
Defines functions vlr ssBetween ssWithin

Documented in ssBetween ssWithin vlr

#' Calculate Log-ratio Variance
#' This function calculates the log-ratio variance
#'  for all components in a matrix.
#' @param x A matrix with rows as samples (N) and columns as components (D).
#' @param alpha A double. Defines a hyper-parameter used
#'  by the Box-Cox transformation to approximate log-ratio
#'  variance in the presence of zeros. Skip with NA.
#' @return A VLR matrix.
#' @author Thom Quinn
#' @examples
#' library(balance)
#' data(iris)
#' x <- iris[,1:4]
#' vlr(x)
#' @export
vlr <- function(x, alpha = NA){

  x <- as.matrix(x)


    if(any(x == 0)){

      message("Alert: Replacing 0s with next smallest value to calculate log-ratio variances.")
      zeros <- x == 0
      x[zeros] <- min(x[!zeros])

    logX <- log(x)


    logX <- (x^alpha - 1)/alpha

  # Calculate D and N from logX
  id <- rep(1, ncol(logX))
  N <- nrow(logX)

  # Calculate A %*% B
  ab <- t(logX) %*% logX
  dots <- diag(ab)
  dot.join <- dots %*% t(id) + id %*% t(dots)

  # Calculate sums
  sums <- colSums(logX)
  sum.diff <- sums %*% t(id) - id %*% t(sums)

  # Calculate VLR
  out <- ((dot.join - 2 * ab) -
            (sum.diff)^2 / (N)) / (N - 1)

  rownames(out) <- colnames(out)

#' Calculate Between-Group Log-ratio Sums of Squares
#' This function calculates the between-group sums of squares
#'  for all variables or all log-ratios. This function
#'  only supports binary outcomes.
#' @inheritParams sbp.fromPDBA
#' @param pairwise A logical. Toggles whether to decompose
#'  sums of squares for each log-ratio.
#' @return If \code{pairwise = FALSE}, this function returns
#'  a vector of the sums of squares for each variable.
#'  If \code{pairwise = TRUE}, this function returns a matrix
#'  of the sums of squares for each log-ratio.
#' @author Thom Quinn
#' @export
ssBetween <- function(x, group, pairwise = FALSE, ...){



    pd <- suppressMessages(propr::propd(x, group, ...))
    df <- pd@results
    grp1 <- df$p1 * df$lrv1
    grp2 <- df$p2 * df$lrv2
    mat <- df$p * df$lrv - (grp1 + grp2)
    A <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(x))
    rownames(A) <- colnames(x)
    colnames(A) <- colnames(x)
    A[lower.tri(A)] <- mat
    A[upper.tri(A)] <- mat


    within <- ssWithin(x, group, pairwise = FALSE)
    total <- apply(x, 2, stats::var) * (nrow(x)-1)
    between <- total - within

#' Calculate Within-Group Log-ratio Sums of Squares
#' This function calculates the within-group sums of squares
#'  for all variables or all log-ratios. This function
#'  only supports binary outcomes.
#' @inheritParams sbp.fromPDBA
#' @param pairwise A logical. Toggles whether to decompose
#'  sums of squares for each log-ratio.
#' @return If \code{pairwise = FALSE}, this function returns
#'  a vector of the sums of squares for each variable.
#'  If \code{pairwise = TRUE}, this function returns a matrix
#'  of the sums of squares for each log-ratio.
#' @author Thom Quinn
#' @export
ssWithin <- function(x, group, pairwise = FALSE, ...){



    pd <- suppressMessages(propr::propd(x, group, ...))
    df <- pd@results
    grp1 <- df$p1 * df$lrv1
    grp2 <- df$p2 * df$lrv2
    mat <- grp1 + grp2
    A <- matrix(0, ncol(x), ncol(x))
    rownames(A) <- colnames(x)
    colnames(A) <- colnames(x)
    A[lower.tri(A)] <- mat
    A[upper.tri(A)] <- mat


    if(length(unique(group)) != 2){
      stop("Please provide a binary outcome.")

    grp1 <- group == unique(group)[1]
    grp2 <- group == unique(group)[2]
    within <- apply(x, 2, function(z){
      (sum(grp1)-1) * stats::var(z[grp1]) +
        (sum(grp2)-1) * stats::var(z[grp2])


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balance documentation built on July 10, 2019, 9:03 a.m.