#' @include initial-class.R prior-class.R model-class.R fit-class.R
#' Fit presence-only data using a Bayesian Poisson Process model
#' The model uses a data augmentation scheme to avoid performing approximations
#' on the likelihood function.
#' @param object Either a \code{bayesPO_model} or \code{bayesPO_fit} object. If
#' a model, then the model is fit according to specifications. If a fit,
#' then the model used to fit the model is recovered and used to continue
#' the MCMC calculations where the previous one left off.
#' @param background A matrix where the rows are the grid cells for the studied
#' region and the columns are the covariates. \code{NA}s must be removed. If
#' the function is being used on a \code{bayesPO_fit} object, the background
#' must be exactly the same as the one used in the original fit.
#' @param mcmc_setup A list containing \code{iter} to inform the model how
#' many iterations are to be run. The list may optionally contain the objects.
#' @param verbose Set to \code{FALSE} to suppress all messages to console.
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to specific methods.
#' \code{burnin} and \code{thin} to inform these instructions as well.
#' @return An object of class \code{"bayesPO_fit"}.
#' @details The background is kept outside of the
#' @seealso \code{\link{bayesPO_model}} and \code{\link{bayesPO_fit-class}}.
#' @examples
#' # This code is replicated from the vignette.
#' \dontrun{
#' beta <- c(-1, 2) # Intercept = -1. Only one covariate
#' delta <- c(3, 4) # Intercept = 3. Only one covariate
#' lambdaStar <- 1000
#' total_points <- rpois(1, lambdaStar)
#' random_points <- cbind(runif(total_points), runif(total_points))
#' grid_size <- 50
#' # Find covariate values to explain the species occurrence.
#' # We give them a Gaussian spatial structure.
#' reg_grid <- as.matrix(expand.grid(seq(0, 1, len = grid_size), seq(0, 1, len = grid_size)))
#' Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, total_points + grid_size * grid_size),
#' 3 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(rbind(random_points, reg_grid))) / 0.2))
#' Z1 <- Z[1:total_points]; Z2 <- Z[-(1:total_points)]
#' # Thin the points by comparing the retaining probabilities with uniforms
#' # in the log scale to find the occurrences
#' occurrences <- log(runif(total_points)) <= -log1p(exp(-beta[1] - beta[2] * Z1))
#' n_occurrences <- sum(occurrences)
#' occurrences_points <- random_points[occurrences,]
#' occurrences_Z <- Z1[occurrences]
#' # Find covariate values to explain the observation bias.
#' # Additionally create a regular grid to plot the covariate later.
#' W <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, n_occurrences + grid_size * grid_size),
#' 2 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(rbind(occurrences_points, reg_grid))) / 0.3))
#' W1 <- W[1:n_occurrences]; W2 <- W[-(1:n_occurrences)]
#' # Find the presence-only observations.
#' po_sightings <- log(runif(n_occurrences)) <= -log1p(exp(-delta[1] - delta[2] * W1))
#' n_po <- sum(po_sightings)
#' po_points <- occurrences_points[po_sightings, ]
#' po_Z <- occurrences_Z[po_sightings]
#' po_W <- W1[po_sightings]
#' jointPrior <- prior(
#' NormalPrior(rep(0, 2), 10 * diag(2)), # Beta
#' NormalPrior(rep(0, 2), 10 * diag(2)), # Delta
#' GammaPrior(0.00001, 0.00001) # LambdaStar
#' )
#' model <- bayesPO_model(po = cbind(po_Z, po_W),
#' intensitySelection = 1, observabilitySelection = 2,
#' intensityLink = "logit", observabilityLink = "logit",
#' initial_values = 2, joint_prior = jointPrior)
#' bkg <- cbind(Z2, W2) # Create background
#' fit <- fit_bayesPO(model, bkg, area = 1, mcmc_setup = list(burnin = 1000, iter = 2000))
#' summary(fit)
#' # Rhat upper CI values are above 1.1. More iterations are needed, so...
#' fit2 <- fit_bayesPO(fit, bkg, mcmc_setup = list(iter = 10000))
#' summary(fit2)
#' mcmc_trace(fit2)
#' mcmc_dens(fit2)
#' }
#' @importFrom coda mcmc mcmc.list
#' @export
methods::setGeneric("fit_bayesPO", function(object, background,
mcmc_setup = list(iter = 5000),
verbose = TRUE, ...)
