
context("autoimage tests")

test <- FALSE

if (test) {
  # restructure data for 2 images
  tasmax2 <- tasmax[, , 1:2]
  # plot irregularly gridded images with separate legends and usa border
  autoimage(lon, lat, tasmax2, common.legend = FALSE, map = "usa", main = "usa, h leg")
  # plot irregularly gridded images with common legend and world lines
  # customize world lines add and customize title
  autoimage(lon, lat, tasmax2, map = "world", lines.args = list(col = "white", 
    lwd = 2), outer.title = "with world white lines, v leg, big blue title", 
    mtext.args = list(col = "blue", cex = 2), legend = "v")
  # plot irregularly-spaced responses as images with separate legends and
  # county borders.  Add observed data locations with custom point
  # options
  data(co, package = "gear")
  autoimage(co$lon, co$lat, co[, c("Al", "Ca")], common.legend = FALSE, 
    map = "county", main = c("Aluminum", "Cadmium"), 
    points = list(x = co$lon, y = co$lat), 
    points.args = list(pch = 20, col = "white"), 
    outer.title = "co with points titles")
  # plot irregularly-spaced responsed as images with separate legends and
  # county borders.  Add observed data locations with custom point
  # options, and text
  data(co, package = "gear")
  autoimage(co$lon, co$lat, co[, c("Al", "Ca")], common.legend = FALSE, 
            map = "county", main = c("Aluminum", "Cadmium"), 
            points = list(x = co$lon, y = co$lat), 
            points.args = list(pch = ".", col = "white"), 
            text = list(x = co$lon, y = co$lat),
            text.args = list(col = "orange"),
            outer.title = "co with points, orange text titles")
  # customize margins and lratio for large plot also use projection
  # specify manual lines (though in this case it is the same as using map
  # = 'world')
  data(worldMapEnv, package = "maps")
  worldpoly <- maps::map("world", plot = FALSE)
  par(mar = c(1.1, 4.1, 2.1, 1.1))
  autoimage(lon, lat, tasmax, lines = worldpoly, proj = "bonne", parameters = 40, 
    main = c("day 1", "day 2", "day 3", "day 4", "day 5"), ylab = "", 
    axes = FALSE, lratio = 0.5, outer.title = "multiday, title, w/ proj, no axes, big legend")
  data(worldMapEnv, package = "maps")
  worldpoly <- maps::map("world", plot = FALSE)
  autoimage(lon, lat, tasmax, outer.title = "custom legend, color", col = fields::tim.colors(64), 
    legend.axis.args = list(col.axis = "blue", las = 2), legend = "v", 
    lratio = 0.3)
  ctasmax = tasmax[,,1] - mean(tasmax[,,1])
  zmin = min(ctasmax, na.rm = TRUE)
  zmax = max(ctasmax, na.rm = TRUE)

  nHalf = 10
  Thresh = 0
  rc1 = colorRampPalette(colors = c("red", "white"), space="Lab")(nHalf)    
  rc2 = colorRampPalette(colors = c("white", "blue"), space="Lab")(nHalf)
  rampcols = c(rc1, rc2)
  rampcols[c(nHalf, nHalf+1)] = rgb(t(col2rgb("white")), maxColorValue=256)
  rampcols <- rev(rampcols)
  rb1 = seq(zmin, Thresh, length.out=nHalf+1)
  rb2 = seq(Thresh, zmax, length.out=nHalf+1)[-1]
  rampbreaks = c(rb1, rb2)
  autoimage(lon, lat, ctasmax, col = rampcols,
            main = c("blue/white/red colors, white at zero"))


Try the autoimage package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

autoimage documentation built on March 16, 2021, 5:07 p.m.