
Defines functions preprocess_txt

Documented in preprocess_txt

#' Preprocess dataframes loaded in with \code{load_txt()}
#' \code{sep_col} is split into multiple columns given by \code{into}.
#' If column ageclass is present and values start with 0 one is added
#' to align with agestructure in other functions. Columns without any informations
#'  (\code{length(unique()) == 1}) are dropped. If the first time step only
#'  has zeros as values remove these values. remove zeros overall!
#' @param df_txt Dataframe read in with \code{load_txt()}.
#' @param sep_col Column to separate into multiple columns. Default is \code{"code"}.
#' @param into Character vector given the columns to split sep_col in.
#' @return Tidy dataframe.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' d <- system.file("extdata", "setas-model-new-becdev", package = "atlantistools")
#' df <- load_txt(file = file.path(d, "outputSETASSpecificPredMort.txt"))
#' df <- preprocess_txt(df_txt = df, into = c("pred", "agecl", "empty_col1", "prey", "empty_col2"))
#' head(df)
#' df <- load_txt(file = file.path(d, "outputSETASSpecificMort.txt"))
#' df <- preprocess_txt(df_txt = df, into = c("species", "agecl", "empty_col", "mort"))
#' head(df)

preprocess_txt <- function(df_txt, sep_col = "code", into) {
  df_txt <- tidyr::separate_(df_txt, col = sep_col, into = into, convert = TRUE)
  # df_txt$agecl <- df_txt$agecl + 1

  # check uniqueness of columns. Do not use sapply at this point!
  cun <- lapply(df_txt, unique)

  # Get column with ageclassses and add 1! Wow this is so hacky and ugly... O_o
  id_agecl <- cun[sapply(cun, is.numeric)]
  id_agecl <- lapply(id_agecl, diff)
  id_agecl <- names(id_agecl[sapply(id_agecl, function(x) length(x) > 1 & all(x == 1))])
  # id_agecl <- vapply(cun, function(x) all(is.element(x, 0:9)), FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  if (length(id_agecl) == 1) {
    df_txt[, id_agecl] <- df_txt[, id_agecl] + 1
  } else {
    if (length(id_agecl) > 1) stop("Multiple ageclass columns found.")

  # Remove columns without data!
  id_data <- vapply(cun, function(x) length(x) != 1, FUN.VALUE = logical(1))
  df_txt <- df_txt[, id_data]

  # Only zeros in first timestep? Remove values!
  if ("time" %in% names(df_txt)) {
    if (all(df_txt$atoutput[df_txt$time == 0] == 0)) {
      df_txt <- df_txt[df_txt$time != 0, ]

  # Remove zeros
  df_txt <- df_txt[df_txt$atoutput != 0, ]


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atlantistools documentation built on Aug. 16, 2017, 9:05 a.m.