#' @rdname fit_bayesPO
#' @param area A positive number with the studied region's area.
#' @param cores Currently unused.
#' @importFrom parallel detectCores
methods::signature(object = "bayesPO_model",
background = "matrix"),
function(object, background, mcmc_setup, verbose = TRUE, area = 1, cores = 1, ...){
## Verifying background names if columns are selected by column name. Crewating background selection variables
backConfig <- checkFormatBackground(object, background)
cores <- 1
# Helper function
s <- function(n) methods::slot(object, n)
## Verifying area
stopifnot(length(area) == 1, area > 0)
## Verifying mcmc_setup - begin
if (is.null(mcmc_setup$burnin)) mcmc_setup$burnin <- 0
if (is.null(mcmc_setup$thin)) mcmc_setup$thin <- 1
mcmc_setup$burnin <- as.numeric(mcmc_setup$burnin)
mcmc_setup$thin <- as.numeric(mcmc_setup$thin)
mcmc_setup$iter <- as.numeric(mcmc_setup$iter)
stopifnot("iter" %in% names(mcmc_setup), !$burnin),
length(mcmc_setup$burnin) == 1, mcmc_setup$burnin == floor(mcmc_setup$burnin),
mcmc_setup$burnin >= 0, !$thin), length(mcmc_setup$thin) == 1,
mcmc_setup$thin == floor(mcmc_setup$thin), mcmc_setup$thin > 0,
!$iter), length(mcmc_setup$iter) == 1,
mcmc_setup$iter == floor(mcmc_setup$iter), mcmc_setup$iter > 0,
mcmc_setup$iter >= mcmc_setup$thin,
cores > 0, cores == floor(cores), length(cores) == 1,
cores < parallel::detectCores())
## Verifying mcmc_setup - end
# Helper parameters
nb <- length(s("intensitySelection")) + 1
nd <- length(s("observabilitySelection")) + 1
npar <- nb + nd + 4
chains <- length(s("init"))
# Set up parameter names to construct the coda::mcmc objects
if (length(s("iSelectedColumns") > 0))
betanames <- c("(Intensity intercept)",
else betanames = paste0("beta_", 1:nb - 1)
if (length(s("oSelectedColumns") > 0))
deltanames <- c("(Observability intercept)",
else deltanames = paste0("delta_", 1:nd - 1)
parnames <- c(betanames,deltanames,
"lambdaStar", "n_U", "n_Xprime", "log_Posterior"
time <- Sys.time()
mcmcRun <- list()
heatMap <- rep(0, nrow(background))
for (c in 1:chains){
if (chains > 1 && verbose) cat("Starting chain ", c, ".\n",sep="")
temp <- runBayesPO(
methods::slot(s("init")[[c]], "beta"),
methods::slot(s("init")[[c]], "delta"), # Init delta
methods::slot(s("init")[[c]], "lambdaStar"), # Init lambdaStar
paste0(s("intensityLink"), "_", # intenisty Link + prior
methods::slot(s("prior"), "beta"), "family")),
paste0(s("observabilityLink"),"_", # observability Link + prior
methods::slot(s("prior"), "delta"), "family")),
methods::slot( # lambdaStar prior
s("prior"),"lambdaStar"), "family"),
retrievePars(methods::slot( # beta prior parameters
retrievePars(methods::slot( # delta prior parameters
retrievePars( # lambdaStar prior parameters
ifelse(is.integer(background), # background class
"int_mat", "num_mat"),
background, # background data
area, # region area
"int_mat", "num_mat"), # po data class
s("po"), # po data
backConfig$bIS - 1, # background intensity columns
backConfig$bOS - 1, # background observability colmns
s("intensitySelection") - 1, # po intensity columns
s("observabilitySelection") - 1, # po obserability columns
mcmc_setup$burnin, # MCMC burn-in
mcmc_setup$thin, # MCMC thin
mcmc_setup$iter, # MCMC iterations
cores, verbose)
heatMap <- heatMap + temp$xPrimePred
mcmcRun[[c]] <-, temp[-length(temp)])
colnames(mcmcRun[[c]]) <- parnames
mcmcRun[[c]] <- coda::mcmc(mcmcRun[[c]], thin = mcmc_setup$thin)
if (chains > 1) cat("Finished chain ",c,".\n\n",sep="")
if (chains > 1 && verbose) cat("Total computation time: ", format(unclass(Sys.time()-time),
digits = 2), " ",
attr(Sys.time() - time, "units"), ".\n", sep="")
fit =, mcmcRun),
heatMap = heatMap,
original = object,
backgroundSummary = summary(background),
area = area,
parnames = parnames,
mcmc_setup = mcmc_setup))
#' @rdname fit_bayesPO
#' @param cores Currently unused.
