#' @title getRkiData
#' @description Transforms the freshly downloaded rki data into the babsim data frame.
#' Also imputes mising dates as zero frequency in the data.
#' @param rki data.frame of downloaded rki data before preprocessing
#' @return a data.frame of aggregated data
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{Day}}{Date, format: '2020-01-01' '2020-01-02' '2020-01-03' '2020-01-04' ...}
#' \item{\code{...}}{ ...}
#' }
#' @importFrom data.table
#' @importFrom data.table dcast
#' @importFrom data.table setnames
#' @importFrom data.table setorder
#' @importFrom data.table setcolorder
#' @importFrom data.table :=
#' @examples
#' data <- getRkiData(rkidata[1:100, ])
#' @export
getRkiData <- function(rki) {
## the following variable are local, see
Age <- Altersgruppe <- Day <- IdBundesland <- IdLandkreis <- Refdatum <- time <- NULL
rki <-
rki[, `:=`(Day, as.Date(Refdatum,origin="1970-01-01"))]
# Aggregate to daily counts of cases per subgroup
DailyCases <- dcast(rki, Day + Altersgruppe + Geschlecht + IdBundesland + IdLandkreis ~
., value.var = "AnzahlFall", fun.aggregate = sum)
setnames(DailyCases, ".", "Cases")
if (any(DailyCases$Cases < 0)) {
# This shouldn't happen, but YOLO!
message("getRkiData(): Found days with negative number of cases. Ignoring them.")
# Drop rows with zero or fewer number of cases.
DailyCases <- DailyCases[Cases > 0, ]
# Resolve Altersgruppe to average Age
DailyCases[, `:=`(Age, mapAgeGroupToAge(Altersgruppe))]
# Add 'linear' time column starting at 0
StartDate <- min(DailyCases$Day)
DailyCases[, `:=`(time, as.numeric(Day - StartDate))]
# Expand into one case per row:
Cases <- DailyCases[, times = DailyCases$Cases), ]
# Drop Cases column
Cases[, `:=`(Cases, NULL)]
# Order by Date and regions
setorder(Cases, Day, IdBundesland, IdLandkreis)
# FIXME: Is the column order important? If not, remove this line.
setcolorder(Cases, c(
"Altersgruppe", "Geschlecht", "Day", "IdBundesland", "IdLandkreis",
"time", "Age"
# FIXME: Can we return the data.table instead?
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