
Defines functions test.linear

Documented in test.linear

test.linear <-
function(series, color=TRUE, detrend=FALSE, main=NULL){
  if (NCOL(series)>1){stop("univariate series only")}
  x = series - mean(series)
  N = length(x)       #  data length
  L = floor(N^.49)    # block width
  P = floor(N/L)      # number of blocks
  if (detrend) {
     t     <- 1:N - (N + 1)/2
     sumt2 <- N * (N^2 - 1)/12
     x     <- x - sum(x*t)*t/sumt2

 #  dft for each block
  X = matrix(NA, L, P)
   for (p in 1:P) {
    strt  = (p-1)*L+1
    endd  = p*L
    X[,p] = fft(x[strt:endd])/sqrt(L) 
  X  = X[-1,]  # get rid of k=0 freq; now X[-k,p] = X[L-k,p]
  S  = rowSums(Mod(X)^2)/N
  L1 = floor((L-1)/2)       
  G  = matrix(as.complex(0), L1,L1)
    for (k1 in 1:L1){ 
     for (k2 in 1:L1){ u = 0
      for (p in 1:P) { u = X[k1,p]*X[k2,p]*X[L-(k1+k2),p] + u
  Test   = 2*N^(-1+2*.49)*abs(G)^2
  Tst    = Test     # Tst will eventually hold the p-values
  lamhat = mean(Test)
   for (k1 in 1:L1){ 
    for (k2 in 1:L1){
     Tst[k1,k2] = pchisq(Test[k1,k2], df=2, ncp=lamhat, lower.tail=FALSE)

 # plot
  u    = seq(0, .5, length.out = nrow(Tst))
  cm.c = cm.colors(201);  clrs = rev(cm.c[c(94:50, 121, 141, 161, 181, 201)]) 
  if(!color)  clrs = rev(gray(c(400:356/400, .7, .6, .5, .4, .3)))  
  filled.contour(u, u, Tst, col=clrs, nlevels=50, zlim=c(0,1), 
     key.title = {par(cex.main=.75); title(main="p-value")},
     plot.axes = {abline(0, 1, col = gray(.8), lty = 2); axis(1); axis(2)}
  mtext(expression(omega[1]), side=1, line=2,    adj=.4, cex=1.2)  
  mtext(expression(omega[2]), side=2, line=2.75, adj=.5, cex=1.2, las=1)
  Title = ifelse(is.null(main), "Normalized BiSpectrum", main)
  title(Title, adj =.35, line=1, cex.main=1) 
  # output

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