Man pages for badgecreatr
Create Badges for 'Travis', 'Repostatus' '' Etc in Github Readme

badge_codecovCodeCoverage ' ' Adds a code cov badge
badge_cranAdd a badge for CRAN
badge_cran_agoCRAN time ago released
badge_cran_dateCRAN release date of current version.
badge_cran_downloadsAdd a badge for downloads from CRAN
badge_cran_version_agoCRAN version and release in time
badge_cran_version_releaseCRAN version and date of release
badge_github_forkAdd a Github fork badge
badge_github_starAdd a Github star badge
badge_last_changeCreates last-change badge
badge_last_change_staticCreates last-change badge static
badge_licenseCreate a licensebadge
badge_lifecycleAdd a lifecycle badge
badge_minimal_r_versionDisplay the minimal R version
badge_packageversionPlace a badge with the version of your package.
badgepastereturn markdown with image and link.
badgeplacerPlace badges inside a readme.Rmd file
badge_projectstatusAdd project status badge ranking
badge_rdocumentationR documentation badge
badge_thanks_mdAdd thanks badge
badge_travisTravisbadge creates travis badge.
dynamic_badges_minimalAdd dynamic content to readme
findbadgesWhat badges are already found in the 'README.Rmd' document
github_credentials_helperReturns github accountname, repo name and current branch.
licbadgebuilderAdd license badge
minimal_badgesAdd a minimum of badges to your project
search_gitReturn a list of remotes associated with this repo
badgecreatr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:13 a.m.