methods::setMethod("fit_bayesPO", signature(object = "bayesPO_fit",
background = "matrix"),
function(object, background, mcmc_setup = list(iter = object$mcmc_setup$iter), verbose = TRUE,
cores = 1, ...){
# Helper function
s <- function(n) methods::slot(object, n)
so <- function(n) methods::slot(s("original"), n)
backConfig <- checkFormatBackground(s("original"), background)
cores <- 1
# Check background differences
if (verbose) cat("Checking if everything's ok...")
stopifnot(all.equal(s("backgroundSummary"), summary(background)),
"iter" %in% names(mcmc_setup), !$iter),
length(mcmc_setup$iter) == 1,
mcmc_setup$iter == floor(mcmc_setup$iter), mcmc_setup$iter > 0,
mcmc_setup$iter >= mcmc_setup$thin,
cores > 0, cores == floor(cores), length(cores) == 1,
cores < parallel::detectCores())
if ("thin" %in% names(mcmc_setup))
stopifnot(mcmc_setup$thin == s("mcmc_setup")$thin)
mcmc_setup$thin = s("mcmc_setup")$thin
if ("burnin" %in% names(mcmc_setup) && mcmc_setup$burnin > 0)
warning("\nBurnin is disabled when continuing MCMC procedure.")
cat(" Everything seems ok.\n")
# Helper parameters
betaPos <- 1:length(methods::slot(
methods::slot(so("prior"), "beta"), "mu"))
deltaPos <- (max(betaPos) + 1):(max(betaPos) +
"delta"), "mu")))
lambdaPos <- max(deltaPos) + 1
chains <- length(s("fit"))
lastPoint <- nrow(s("fit")[[1]])
lastPoint <- s("fit")[[1]][lastPoint, ]
time <- Sys.time()
mcmcRun <- list()
heatMap <- s("heatMap")
for (c in 1:chains){
if (chains > 1 && verbose) cat("Starting chain ",c,".\n",sep="")
temp <- runBayesPO(
lastPoint[betaPos], # Starting at last stored point
lastPoint[deltaPos], # Starting at last stored point
lastPoint[lambdaPos], # Starting at last stored point
paste0(so("intensityLink"), "_", # intenisty Link + prior
methods::slot(so("prior"), "beta"), "family")),
paste0(so("observabilityLink"),"_", # observability Link + prior
methods::slot(so("prior"), "delta"), "family")),
methods::slot( # lambdaStar prior
so("prior"),"lambdaStar"), "family"),
retrievePars(methods::slot( # beta prior parameters
retrievePars(methods::slot( # delta prior parameters
retrievePars( # lambdaStar prior parameters
ifelse(is.integer(background), # background class
"int_mat", "num_mat"),
background, # background data
s("area"), # region area
"int_mat", "num_mat"), # po data class
so("po"), # po data
backConfig$bIS - 1, # background intensity columns
backConfig$bOS - 1, # background observability colmns
so("intensitySelection") - 1, # po intensity columns
so("observabilitySelection") - 1, # po obserability columns
0, # MCMC burn-in
mcmc_setup$thin, # MCMC thin
mcmc_setup$iter, # MCMC iterations
cores, verbose)
heatMap <- heatMap + temp$xPrimePred
mcmcRun[[c]] <-, temp[-length(temp)])
colnames(mcmcRun[[c]]) <- s("parnames")
mcmcRun[[c]] <- coda::mcmc(mcmcRun[[c]], thin = mcmc_setup$thin)
if (chains > 1) cat("Finished chain ",c,".\n\n",sep="")
if (chains > 1 && verbose) cat("Total computation time: ", format(unclass(Sys.time()-time),
digits = 2), " ",
attr(Sys.time() - time, "units"), ".\n", sep="")
fit = coda::mcmc.list(
lapply(1:chains, function(i)
heatMap = heatMap,
original = s("original"),
backgroundSummary = s("backgroundSummary"),
area = s("area"),
parnames = s("parnames"),
mcmc_setup = list(
burnin = s("mcmc_setup")$burnin,
thin = mcmc_setup$thin,
iter = s("mcmc_setup")$iter + mcmc_setup$iter
} )
# Auxiliary function
checkFormatBackground <- function(object,background){
# Helper function
s <- function(n) methods::slot(object, n)
# Intensity
if (length(s("iSelectedColumns")) > 0){
backIntensitySelection <- c()
for (col in s("iSelectedColumns")){
if (col %in% colnames(background))
backIntensitySelection <- c(backIntensitySelection, which(col == colnames(background)))
else stop(paste0("Column ",col," not found in the background covariates"))
} else
if (max(s("intensitySelection")) > ncol(background))
stop(paste0("Requested background column ", max(s(object,"intensitySelection")),
" not available in background which only has ",ncol(background)," columns."))
