
Defines functions bootBW

Documented in bootBW

#' Blocked Weighted Bootstrap
#' The **blocked weighted bootstrap (BBW)** is an estimation technique for
#' use with data from two-stage cluster sampled surveys in which either prior
#' weighting (e.g. **population proportional sampling** or **PPS** as
#' used in **SMART** surveys) or posterior weighting (e.g. as used in
#' **RAM** and **S3M** surveys).
#' @param x A data frame with primary sampling unit (PSU) in column named `psu`
#' @param w A data frame with primary sampling unit (PSU) in column named `psu`
#'   and survey weight (i.e. PSU population) in column named `pop`
#' @param statistic A function operating on data in `x` (see example)
#' @param params Parameters (named columns in `x`) passed to the function
#'   specified in `statistic`
#' @param outputColumns Names of columns in output data frame
#' @param replicates Number of bootstrap replicates
#' @return A data frame with:
#'   * ncol = length(outputColumns)
#'   * nrow = replicates
#'   * names = outputColumns
#' @examples
#' # Example function - estimate a proportion for a binary (0/1) variable):
#' oneP <- function(x, params) {
#'   v1 <- params[1]
#'   v1Data <- x[[v1]]
#'   oneP <- mean(v1Data, na.rm = TRUE)
#'   return(oneP)
#' }
#' # Example call to bootBW function using RAM-OP test data:
#' bootP <- bootBW(x = indicatorsHH,
#'                 w = villageData,
#'                 statistic = oneP,
#'                 params = "anc1",
#'                 outputColumns = "anc1",
#'                 replicates = 9)
#' # Example estimate with 95% CI:
#' quantile(bootP, probs = c(0.500, 0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE)
#' @export

bootBW <- function(x, w, statistic, params, outputColumns, replicates = 400) {
  ## Scale weights and accumulate weights
  w$weight <- w$pop / sum(w$pop)
  w$cumWeight <- cumsum(w$weight)

  ## Create data.frame with named columns for output
  boot <- data.frame(matrix(ncol = length(outputColumns), nrow = replicates))
  names(boot) <- outputColumns

  ## Create an empty data.frame with same structure of 'x' with sufficient rows
  ## to hold the largest possible survey replicates (i.e. number of clusters
  ## multiplied by the size of the largest cluster)
  nClusters <- nrow(w)
  maxRows <- nClusters * max(table(x$psu))
  emptyDF <- rbind(as.data.frame(lapply(x, function(x) rep.int(NA, maxRows))))

  ## Vector to hold clusters to be included in a survey replicate
  sampledClusters <- vector(mode = mode(x$psu), length = nClusters)

  ## And now ... resample!
  for(i in seq_len(replicates)) {
    ## Create a dataframe to hold a survey replicate
    xBW <- emptyDF
    ## Blocking Bootstrap from 'x' (blocking on x$psu = cluster identifier)
    for(j in seq_len(nClusters)) {
      ## "Roulette Wheel" algorithm (to select a weighted sample of clusters)
      sampledClusters[j] <- w$psu[which.max(w$cumWeight >= runif(n = 1, min = 0, max = 1))]
    ## Pointer for inserting selected clusters into the survey replicate
    rowIndex <- 1
    ## Build a (blocking weighted) bootstrap replicate from the selected clusters
    for(k in seq_len(nClusters)) {
      ## Extract data for cluster and resample within the cluster
      y <- subset(x, psu == sampledClusters[k])
      clusterN <- nrow(y)
      y <- y[sample(1:clusterN, replace = TRUE), ]
      ## Insert cluster replicate into survey replicate
      endRow <- rowIndex + clusterN
      xBW[rowIndex:(endRow - 1), ] <- y
      ## Update pointer
      rowIndex <- endRow
    ## Select data for analysis
    xBW <- xBW[1:(rowIndex - 1), ]
    ## Apply statistic
    boot[i, ] <- statistic(xBW, params)


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bbw documentation built on May 30, 2022, 9:10 a.m.