
Defines functions bartBMA bartBMA.default

Documented in bartBMA bartBMA.default

#' @title Bayesian Additive Regression Trees Using Bayesian Model Averaging (BART-BMA)
#' @description This is an implementation of Bayesian Additive Regression Trees \insertCite{chipman2010bart}{bartBMA} using Bayesian Model Averaging \insertCite{hernandez2018bayesian}{bartBMA}. 
#' @param x.train Training data covariate matrix
#' @param y.train Training data outcome vector.
#' @param a This is a parameter that influences the variance of terminal node parameter values. Default value a=3.
#' @param nu This is a hyperparameter in the distribution of the variance of the error term. THe inverse of the variance is distributed as Gamma (nu/2, nu*lambda/2). Default value nu=3.
#' @param sigquant Calibration quantile for the inverse chi-squared prior on the variance of the error term.
#' @param c This determines the size of Occam's Window
#' @param pen This is a parameter used by the Pruned Exact Linear Time Algorithm when finding changepoints. Default value pen=12.
#' @param num_cp This is a number between 0 and 100 that determines the proportion of changepoints proposed by the changepoint detection algorithm to keep when growing trees. Default num_cp=20.
#' @param x.test Test data covariate matrix. Default x.test=matrix(0.0,0,0).
#' @param num_rounds Number of trees. (Maximum number of trees in a sum-of-tree model). Default num_rounds=5.
#' @param alpha Parameter in prior probability of tree node splitting. Default alpha=0.95
#' @param beta Parameter in prior probability of tree node splitting. Default beta=1
#' @param split_rule_node Binary variable. If equals 1, then find a new set of potential splitting points via a changepoint algorithm after adding each split to a tree. If equals zero, use the same set of potential split points for all splits in a tree. Default split_rule_node=0.
#' @param gridpoint Binary variable. If equals 1, then a grid search changepoint detection algorithm will be used. If equals 0, then the Pruned Exact Linear Time (PELT) changepoint detection algorithm will be used (Killick et al. 2012). Default gridpoint=0.
#' @param maxOWsize Maximum number of models to keep in Occam's window. Default maxOWsize=100.
#' @param num_splits Maximum number of splits in a tree
#' @param gridsize This integer determines the size of the grid across which to search if gridpoint=1 when finding changepoints for constructing trees.
#' @param zero_split Binary variable. If equals 1, then zero split trees can be included in a sum-of-trees model. If equals zero, then only trees with at least one split can be included in a sum-of-trees model.
#' @param only_max_num_trees Binary variable. If equals 1, then only sum-of-trees models containing the maximum number of trees, num_rounds, are selected. If equals 0, then sum-of-trees models containing less than num_rounds trees can be selected. The default is only_max_num_trees=1.
#' @param min_num_obs_for_split This integer determines the minimum number of observations in a (parent) tree node for the algorithm to consider potential splits of the node.
#' @param min_num_obs_after_split This integer determines the minimum number of observations in a child node resulting from a split in order for a split to occur. If the left or right chikd node has less than this number of observations, then the split can not occur.
#' @param exact_residuals Binary variable. If equal to 1, then trees are added to sum-of-tree models within each round of the algorithm by detecting changepoints in the exact residuals. If equals zero, then changepoints are detected in residuals that are constructed from approximate predictions.
#' @param spike_tree If equal to 1, then the Spike-and-Tree prior will be used, otherwise the standard BART prior will be used. The number of splitting variables has a beta-binomial prior. The number of terminal nodes has a truncated Poisson prior, and then a uniform prior is placed on the set of valid constructions of trees given the splitting variables and number of terminal nodes.
#' @param s_t_hyperprior If equals 1 and spike_tree equals 1, then a beta distribution hyperprior is placed on the variable inclusion probabilities for the spike and tree prior. The hyperprior parameters are a_s_t and b_s_t.
#' @param p_s_t If spike_tree=1 and s_t_hyperprior=0, then p_s_t is the prior variable inclusion probability.
#' @param a_s_t If spike_tree=1 and s_t_hyperprior=1, then a_s_t is a parameter of a beta distribution hyperprior.
#' @param b_s_t If spike_tree=1 and s_t_hyperprior=1, then b_s_t is a parameter of a beta distribution hyperprior.
#' @param lambda_poisson This is a parameter for the Spike-and-Tree prior. It is the parameter for the (truncated and conditional on the number of splitting variables) Poisson prior on the number of terminal nodes.
#' @param less_greedy If equal to one, then a less greedy model search algorithm is used.
#' @param ... Further arguments.
#' @rdname bartBMA
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @export 
#' @return The following objects are returned by bartbma:
#' \item{fitted.values}{The vector of predictions of the outcome for all training observations.} 
#' \item{sumoftrees}{This is a list of lists of matrices. The outer list corresponds to a list of sum-of-tree models, and each element of the outer list is a list of matrices describing the structure of the trees within a sum-of-tree model. See details.} 
#' \item{obs_to_termNodesMatrix}{This is a list of lists of matrices. The outer list corresponds to a list of sum-of-tree models, and each element of the outer list is a list of matrices describing to which node each of the observations is allocated to at all depths of each tree within a sum-of-tree model. See details.} 
#' \item{bic}{This is a vector of BICs for each sum-of-tree model.} 
#' \item{test.preds}{A vector of test data predictions. This output only is given if there is test data in the input.} 
#' \item{sum_residuals}{CURRENTLY INCORRECT OUTPUT. A List (over sum-of-tree models) of lists (over single trees in a model) of vectors of partial residuals. Unless the maximum number of trees in a model is one, in which case the output is a list (over single tree models) of vectors of partial residuals, which are all equal to the outcome vector.} 
#' \item{numvars}{This is the total number of variables in the input training data matrix.} 
#' \item{call}{match.call returns a call in which all of the specified arguments are specified by their full names.} 
#' \item{y_minmax}{Range of the input training data outcome vector.}
#' \item{response}{Input taining data outcome vector.}
#' \item{nrowTrain}{number of observations in the input training data.}
#' \item{sigma}{sd(y.train)/(max(y.train)-min(y.train))}
#' \item{a}{input parameter}
#' \item{nu}{input parameter}
#' \item{lambda}{parameter determined by the inputs sigma, sigquant, and nu}
#' @useDynLib bartBMA, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt 
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats sd qchisq quantile qnorm qchisq pnorm
#' @examples
#' N <- 100
#' p<- 100
#' set.seed(100)
#' library(bartBMA)
#' epsilon <- rnorm(N)
#' xcov <- matrix(runif(N*p), nrow=N)
#' y <- sin(pi*xcov[,1]*xcov[,2]) + 20*(xcov[,3]-0.5)^2+10*xcov[,4]+
#' 5*xcov[,5]+epsilon
#' epsilontest <- rnorm(N)
#' xcovtest <- matrix(runif(N*p), nrow=N)
#' ytest <- sin(pi*xcovtest[,1]*xcovtest[,2]) + 20*(xcovtest[,3]-0.5)^2+10*xcovtest[,4]+
#' 5*xcovtest[,5]+epsilontest
#' bart_bma_example <- bartBMA(x.train = xcov,y.train=y,x.test=xcovtest,zero_split = 1, 
#' only_max_num_trees = 1,split_rule_node = 0)


