
#' AtomPubClient
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @name AtomPubClient
#' @title AtomPubClient class
#' @description This class models an AtomPub service client
#' @keywords Atom Person
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} for modelling an AtomPub client
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @section Methods:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\code{new(url, user, pwd, token, keyring_backend)}}{
#'    This method is to instantiate an AtomPub Client.
#'    The \code{keyring_backend} can be set to use a different backend for storing
#'    the Atom pub user token with \pkg{keyring} (Default value is 'env').
#'    The logger can be either NULL, "INFO" (with minimum logs), or "DEBUG"
#'    (for complete curl http calls logs)
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getUser()}}{
#'    Retrieves user (if any specified).
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getPwd()}}{
#'    Retrieves user password (if any user specified).
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getToken()}}{
#'    Retrieves user token.
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getServiceDocument()}}{
#'    Gets service document description. Unimplemented in abstract classes.
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{listCollections(pretty)}}{
#'    Lists the available collections. Use \code{pretty} to return a "data.frame" insteaf
#'    of a list.
#'  }
#'  \item{\code{getCollectionMembers(collectionId)}}{
#'    List members of a collection. Unimplemented in abstract classes.
#'  }
#' }
#' @note Abstract class used internally for AtomPub (Atom Publishing Protocol) clients
#' @author Emmanuel Blondel <emmanuel.blondel1@@gmail.com>
AtomPubClient <- R6Class("AtomPubClient",
  inherit = atom4RLogger,
  private = list(
    keyring_backend = NULL,
    keyring_service = NULL,
    url = NULL,
    user = NULL
  public = list(
    #'@field service service
    service = NULL,

    #'@description This method is to instantiate an Sword Client. By default the version is set to "2".
    #'    The \code{keyring_backend} can be set to use a different backend for storing
    #'    the SWORD API user token with \pkg{keyring} (Default value is 'env').
    #'    The \code{logger} allows to specify the level of log (default is NULL), either "INFO"
    #'    for \pkg{atom4R} logs or "DEBUG" for verbose HTTP client (curl) logs.
    #'@param url url
    #'@param user user
    #'@param pwd pwd
    #'@param token token
    #'@param logger logger
    #'@param keyring_backend keyring backend. Default is 'env'
    initialize = function(url, user = NULL, pwd = NULL, token = NULL, logger = NULL,
                          keyring_backend = 'env'){
      super$initialize(logger = logger)
      private$url = url

      if(!is.null(user) && !is.null(pwd)){
        private$keyring_backend <- keyring:::known_backends[[keyring_backend]]$new()
        private$keyring_service <- paste0("atom4R@", url)
        private$keyring_backend$set_with_value(private$keyring_service, username = user, password = pwd)
        private$user <- user

      if(!is.null(token)) if(nzchar(token)){
        if(!keyring_backend %in% names(keyring:::known_backends)){
          errMsg <- sprintf("Backend '%s' is not a known keyring backend!", keyring_backend)
        private$keyring_backend <- keyring:::known_backends[[keyring_backend]]$new()
        private$keyring_service <- paste0("atom4R@", url)
        private$keyring_backend$set_with_value(private$keyring_service, username = "atom4R", password = token)

    #'@description Get user
    #'@return object of class \code{character}
    getUser = function(){

    #'@description Get password
    #'@return object of class \code{character}
    getPwd = function(){
      pwd <- NULL
        pwd <- try(private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = self$getUser()), silent = TRUE)
        if(is(pwd, "try-error")) pwd <- NULL

    #'@description Get token
    #'@return object of class \code{character}
    getToken = function(){
      token <- NULL
        token <- try(private$keyring_backend$get(service = private$keyring_service, username = self$getUser()), silent = TRUE)
        if(is(token, "try-error")) token <- NULL

    #'@description Get service document
    #'@param force force Force getting/refreshing of service document
    #'@return object of class \link{SwordServiceDocument}
    getServiceDocument = function(){
      stop("'getServiceDocument' not implemented in AtomPub abstract client")

    #'@description List collections
    #'@param pretty pretty
    #'@return a list of collections, or \code{data.frame}
    listCollections = function(pretty = FALSE){
      if(is.null(self$service)) self$getServiceDocument()
      collections <- self$service$collections
      if(pretty) collections <- do.call("rbind", lapply(collections, as.data.frame))

    #'@description Get collection members. Unimplemented abstract method at \link{AtomPubClient} level
    getCollectionMembers = function(){
      stop("'getCollectionMembers' not implemented in AtomPub abstract client")

Try the atom4R package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

atom4R documentation built on Nov. 18, 2022, 5:06 p.m.