#' @method summary bain
#' @importFrom stats qnorm
#' @export
summary.bain <- function(object, ci = .95, ...){
# Fix this in bain; make sure that it always returns a matrix, even if
# posterior is only one numberfor
#if(class(object$posterior) == "numeric") object$posterior <- as.matrix(object$posterior)
#object$n <- as.vector(object$n)
N <- object$n
if (length(object$n) > 1 & object$group_parameters > 1) {
N <- rep(object$n, each = object$group_parameters)
if(length(N) != length(object$estimates)){
N <- c(N, rep(sum(object$n), length(object$estimates)-length(N)))
Parameter = names(object$estimates),
n = N,
Estimate = object$estimates,
lb = object$estimates + qnorm((1-ci)/2)*sqrt(diag(object$posterior)),
ub = object$estimates - qnorm((1-ci)/2)*sqrt(diag(object$posterior)),
row.names = NULL
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