#' @rdname bartBMA
#' @export bartBMA.default
#' @export
                          min_num_obs_for_split=2, min_num_obs_after_split=2,
                          spike_tree=0, s_t_hyperprior=1, p_s_t=0.5, a_s_t=1,b_s_t=3,
  qchi = qchisq(1.0-sigquant,nu,1,0)
  lambda = (sigma*sigma*qchi)/nu
  if(is.factor(y.train)) {
    # if(length(levels(y.train)) != 2) stop("y.train is a factor with number of levels != 2")
    binary = TRUE
    #  y.train = as.numeric(y.train)-1
    stop("Response must be a numeric vector")
  } else {
    if((length(unique(y.train)) == 2) & (max(y.train) == 1) & (min(y.train) == 0)) {
      warning('NOTE: assumming numeric response is binary\n')
      binary = TRUE
      #stop("Response must be a numeric vector")
  if(gridsize<1) stop("gridsize must be a positive integer")
  if(is.vector(x.train) | is.factor(x.train)| is.data.frame(x.train)) x.train = as.matrix(x.train)
  if(is.vector(x.test) | is.factor(x.test)| is.data.frame(x.test)) x.test = as.matrix(x.test)
  if(is.matrix(x.train)) {
    if(nrow(x.test)>0) {
      if(!is.matrix(x.test)) stop('x.test must be a matrix')
  # check input arguments:
  # if((!is.matrix(x.train)) || (typeof(x.train)!="double")) stop("argument x.train must be a double matrix")
  # if((!is.matrix(x.test)) || (typeof(x.test)!="double")) stop("argument x.test must be a double matrix")
  if((!is.matrix(x.train))) stop("argument x.train must be a double matrix")
  if((!is.matrix(x.test)) ) stop("argument x.test must be a double matrix")
  if(!binary) {
    if((!is.vector(y.train))) stop("argument y.train must be a double vector")
  if(nrow(x.train) != length(y.train)) stop("number of rows in x.train must equal length of y.train")
  if((nrow(x.test) >0) && (ncol(x.test)!=ncol(x.train))) stop("input x.test must have the same number of columns as x.train")
  #if((!is.na(sigest)) && (typeof(sigest)!="double")) stop("input sigest must be double")
  #if((!is.na(sigest)) && (sigest<0.0)) stop("input sigest must be positive")
  #if((mode(sigdf)!="numeric") || (sigdf<0)) stop("input sigdf must be a positive number")
  if(c<1)stop("Value of Occam's Window has to be greater than 0."); 
  if(num_cp<0 || num_cp>100)stop("Value of num_cp should be a value between 1 and 100."); 
                                      spike_tree, s_t_hyperprior, p_s_t, a_s_t,b_s_t,
                                      min_num_obs_for_split, min_num_obs_after_split,
    #length of bartBMA_call is 6 if test data was included in the call

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bartBMA documentation built on March 13, 2020, 5:06 p.m.