
Defines functions make_query_list make_wms bcdc_preview.bcdc_record bcdc_preview.character bcdc_preview.default bcdc_preview bcdc_query_geodata.bcdc_record bcdc_query_geodata.character bcdc_query_geodata.default bcdc_query_geodata

Documented in bcdc_preview bcdc_query_geodata

# Copyright 2018 Province of British Columbia
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

#' Query data from the B.C. Web Feature Service
#' Queries features from the B.C. Web Feature Service. See
#' [bcdc_tidy_resources()] - if a resource has a value of
#' `"wms"` in the `format` column it is available as a Web
#' Feature Service, and you can query and download it
#' using `bcdc_query_geodata()`. The response will be
#' paginated if the number of features is above the number
#' set by the `bcdata.single_download_limit` option.
#' Please see [bcdc_options()] for defaults and more
#' information.
#' Note that this function doesn't actually return the data, but rather an
#' object of class `bcdc_promise`, which includes all of the information
#' required to retrieve the requested data. In order to get the actual data as
#' an `sf` object, you need to run [collect()] on the `bcdc_promise`. This
#' allows further refining the call to `bcdc_query_geodata()` with [filter()]
#' and/or [select()] statements before pulling down the actual data as an `sf`
#' object with [collect()]. See examples.
#' @inheritParams bcdc_get_data
#' @param crs the epsg code for the coordinate reference system. Defaults to
#'   `3005` (B.C. Albers). See https://epsg.io.
#' @return A `bcdc_promise` object. This object includes all of the information
#'   required to retrieve the requested data. In order to get the actual data as
#'   an `sf` object, you need to run [collect()] on the `bcdc_promise`.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Returns a bcdc_promise, which can be further refined using filter/select:
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("bc-airports", crs = 3857)
#' )
#' # To obtain the actual data as an sf object, collect() must be called:
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("bc-airports", crs = 3857) %>%
#'     filter(PHYSICAL_ADDRESS == 'Victoria, BC') %>%
#'     collect()
#' )
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("groundwater-wells") %>%
#'     filter(OBSERVATION_WELL_NUMBER == "108") %>%
#'     collect()
#' )
#' ## A moderately large layer
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("bc-environmental-monitoring-locations")
#' )
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("bc-environmental-monitoring-locations") %>%
#' )
#' ## A very large layer
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("terrestrial-protected-areas-representation-by-biogeoclimatic-unit")
#' )
#' ## Using a BCGW name
#' try(
#'   res <- bcdc_query_geodata("WHSE_IMAGERY_AND_BASE_MAPS.GSR_AIRPORTS_SVW")
#' )
#' }
#' @export
bcdc_query_geodata <- function(record, crs = 3005) {
  if (!has_internet()) stop("No access to internet", call. = FALSE) # nocov

#' @export
bcdc_query_geodata.default <- function(record, crs = 3005) {
  stop("No bcdc_query_geodata method for an object of class ", class(record),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @export
bcdc_query_geodata.character <- function(record, crs = 3005) {

  if (length(record) != 1) {
    stop("Only one record my be queried at a time.", call. = FALSE)

  # Fist catch if a user has passed the name of a warehouse object directly,
  # then can skip all the record parsing and make the API call directly
  if (is_whse_object_name(record)) {
    ## Parameters for the API call
    query_list <- make_query_list(layer_name = record, crs = crs)

    ## Drop any NULLS from the list
    query_list <- compact(query_list)

    ## GET and parse data to sf object
    cli <- bcdc_wfs_client()

    cols_df <- feature_helper(record)

      as.bcdc_promise(list(query_list = query_list, cli = cli, record = NULL,
                           cols_df = cols_df))

  if (grepl("/resource/", record)) {
    #  A full url was passed including record and resource compenents.
    # Grab the resource id and strip it off the url
    record <- gsub("/resource/.+", "", record)

  obj <- bcdc_get_record(record)

  bcdc_query_geodata(obj, crs)

#' @export
bcdc_query_geodata.bcdc_record <- function(record, crs = 3005) {
  if (!any(wfs_available(record$resource_df))) {
    stop("No Web Feature Service resource available for this data set.",
         call. = FALSE

  wfs_resource <- get_wfs_resource_from_record(record)
  # Need to get layer name from wms url rather than
  # object_name field, sometimes they don't match
  # (e.g., if a generalized view is available from wms)
  layer_name <- basename(dirname(

  if (grepl("_SP?G$", layer_name)) {
    message("You are accessing a simplified view of the data - see the catalogue record for details.")

  ## Parameters for the API call
  query_list <- make_query_list(layer_name = layer_name, crs = crs)

  ## Drop any NULLS from the list
  query_list <- compact(query_list)

  ## GET and parse data to sf object
  cli <- bcdc_wfs_client()

  cols_df <- feature_helper(query_list$typeNames)

  as.bcdc_promise(list(query_list = query_list, cli = cli, record = record,
                       cols_df = cols_df))

#' Get preview map from the B.C. Web Map Service
#' Note this does not return the actual map features, rather
#' opens an image preview of the layer in a
#' [Leaflet](https://rstudio.github.io/leaflet/) map window
#' @inheritParams bcdc_get_data
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' try(
#'   bcdc_preview("regional-districts-legally-defined-administrative-areas-of-bc")
#' )
#' try(
#'   bcdc_preview("points-of-well-diversion-applications")
#' )
#' # Using BCGW name
#' try(
#' )
#' }
#' @export
bcdc_preview <- function(record) { # nocov start
  if (!has_internet()) stop("No access to internet", call. = FALSE)

#' @export
bcdc_preview.default <- function(record) {
  stop("No bcdc_preview method for an object of class ", class(record),
       call. = FALSE)

#' @export
bcdc_preview.character <- function(record) {

  if (is_whse_object_name(record)) {
  } else {

#' @export
bcdc_preview.bcdc_record <- function(record) {

  wfs_resource <- get_wfs_resource_from_record(record)



make_wms <- function(x){
  wms_url <- wms_base_url()
  wms_options <- leaflet::WMSTileOptions(format = "image/png",
                                         transparent = TRUE,
                                         attribution = "BC Data Catalogue (https://catalogue.data.gov.bc.ca/)")
  wms_legend <- glue::glue("{wms_url}?request=GetLegendGraphic&

  leaflet::leaflet() %>%
                              options = leaflet::providerTileOptions(noWrap = TRUE)) %>%
                         options = wms_options) %>%
    leaflet.extras::addWMSLegend(uri = wms_legend) %>%
    leaflet::setView(lng = -126.5, lat = 54.5, zoom = 5)
} # nocov end

make_query_list <- function(layer_name, crs) {
    SERVICE = "WFS",
    VERSION = "2.0.0",
    REQUEST = "GetFeature",
    outputFormat = "application/json",
    typeNames = layer_name,
    SRSNAME = paste0("EPSG:", crs)

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

bcdata documentation built on March 31, 2023, 8:10 p.m.