else backIntensitySelection = s("intensitySelection")
# Observability
if (length(s("oSelectedColumns")) > 0){
backObservabilitySelection <- c()
for (col in s("oSelectedColumns")){
if (col %in% colnames(background))
backObservabilitySelection <- c(backObservabilitySelection, which(col == colnames(background)))
else stop(paste0("Column ",col," not found in the background covariates"))
} else
if (max(s("observabilitySelection")) > ncol(background))
stop(paste0("Requested background column ", max(s("observabilitySelection")),
" not available in background which only has ",ncol(background)," columns."))
backObservabilitySelection <- s("observabilitySelection")
return(list(bIS = backIntensitySelection, bOS = backObservabilitySelection))
#' Build a model to be used in the \code{bayesPO} fitting function
#' Constructor for \code{bayesPO_model-class} objects, built to facilitate
#' the use of the fitting function. The output of this function has the
#' necessary signature for the fit_bayesPO function to start the model fit.
#' @param po A matrix whose rows represent the presence-only data and the
#' columns the covariates observed at each position.
#' @param intensitySelection Either a numeric or character vector and
#' represents the selection of covariates used for the intensity set. If
#' numeric it is the positions of the columns and if character, the names of
#' the columns.
#' @param observabilitySelection Either a numeric or character vector and
#' represents the selection of covariates used for the observability set. If
#' numeric it is the positions of the columns and if character, the names of
#' the columns.
#' @param intensityLink A string to inform what link function the model has
#' with respect to the intensity covariates. Current version accepts 'logit'.
#' @param observabilityLink A string to inform what link function the model has
#' with respect to the observabilitycovariates. Current version accepts 'logit'.
#' @param initial_values Either a single integer, a single
#' \code{bayesPO_initial-class} or a list containing
#' \code{bayesPO_initial-class} objects. The length of the list will inform the
#' model how many independent chains will be run. If an integer, that many
#' initial values will be randomly generated.
#' @param joint_prior A \code{bayesPO_prior} object.
#' @param verbose Set to \code{FALSE} to suppress all messages to console.
#' @return A \code{bayesPO_model} object with the requested slots. It is ready
#' to be used in the \code{fit_bayesPO} function.
#' @seealso \code{\link{initial}}, \code{\link{prior}} and
#' \code{\link{fit_bayesPO}}.
#' @examples
#' # Let us simulate some data to showcase the creation of the model.
#' beta <- c(-1, 2)
#' delta <- c(3, 4)
#' lambdaStar <- 1000
#' total_points <- rpois(1, lambdaStar)
#' random_points <- cbind(runif(total_points), runif(total_points))
#' # Find covariate values to explain the species occurrence.
#' # We give them a Gaussian spatial structure.
#' Z <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, total_points), 3 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(random_points)) / 0.2))
#' # Thin the points by comparing the retaining probabilities with uniforms
#' # in the log scale to find the occurrences
#' occurrences <- log(runif(total_points)) <= -log1p(exp(-beta[1] - beta[2] * Z))
#' n_occurrences <- sum(occurrences)
#' occurrences_points <- random_points[occurrences,]
#' occurrences_Z <- Z[occurrences]
#' # Find covariate values to explain the observation bias.
