
Defines functions trace_ACF_plot

Documented in trace_ACF_plot

#' @description Produce trace and Auto-Correlation Function
#'   plots (along with Effective sample size) of MCMC samples
#'  of  elements of A, nonzero elements of P, elements of Sigma.
#' @title Trace and/or ACF plots of elements of a variable
#'  in \code{bmrm} object
#' @usage trace_ACF_plot(x,var="P", ACF=FALSE, nplot=0,irow=1, icol=1, saveFile=FALSE,...)
#' @param x an object of class \code{bmrm}, the output of the \code{bmrm} function
#' @param var name of a variable to which the plots apply.  It should be one of
#' "A" (source contribution matrix),
#' "P" (source composition matrix),
#' "Sigma" (error variance).
#' @param ACF TRUE/FALSE  if TRUE ACF plots will be provided along with
#'  effective sample sizes(dafault: FALSE)
#' @param nplot  number of elements of 'var' for trace and/or ACF plots.
#' If 'nplot' is
#'  smaller than the total number of elements of 'var' then plots of
#'  'nplot' selected elements will be drawn. Otherwise, trace and/or ACF plots of  all
#'   elements will be drawn.
#'    (default=0  implies that all elements will be selected if var="P" or "Sigma",
#'    and the first 12 elements will be selected  if  var="A")
#' @param irow row index of A/P matrix or index of element of Sigma vector.
#'     Plots of 'nplot' elements starting from (irow, icol) element of A/P or
#'     elements starting from irow element of Sigma will be drawn (default=1).
#' @param icol column number of  A/P matrix.  Plots of 'nplot' elements starting
#' from (irow, icol) element of A/P will be drawn (default=1).
#' @param saveFile TRUE/FALSE, save the plots in file
#' \emph{'var'-trace.pdf} (default=FALSE)
#' @param ... arguments to be passed to methods
#' @return plot
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' data(Elpaso); Y=Elpaso$Y ; muP=Elpaso$muP ; q=nrow(muP)
#' out.Elpaso <- bmrm(Y,q,muP, nAdapt=1000,nBurnIn=5000,nIter=5000,nThin=1)
#' trace_ACF_plot(out.Elpaso,"Sigma", ACF=TRUE)
#' trace_ACF_plot(out.Elpaso,"P", ACF=TRUE)
#' trace_ACF_plot(out.Elpaso,"A",ACF=TRUE, nplot=12, irow=2, icol=3)
#' }

trace_ACF_plot <- function(x,var="P", ACF=FALSE, nplot=0,irow=1, icol=1, saveFile=FALSE,...){

  if (var== "P"  & nplot == 0) nplot=nrow(x$P.hat)*ncol( x$P.hat)
  if (var== "Sigma"  & nplot == 0 ) nplot=ncol( x$Y)
  if (var== "A"  & nplot == 0 ) nplot=12

  var.list1<-unlist(lapply(var.list,function(x) strsplit(x,"\\[")[[1]][1]))
  if (var =="P" ){ id.list= id.list[as.vector(x$muP) != 0  ]   }

  nplot=min( nplot, length(id.list))

  if( var =="P" & nplot>0 & nplot< length(id.list)) {
       istart= (icol-1)*x$nsource + irow
  if( var =="A" & nplot>0 & nplot< length(id.list)) {
    istart= (icol-1)*x$nobs + irow
  if( var =="Sigma" & nplot>0 & nplot< length(id.list)) {
    istart= irow

  #if( ACF==T ) nplot=as.integer(nplot/2)


           sel.id<- id.list[istart:(istart-1+nplot)] #sample(id.list,size=nplot,replace=FALSE)
     } else{
    oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    for(i in sel.id){


    #  if( ACF==F & j %%(3*4) ==1  &  j >1 ){
    #    #grDevices::X11()
    #    graphics::par(mfrow=c(3,4))
    #    graphics::par(mar=c(4,4,3,1),oma=c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5))
    #   }

    #  if( ACF==T & j %%(3*2) ==1 & j >1 ){
    #    #grDevices::X11()
    #    graphics::par(mfrow=c(3,4))
    #    graphics::par(mar=c(4,4,3,1),oma=c(0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5))

    #  }

      y <- coda::mcmc.list(x$codaSamples[,i])
      xp <- as.vector(stats::time(y)-x$nBurnIn)
      yp <- if (coda::nvar(y) > 1) {
        y[, j, drop = TRUE]
      } else {
      yp <- do.call("cbind", yp)
      graphics::matplot(xp,yp,xlab="sample #",ylab=var,type ='l',
           col = 4:4,main=var.list[i])
      if (ACF==T) stats::acf(as.matrix(y),main=paste0("ESS=",round(ESS,2)))
  } else {
    grDevices::pdf(paste0(var,"-trace_ACF.pdf")) #,width=6,height=4,paper='special')
      sel.id<- id.list[istart:(istart-1+nplot)]
    } else{


    for(i in sel.id){
      y <- coda::mcmc.list(x$codaSamples[,i])
      xp <- as.vector(stats::time(y)-x$nBurnIn)
      yp <- if (coda::nvar(y) > 1) {
        y[, j, drop = TRUE]
      } else {
      yp <- do.call("cbind", yp)
      graphics::matplot(xp,yp,xlab="sample #",ylab=var,type ='l',
                        col = 4:4,main=var.list[i])
      if(ACF == T) stats:: acf(as.matrix(y),main=paste0("ESS=",round(ESS,2)))
    print(paste0("Save as ", getwd(),"/",var,"-trace_ACF.pdf"))

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