
    return(false("%s is not an S3 internal generic function.", .xname))

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assertive.types documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:31 p.m.