#' # Additionally create a regular grid to plot the covariate later.
#' W <- MASS::mvrnorm(1, rep(0, n_occurrences), 2 * exp(-as.matrix(dist(occurrences_points)) / 0.3))
#' # Find the presence-only observations.
#' po_sightings <- log(runif(n_occurrences)) <= -log1p(exp(-delta[1] - delta[2] * W))
#' n_po <- sum(po_sightings)
#' po_points <- occurrences_points[po_sightings, ]
#' po_Z <- occurrences_Z[po_sightings]
#' po_W <- W[po_sightings]
#' # Now we create the model
#' model <- bayesPO_model(po = cbind(po_Z, po_W),
#' intensitySelection = 1, observabilitySelection = 2,
#' intensityLink = "logit", observabilityLink = "logit",
#' initial_values = 2, joint_prior = prior(
#' NormalPrior(rep(0, 2), 10 * diag(2)),
#' NormalPrior(rep(0, 2), 10 * diag(2)),
#' GammaPrior(1e-4, 1e-4)))
#' # Check how it is.
#' model
#' @export
bayesPO_model = function(po, intensitySelection,
intensityLink = "logit", observabilityLink = "logit",
initial_values = 1,
joint_prior = prior(
beta = NormalPrior(
rep(0, length(intensitySelection) + 1),
10 * diag(length(intensitySelection) + 1)),
delta = NormalPrior(
rep(0, length(observabilitySelection) + 1),
10 * diag(length(observabilitySelection) + 1)),
lambdaStar = GammaPrior(
1e-10, 1e-10
)), verbose = TRUE){
#if (missing(po)) {return(model_builder())} # Easy and interactive model building
is.numeric(intensitySelection) || is.character(intensitySelection),
is.character(intensityLink), length(intensityLink) == 1,
is.character(observabilityLink), length(observabilityLink) == 1,
(is.list(initial_values) || all(, lapply(initial_values, is, "bayesPO_initial"))))
|| (is.numeric(initial_values) && length(initial_values) == 1))
if (is.numeric(intensitySelection)) icharSel = character() else
if (is.character(intensitySelection)){ # Create columns positions for intensity
icharSel = intensitySelection
intensitySelection = c()
for (selected in icharSel){
if (!(selected %in% colnames(po))){
message(paste0("Column ",selected," not found in the observed points covariates. Ignoring it."))
intensitySelection = c(intensitySelection,which(selected == colnames(po)))
if (is.numeric(observabilitySelection)) ocharSel = character() else
if (is.character(observabilitySelection)){ # Create columns positions for intensity
ocharSel = observabilitySelection
observabilitySelection = c()
for (selected in ocharSel){ # Putting indexes together
if (!(selected %in% colnames(po))){
message(paste0("Column ",selected," not found in the observed points covariates. Ignoring it."))
observabilitySelection = c(observabilitySelection,which(selected==colnames(po)))
if (methods::is(initial_values,"bayesPO_initial"))
initial_values = list(initial_values)
if (is.numeric(initial_values))
initial_values = initial(length(intensitySelection) + 1,
length(observabilitySelection) + 1,
nrow(po), random=TRUE) * initial_values
if (verbose) cat("Loading data with", nrow(po), "observed points.\n")
output <- methods::new("bayesPO_model", po = po, intensityLink = intensityLink,
intensitySelection = intensitySelection,
observabilityLink = observabilityLink,
observabilitySelection = observabilitySelection,
init = initial_values, prior = joint_prior,
iSelectedColumns = icharSel, oSelectedColumns = ocharSel)
if (verbose) {
cat("Data loaded successfully with ", length(intensitySelection), " intensity variables and ",
length(observabilitySelection), " observability variables selected.\n", length(initial_values), " chains ",
ifelse(length(initial_values) > 1, "were", "was"), " initialized.\n", sep = "")
if (!length(icharSel)) cat("Intensity covariates selected with column indexes. Make sure the background covariates are in the same position.\n")
if (!length(ocharSel)) cat("Observability covariates selected with column indexes. Make sure the background covariates are in the same position.\n")
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