
Defines functions benchmark bs.sampling sub.sampling cv.sampling fittime predicttime printMsg deparseArgs

Documented in benchmark bs.sampling cv.sampling fittime predicttime sub.sampling

#' @include warehouse.R

#' Benchmark experiment setup and execution
#' Function to execute benchmark experiments and to collect all data
#' the package can analyze. For more sophisticated benchmark
#' experiments we suggest the usage of the \code{mlr} package.
#' @param datasets List of data.frames
#' @param sampling Sampling function, see \code{\link{benchmark-sampling}}.
#' @param algorithms List of algorithms; i.e., functions which take
#'   a model formula and a data.frame to fit a model. Note that a
#'   \code{\link[stats]{predict}} function must be defined as well.
#' @param performances List of performance measure functions; i.e.,
#'   functions with arguments \code{yhat} and \code{y}. See, e.g.,
#'   \code{\link{benchmark-comptime}}.
#' @param characteristics \code{DatasetCharacteristics} object; e.g.,
#'   \code{\link{StatlogCharacteristics}}
#' @param test \code{\link{TestProcedure}} object
#' @param test.burnin Number of burn-in replications
#' @param verbose Show information during execution
#' @return A \code{\link{warehouse}} object
#' @seealso \code{\link{warehouse}}, \code{\link{as.warehouse}},
#'   \code{\link{benchmark-sampling}},
#'   \code{\link{benchmark-comptime}}
#' @export
benchmark <- function(datasets, sampling, algorithms = NULL,
                      performances = NULL, characteristics = NULL,
                      test = NULL, test.burnin = 3, verbose = TRUE) {

  call <- match.call()

  ## Check what to do:
  if ( !is.list(datasets) )
    datasets <- list(datasets)

  B <- attr(sampling, "B")

  doAlgorithmPerformances <- FALSE
  doCharacterization <- FALSE
  doTest <- FALSE

  ndatasets <- deparseArgs(call$datasets)
  nalgorithms <- NULL
  nperformances <- NULL
  ncharacteristics <- NULL
  ntests <- NULL

  if ( !is.null(algorithms) && !is.null(performances) ) {
    if ( !is.list(algorithms) )
      algorithms <- list(algorithms)

    if ( !is.list(performances) )
      performances <- list(performances)

    nalgorithms <- deparseArgs(call$algorithms)
    nperformances <- deparseArgs(call$performances)

    doAlgorithmPerformances <- TRUE

    if ( !is.null(test) ) {

      ntests <- c("pvalue", "statistic")
      doTest <- TRUE
  else {
    stopifnot(is.null(algorithms) && is.null(performances))

  if ( !is.null(characteristics) ) {
    ncharacteristics <- characteristics$characteristics()
    doCharacterization <- TRUE

  ## Warehouse:
  warehouse <- warehouse(datasets = ndatasets, B = B,
                         algorithms = nalgorithms,
                         performances = nperformances,
                         characteristics = ncharacteristics,
                         tests = ntests)

  ## Loop:
  printMsg(sprintf('Benchmark experiment start: %s\n',
                   Sys.time()), verbose = verbose)

  for ( m in seq(along = datasets) ) {
    printMsg(sprintf('m = %s\n', m), verbose = verbose)

    if ( doCharacterization )
      warehouse$data[[m]]$DatasetBasisCharacterization[, ] <-
            characterize(datasets[[m]], characteristics)

    samples <- sampling(nrow(datasets[[m]]$data()))

    for ( b in seq(length = B) ) {
      printMsg('*', verbose = verbose, b = b)

      if ( doCharacterization ) {
        warehouse$data[[m]]$DatasetCharacterization[b, ] <-
                         index = samples$L[[b]])

      if ( doAlgorithmPerformances ) {
        for ( k in seq(along = algorithms) ) {
          ftime <- system.time(
            fit <- algorithms[[k]](as.formula(datasets[[m]]$formula()),
                                   data = datasets[[m]]$data(index = samples$L[[b]])))

          ptime <- system.time(
            pred <- predict(fit,
                            newdata = datasets[[m]]$input(index = samples$T[[b]])))

          for ( p in seq(along = performances ) ) {
            warehouse$data[[m]]$AlgorithmPerformance[b, k, p] <-
                                  datasets[[m]]$response(index = samples$T[[b]])[[1]])


        if ( doTest & b > test.burnin ) {
          accdat <- warehouse$viewAlgorithmPerformance(dataset = m)
          accdat <- na.omit(accdat)
          accdat$samples <- accdat$samples[, drop = TRUE]

          acctest <- test$new(accdat)$globalTest()
          warehouse$data[[m]]$TestResult[b, ] <- c(acctest$getPvalue(),


  printMsg(sprintf('Benchmark experiment end: %s\n',
                   Sys.time()), verbose = verbose)


### Sampling functions: ##############################################

#' Sampling functions
#' Functions to create a set of learning and test samples using a specific
#' resampling method.
#' @param B Number of learning samples
#' @return List with corresponding learning and test samples
#' @seealso \code{\link{benchmark}}
#' @rdname benchmark-sampling
#' @aliases benchmark-sampling
#' @export
bs.sampling <- function(B) {
  structure(B = B,
  function(n) {
    L <- lapply(1:B, function(.) sample(1:n, replace = TRUE))

    list(L = L,
         T = lapply(L, function(.) setdiff(1:n, .)))

#' @param psize Size of subsample
#' @rdname benchmark-sampling
#' @export
sub.sampling <- function(B, psize) {
  structure(B = B, psize = psize,
  function(n) {
    size <- ceiling(n * psize)
    L <- lapply(1:B, function(.) sample(1:n, size, replace = FALSE))

    list(L = L,
         T = lapply(L, function(.) setdiff(1:n, .)))

#' @param k Number of cross-validation samples
#' @rdname benchmark-sampling
#' @export
cv.sampling <- function(k) {
  structure(B = k,
  function(n) {
    T <- split(sample(1:n), rep(1:k, length = n))

    list(L = lapply(T, function(.) setdiff(1:n, .)),
         T = T)

### Dummy time performance functions: ################################

#' Performance measures
#' Dummy functions to enable fitting and prediction time as performance
#' measures.
#' @param yhat Ignored
#' @param y Ignored
#' @return Time (User and System) used for the model fitting or
#'   prediction
#' @seealso \code{\link{benchmark}}
#' @rdname benchmark-comptime
#' @aliases benchmark-comptime
#' @export
fittime <- function(yhat, y) {
  t <- get("ftime", envir = parent.frame())
  t[1] + t[2]

#' @rdname benchmark-comptime
#' @export
predicttime <- function(yhat, y) {
  t <- get("ptime", envir = parent.frame())
  t[1] + t[2]

### Internal functions: ##############################################

printMsg <- function(x = "", newline = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, b = NULL) {
  if ( verbose ) {
    if ( !is.null(b) )
      if ( b %% 10 == 0 )
        newline <- TRUE

    cat(sprintf("%s%s", x, ifelse(newline, "\n", "")))

deparseArgs <- function(x) {
  y <- as.character(x)
  if ( length(y) > 1 )
    y <- y[-1]


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benchmark documentation built on May 30, 2017, 5:20 a.m.