
#' Clean data based on lower taxon level
#' Clean data based on lower taxon level
#' @section samplePassData:
#' When resolution is Species, Subspecies and Species will pass.
#' @section sampleFailData:
#' When resolution is Species, Family or Genus or any lower ranks will fail.
#' @section targetDWCField:
#' taxonRank
#' @section checkCategory:
#' taxonomic
#' @param bddata Bio diversity data in a data frame
#' @param res The low rank of species required
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(rgbif)
#' occdat <- occ_data(
#'   country = 'AU', # Country code for australia
#'   classKey = 359, # Class code for mammalia
#'   limit = 50 # Get only 50 records
#' )
#' myData <- occdat$data
#' responses <- taxo_level(myData, 'SPECIES')
#' }
#' @export
taxo_level <- function(bddata, res = "SPECIES") {
    ranks <-
    res <- toupper(res)
    if (!(res %in% ranks)) {
        warning("Rank Value unknown. It should be FAMILY, GENUS, SPECIES or SUBSPECIES")
    idx <- which(ranks == res)
    message(paste("taxoLevel:", "\n Removing records above :", res, "\n"))
    bddata[, "bdclean.taxoLevel"] <- FALSE
    if (idx > 0) {
        for (i in idx:length(ranks)) {
            bddata[which(bddata[, "taxonRank"] == ranks[i]), "bdclean.taxoLevel"] <-

#' Clean data based on spatial resolution
#' Clean data based on spatial resolution
#' @section samplePassData:
#' When resolution is 100 meters, Coordinate Uncertainties below 100 meters will pass.
#' @section sampleFailData:
#' When resolution is 100 meters, Coordinate Uncertainties above 100 meters will fail.
#' @section targetDWCField:
#' coordinateUncertaintyInMeters
#' @section checkCategory:
#' spatial
#' @param bddata Bio diversity data in a data frame
#' @param res The highest coordinate uncertainty required
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(rgbif)
#' occdat <- occ_data(
#'   country = 'AU', # Country code for australia
#'   classKey = 359, # Class code for mammalia
#'   limit = 50 # Get only 50 records
#' )
#' myData <- occdat$data
#' responses <- spatial_resolution(myData, 1500)
#' }
#' @export
spatial_resolution <- function(bddata, res = 100) {
        "\n Removing records above :",
    res <- as.numeric(res)
    bddata[, "bdclean.spatialResolution"] <- FALSE
    if (res > 0) {
        bddata[which(bddata[, "coordinateUncertaintyInMeters"] < res), "bdclean.spatialResolution"] <-

#' Clean data based on earliest date.
#' Clean data based on earliest date.
#' @section samplePassData:
#' When resolution is 20-Jan-2005, records recorded after the date will pass.
#' @section sampleFailData:
#' When resolution is 20-Jan-2005, records recorded before the date will fail.
#' @section targetDWCField:
#' eventDate
#' @section checkCategory:
#' temporal
#' @param bddata Bio diversity data in a data frame
#' @param res The earliest data required
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(rgbif)
#' occdat <- occ_data(
#'   country = 'AU', # Country code for australia
#'   classKey = 359, # Class code for mammalia
#'   limit = 50 # Get only 50 records
#' )
#' myData <- occdat$data
#' responses <- earliest_date(myData, '2000-01-01')
#' }
#' @export
earliest_date <- function(bddata, res = "1700-01-01") {
    message(paste("earliestDate:", "\n Removing records above :", res, "\n"))
    dates <- strsplit(res, " ")[[1]]
    bddata <- as.data.frame(bddata)
    ed <- try(as.Date(dates[1], format = "%Y-%m-%d"))
    if (class(ed) == "try-error" || is.na(ed)) {
        warning("That date wasn't correct!")
    bddata[, "bdclean.earliestDate"] <- FALSE
    bddata[which(as.Date(bddata[, "eventDate"]) > ed), "bdclean.earliestDate"] <-

#' Clean data based on temporal resolution
#' Clean data based on temporal resolution
#' @section samplePassData:
#' When resolution is day, records with day specified will pass.
#' @section sampleFailData:
#' When resolution is month, records with NA/empty month specified will fail.
#' @section targetDWCField:
#' day, month, year
#' @section checkCategory:
#' temporal
#' @param bddata Bio diversity data in a data frame
#' @param res restriction of records with/without data, month, year fields
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' library(rgbif)
#' occdat <- occ_data(
#'   country = 'AU', # Country code for australia
#'   classKey = 359, # Class code for mammalia
#'   limit = 50 # Get only 50 records
#' )
#' myData <- occdat$data
#' responses <- taxo_level(temporal_resolution, 'Day')
#' }
#' @export
temporal_resolution <- function(bddata, res = "Day") {
        "\n Removing records above :",
    bddata <- as.data.frame(bddata)
    bddata[, "bdclean.temporalResolution"] <- FALSE
    if (res == "Day") {
        bddata[which(!is.na(bddata$day)), "bdclean.temporalResolution"] <-
    if (res == "Month") {
        bddata[which(!is.na(bddata$month)), "bdclean.temporalResolution"] <-
    if (res == "Year") {
        bddata[which(!is.na(bddata$year)), "bdclean.temporalResolution"] <-

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bdclean documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:54 p.m.