
Defines functions att_from_rscripts att_from_rscript

Documented in att_from_rscript att_from_rscripts

#' Look for functions called with `::` and library/requires in one script
#' @param path path to R script file
#' @importFrom stringr str_extract_all str_replace_all
#' @return a vector
#' @export
#' @details
#' Calls from pkg::fun in roxygen skeleton and comments are ignored
#' @examples
#' dummypackage <- system.file("dummypackage",package = "attachment")
#' # browseURL(dummypackage)
#' att_from_rscript(path = file.path(dummypackage,"R","my_mean.R"))

att_from_rscript <- function(path) {

  file <- as.character(parse(path))
  # Replace newlines `\n` by space
  file <- gsub("\\\\n", " ", file)

  pkg_points <- file %>%
    .[grep("^#", ., invert = TRUE)] %>%
    str_extract_all("[[:alnum:]\\.]+(?=::)") %>%

  w.lib <- grep("library|require", file)
  if (length(w.lib) != 0) {
    pkg_lib <- file[w.lib] %>%
      str_extract_all("(?<=library\\()[[:alnum:]\\.\\\"]+(?=\\))|(?<=require\\()[[:alnum:]\\.\\\"]+(?=\\))|(?<=requireNamespace\\()[[:alnum:]\\.\\\"]+(?=\\))") %>%
      unlist() %>%
  } else {
    pkg_lib <- NA
  out <- c(pkg_lib, pkg_points) %>% unique() %>% na.omit()
  attributes(out) <- NULL
  out[out != "base"]

#' Look for functions called with `::` and library/requires in folder of scripts
#' @param path directory with R scripts inside or vector of R scripts
#' @param pattern pattern to detect R script files
#' @param recursive logical. Should the listing recurse into directories?
#' @return vector of character of packages names found in the R script
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dummypackage <- system.file("dummypackage",package = "attachment")
#' # browseURL(dummypackage)
#' att_from_rscripts(path = file.path(dummypackage, "R"))
#' att_from_rscripts(path = list.files(file.path(dummypackage, "R"), full.names = TRUE))

att_from_rscripts <- function(path = "R", pattern = "*.[.](r|R)$", recursive = TRUE) {

  if (isTRUE(all(dir.exists(path)))) {
    all_f <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE, pattern = pattern, recursive = recursive)
  } else if (isTRUE(all(file.exists(path)))) {
    all_f <- normalizePath(path[grepl(pattern, path)])
  } else {
    stop("Some files/directories do not exist")

  lapply(all_f, att_from_rscript) %>%
    unlist() %>%
    unique() %>%

Try the attachment package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

attachment documentation built on July 2, 2024, 1:07 a.m.