
Defines functions impute.svd.C.unchecked impute.svd.R.unchecked impute.colMeans impute.svd.check

impute.svd.check <- function( impute ) {
    function( x, k=min(n,p), tol=max(n,p)*1e-10, maxiter=100 ) {
        x  <- as.matrix( x )
        n  <- nrow( x )
        p  <- ncol( x )
        np <- min( n, p )
        if( is.complex( x ) )
            stop( "'x' cannot be complex." )
        if( !all( is.finite( x ) | is.na( x ) ) )
            stop( "'x' cannot contain any infinities or NaNs." )
        if( !( k >= 0 ) )
            stop( "'k' must be in the non-negative, not '", k, "'." )
        if( !( k <= np ) )
            stop( "'k' must be less than '", np, "' not '", k, "'." )
        if( !( tol > 0 ) )
            stop( "'tol' must be positive, not, '", tol, "'." )
        if( !( maxiter > 0 ) )
            stop( "'maxiter' must be a positive value, not '", 
                  maxiter, "'." )
        storage.mode( x ) <- "double"
        res <- impute( x, k, tol, maxiter )
        if( res$iter == maxiter )
            warning( "Did not converge in '", maxiter, "' iterations." )

impute.colMeans <- function( x ) {
    isna      <- is.na( x )
    x[ isna ] <- 0
    if( min( dim( x ) ) > 0 ) {
        s  <- drop( matrix( 1, 1, nrow( x ) ) %*% x )
        n  <- nrow( x ) - apply( isna, 2, sum )
        mu <- ifelse( n == 0, 0, s/n )
    } else {
        mu <- rep( 0, ncol( x ) )

impute.svd.R.unchecked <- function( x, k, tol, maxiter )
    n <- nrow( x )
    p <- ncol( x )
    K <- seq_len( k )
    if (n == 0 || p == 0) {
        return( list( x=x, rss=0, iter=0 ) )

    missing     <- is.na( x )
    missing.idx <- which( missing )
    missing.j   <- ( ( missing.idx-1 ) %/% n ) + 1

    mu                   <- impute.colMeans( x )
    missing.est          <- mu[ missing.j ]
    xhat0                <- x
    xhat0[ missing.idx ] <- missing.est
    rss0  <- Inf
    delta <- Inf
    iter  <- 0
    while( ( delta > tol ) && ( iter < maxiter ) ) {
        xhat0[ !missing ] <- x[ !missing ]
        xhat0.svd         <- svd( xhat0 )
        uhat              <- xhat0.svd$u[ ,K,drop=FALSE ] 
        dhat              <- xhat0.svd$d[ K ] 
        vhat              <- xhat0.svd$v[ ,K,drop=FALSE ]
        xhat1 <- uhat %*% ( dhat * t( vhat ) )
        rss1  <- sum( ( ( x-xhat1 )[ !missing ] )^2 )
        delta <- abs( rss0-rss1 )/( .Machine$double.eps + rss1 )
        iter  <- iter + 1
        xhat0 <- xhat1
        rss0  <- rss1
    x[ missing ] <- xhat0[ missing ]
    list( x=x, rss=rss0, iter=iter )
impute.svd.R <- impute.svd.check( impute.svd.R.unchecked )

impute.svd.C.unchecked <- function( x, k, tol, maxiter )
    res <- .Call( "R_impute_svd", x, k, tol, maxiter )
    names( res ) <- c("x", "rss", "iter")
impute.svd.C <- impute.svd.check( impute.svd.C.unchecked )

#' Missing value imputation via the SVDImpute algorithm
#' Given a matrix with missing values, impute the missing entries using a
#' low-rank SVD approximation estimated by the EM algorithm.
#' Impute the missing values of \code{x} as follows: First, initialize all
#' \code{NA} values to the column means, or \code{0} if all entries in the
#' column are missing.  Then, until convergence, compute the first \code{k}
#' terms of the SVD of the completed matrix.  Replace the previously missing
#' values with their approximations from the SVD, and compute the RSS between
#' the \emph{non-missing} values and the SVD.
#' Declare convergence if \code{ abs(rss0 - rss1) / (.Machine$double.eps +
#' rss1) < tol }, where \code{rss0} and \code{rss1} are the RSS values computed
#' from successive iterations.  Stop early after \code{maxiter} iterations and
#' issue a warning.
#' @param x a matrix to impute the missing entries of.
#' @param k the rank of the SVD approximation.
#' @param tol the convergence tolerance for the EM algorithm.
#' @param maxiter the maximum number of EM steps to take.
#' @return \item{x}{the completed version of the matrix.} \item{rss}{the sum of
#' squares between the SVD approximation and the non-missing values in
#' \code{x}.} \item{iter}{the number of EM iterations before algorithm
#' stopped.}
#' @author Patrick O. Perry
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv.svd.wold}}
#' @references Troyanskaya, O., Cantor, M., Sherlock, G., Brown, P., Hastie,
#' T., Tibshirani, R., Botstein, D. and Altman, R.B. (2001).  Missing value
#' estimation methods for DNA microarrays.  \emph{Bioinformatics} \bold{17}(6),
#' 520--525.
#' @export
#' @examples
#'   # Generate a matrix with missing entries    
#'   n <- 20
#'   p <- 10
#'   u <- rnorm( n )
#'   v <- rnorm( p )
#'   xfull <- u %*% rbind( v ) + rnorm( n*p )
#'   miss  <- sample( seq_len( n*p ), n )
#'   x       <- xfull
#'   x[miss] <- NA
#'   # impute the missing entries with a rank-1 SVD approximation
#'   xhat <- impute.svd( x, 1 )$x   
#'   # compute the prediction error for the missing entries
#'   sum( ( xfull-xhat )^2 )
impute.svd <- impute.svd.C

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