
Defines functions plot.bayesQR

Documented in plot.bayesQR

plot.bayesQR <- function(x, var=NULL, quantile=NULL, burnin=0, credint=c(.025,.975), plottype=NULL,  
                         main=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL,...){

	# Error handling
	pandterm <- function(message) {
		stop(message, call. = FALSE)

	if (length(plottype)!=1){
		pandterm("Plottype should be 'quantile' or 'trace' or 'hist'")
	} else if (!(plottype %in% c("trace","quantile","hist"))){
		pandterm("Plottype should be 'quantile' or 'trace' or 'hist'")

	# Number of estimated quantiles
	nqr <- length(x)
	# Number of variables in each quantile regression
	nvar <- length(x[[1]]$names)
	# If no variable is specified, plot all variables 
	if (is.null(var)){
		var <- 1:nvar
	# If variable name is given, find index
	} else if (is.character(var)){
		if (!all(var %in% x[[1]]$names)){
			pandterm("Variable name does not exist in x")
		var <- which(x[[1]]$names %in% var)
	# If variable index is given, check if exists
	} else if (is.numeric(var)){
		if (!all(var %in% c(1:nvar))){
			pandterm("Incorrect variable index")

	# Quantile plot
	if (plottype=="quantile") {
		if (nqr<3) {
			pandterm("To few estimated quantiles to create a quantile plot")
		# Summarize the x
		QRsumobj <- summary(object=x, burnin=burnin, credint=credint)
		# Create quantile plot(s)
		z1 <- FALSE; z2 <- FALSE
		for (i in 1:length(var)){
			# Create plotdata
			nbrcol <- ifelse(QRsumobj[[i]]$normal.approx,5,3)
			plotdata <- matrix(sapply(QRsumobj,"[[","betadraw"),nrow=nvar)[var[i],]
			plotdata <- cbind(sapply(QRsumobj,"[[","quantile"),matrix(plotdata,ncol=nbrcol,byrow=TRUE))

			if (all(sapply(QRsumobj,"[[","normal.approx"))){
				plotdata <- plotdata[,c(1,2,5,6)] 
			} else {
				plotdata <- plotdata[,c(1:4)] 
			# Plot limits
			if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(0,1)
			if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(plotdata[,2:4]),max(plotdata[,2:4])); z1 <- TRUE
			# Plot labels
			if (is.null(main)) main <- ""
			if (is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "quantile"
			if (is.null(ylab)){
				ylab <- paste("Beta ",var[i],sep="")
				z2 <- TRUE
			# Plot axes/box in correct scale
			plot(x=NULL, y=NULL, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=main, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, ...)
			# calculate a small value (outside/below the box region)
			small <- min(plotdata[,2:4])-(max(plotdata[,2:4])-min(plotdata[,2:4]))
			# plot credible interval
			# plot Bayes estimate
			# some aesthetic additions
			# ask for user input to go to next plot
			if (i < length(var)){
				ans <- readline("Do you want to see the next plot (type 'y' or 'n'):\n")
				while ((ans != "y") & (ans != "n")) ans <- readline("Incorrect input, type 'y' or 'n':\n")
				if (ans == "n") break 
			# set some changed parameters back to input values
			if (z1) ylim <- NULL
			if (z2) ylab <- NULL

	# Trace plot
	if (plottype=="trace") {
		# if quantiles are specified, check if x
		if (!is.null(quantile)){
			allquant <- sapply(x,"[[","quantile")
			if(!all(quantile %in% allquant)){
				pandterm("Specified quantile does not exist in x")
			loopvec <- which(allquant %in% quantile)
		} else {
			loopvec <- 1:nqr
		# set 'ans'
		ans <- "n"
		# Loop trough quantiles
		for (i in loopvec){
			# Loop trough all specified variables
			for (ii in var){
				if (is.null(ylab)){
					ylab <- paste("Beta ",ii,sep="")
				if (is.null(main)){
					main <- paste("Quantile: ", x[[i]]$quantile, " - Beta ", ii)
				plotdata <- x[[i]]$betadraw[,ii]
				plot(plotdata[(burnin+1):length(plotdata)], typ="l", xlab="iteration", ylab=ylab, main=main)
				# Ask user input
				if (!((i==tail(loopvec,n=1))&(ii==tail(var,n=1)))){
					ans <- readline("Do you want to see the next plot (type 'y' or 'n'):\n")
					while ((ans != "y") & (ans != "n")) ans <- readline("Incorrect input, type 'y' or 'n':\n")
					if (ans == "n") break 
			if (ans == "n") break 

	# Histogram plot 
	if (plottype=="hist") {
		# if quantiles are specified, check if x
		if (!is.null(quantile)){
			allquant <- sapply(x,"[[","quantile")
			if(!all(quantile %in% allquant)){
				pandterm("Specified quantile does not exist in x")
			loopvec <- which(allquant %in% quantile)
		} else {
			loopvec <- 1:nqr
		# set 'ans'
		ans <- "n"
		# Loop trough quantiles
		for (i in loopvec){
			# Loop trough all specified variables
			for (ii in var){
				plotdata <- x[[i]]$betadraw[(burnin+1):nrow(x[[i]]$betadraw),ii]
				if(is.null(xlab)) xlab <- "beta"
				if (is.null(main)){
					main <- paste("Quantile: ", x[[i]]$quantile, " - Beta ", ii)
				hist(plotdata, breaks=100, prob=TRUE, xlab=xlab, main=main)
				if (x[[i]]$normal.approx){
					xseq <- seq(min(plotdata),max(plotdata),.001)
					sigma.normal <- sqrt(diag(matrix(x[[i]]$sigma.normal,nrow=sqrt(length(x[[i]]$sigma.normal)))))
					legend("topright","Normal approximation",lty=1,lwd=2,col="blue")
				# Ask user input
				if (!((i==tail(loopvec,n=1))&(ii==tail(var,n=1)))){
					ans <- readline("Do you want to see the next plot (type 'y' or 'n'):\n")
					while ((ans != "y") & (ans != "n")) ans <- readline("Incorrect input, type 'y' or 'n':\n")
					if (ans == "n") break 
			if (ans == "n") break 

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bayesQR documentation built on Sept. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.