
Defines functions mlb_schedule

Documented in mlb_schedule

#' @rdname mlb_schedule
#' @title **Find game_pk values for professional baseball games (major and minor leagues)**
#' @param season The season for which you want to find game_pk values for MLB games
#' @param level_ids A numeric vector with ids for each level where game_pks are
#' desired. See below for a reference of level ids.
#'  | sport_id|sport_code |sport_link         |sport_name                            |sport_abbreviation | sort_order|active_status |
#'  |--------:|:----------|:------------------|:-------------------------------------|:------------------|----------:|:-------------|
#'  |        1|mlb        |/api/v1/sports/1   |Major League Baseball                 |MLB                |         11|TRUE          |
#'  |       11|aaa        |/api/v1/sports/11  |Triple-A                              |AAA                |        101|TRUE          |
#'  |       12|aax        |/api/v1/sports/12  |Double-A                              |AA                 |        201|TRUE          |
#'  |       13|afa        |/api/v1/sports/13  |High-A                                |A+                 |        301|TRUE          |
#'  |       14|afx        |/api/v1/sports/14  |Low-A                                 |A                  |        401|TRUE          |
#'  |       16|rok        |/api/v1/sports/16  |Rookie                                |ROK                |        701|TRUE          |
#'  |       17|win        |/api/v1/sports/17  |Winter Leagues                        |WIN                |       1301|TRUE          |
#'  |        8|bbl        |/api/v1/sports/8   |Organized Baseball                    |Pros               |       1401|TRUE          |
#'  |       21|min        |/api/v1/sports/21  |Minor League Baseball                 |Minors             |       1402|TRUE          |
#'  |       23|ind        |/api/v1/sports/23  |Independent Leagues                   |IND                |       2101|TRUE          |
#'  |       51|int        |/api/v1/sports/51  |International Baseball                |INT                |       3501|TRUE          |
#'  |      508|nat        |/api/v1/sports/508 |International Baseball (Collegiate)   |INTC               |       3502|TRUE          |
#'  |      509|nae        |/api/v1/sports/509 |International Baseball (18 and under) |18U                |       3503|TRUE          |
#'  |      510|nas        |/api/v1/sports/510 |International Baseball (16 and under) |16U                |       3505|TRUE          |
#'  |       22|bbc        |/api/v1/sports/22  |College Baseball                      |College            |       5101|TRUE          |
#'  |      586|hsb        |/api/v1/sports/586 |High School Baseball                  |H.S.               |       6201|TRUE          |
#' @return Returns a tibble which includes `game_pk` values and additional
#' information for games scheduled or played with the following columns:
#'  |col_name                        |types     |
#'  |:-------------------------------|:---------|
#'  |date                            |character |
#'  |total_items                     |integer   |
#'  |total_events                    |integer   |
#'  |total_games                     |integer   |
#'  |total_games_in_progress         |integer   |
#'  |game_pk                         |integer   |
#'  |link                            |character |
#'  |game_type                       |character |
#'  |season                          |character |
#'  |game_date                       |character |
#'  |official_date                   |character |
#'  |game_number                     |integer   |
#'  |public_facing                   |logical   |
#'  |double_header                   |character |
#'  |gameday_type                    |character |
#'  |tiebreaker                      |character |
#'  |calendar_event_id               |character |
#'  |season_display                  |character |
#'  |day_night                       |character |
#'  |scheduled_innings               |integer   |
#'  |reverse_home_away_status        |logical   |
#'  |inning_break_length             |integer   |
#'  |games_in_series                 |integer   |
#'  |series_game_number              |integer   |
#'  |series_description              |character |
#'  |record_source                   |character |
#'  |if_necessary                    |character |
#'  |if_necessary_description        |character |
#'  |status_abstract_game_state      |character |
#'  |status_coded_game_state         |character |
#'  |status_detailed_state           |character |
#'  |status_status_code              |character |
#'  |status_start_time_tbd           |logical   |
#'  |status_reason                   |character |
#'  |status_abstract_game_code       |character |
#'  |teams_away_split_squad          |logical   |
#'  |teams_away_series_number        |integer   |
#'  |teams_away_league_record_wins   |integer   |
#'  |teams_away_league_record_losses |integer   |
#'  |teams_away_league_record_pct    |character |
#'  |teams_away_team_id              |integer   |
#'  |teams_away_team_name            |character |
#'  |teams_away_team_link            |character |
#'  |teams_home_split_squad          |logical   |
#'  |teams_home_series_number        |integer   |
#'  |teams_home_league_record_wins   |integer   |
#'  |teams_home_league_record_losses |integer   |
#'  |teams_home_league_record_pct    |character |
#'  |teams_home_team_id              |integer   |
#'  |teams_home_team_name            |character |
#'  |teams_home_team_link            |character |
#'  |venue_id                        |integer   |
#'  |venue_name                      |character |
#'  |venue_link                      |character |
#'  |content_link                    |character |
#'  |is_tie                          |logical   |
#'  |description                     |character |
#'  |teams_away_score                |integer   |
#'  |teams_away_is_winner            |logical   |
#'  |teams_home_score                |integer   |
#'  |teams_home_is_winner            |logical   |
#'  |reschedule_date                 |character |
#'  |reschedule_game_date            |character |
#'  |rescheduled_from                |character |
#'  |rescheduled_from_date           |character |
#'  |resume_date                     |character |
#'  |resume_game_date                |character |
#'  |resumed_from                    |character |
#'  |resumed_from_date               |character |
#'  |events                          |list      |
#' @section Level IDs:
#' The following IDs can be passed to the level_ids argument:
#' 1 = MLB \cr
#' 11 = Triple-A \cr
#' 12 = Doubl-A \cr
#' 13 = Class A Advanced \cr
#' 14 = Class A \cr
#' 15 = Class A Short Season \cr
#' 5442 = Rookie Advanced \cr
#' 16 = Rookie \cr
#' 17 = Winter League \cr
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom janitor clean_names 
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @import rvest 
#' @export
#' @examples \donttest{
#'   try(mlb_schedule(season = "2019"))
#' }

mlb_schedule <- function(season = 2019, level_ids = '1'){
  sport_ids <- paste(level_ids, collapse = ',')
  mlb_endpoint <- mlb_stats_endpoint("v1/schedule")
  query_params <- list(
    language = "en",
    sportId = sport_ids, 
    season = season
  mlb_endpoint <- httr::modify_url(mlb_endpoint, query = query_params)
  games <- data.frame()
    expr = {
      resp <- mlb_endpoint %>% 
        mlb_api_call() %>% 
        jsonlite::toJSON() %>% 
        jsonlite::fromJSON(flatten = TRUE)
      games <- resp$dates %>% 
        tidyr::unnest("games") %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        janitor::clean_names() %>%
        make_baseballr_data("MLB Schedule data from MLB.com",Sys.time())
    error = function(e) {
      message(glue::glue("{Sys.time()}: Invalid arguments provided"))
    finally = {

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baseballr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:15 a.m.