
#' @name compare_df
#' @rdname compare_df
#' @title Compare data frames and libraries
#' @description
#' Report on differences between two versions of the same data frame or
#' electronic library.
#' When used for data frames, you need to indicate the variable containing IDs
#' for each entry, while applied to [lib_df-class] objects, the variable
#' 'bibtexkey' will be considered as ID per default.
#' The output printed in the console will advice about added and deleted entries
#' in 'y' as well as any change in the entries common to both versions.
#' @param x The (old) reference data frame.
#' @param y The updated (new) data frame.
#' @param key A character value with the name of the variable used as primary
#'     key in the tables.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed among methods.
#' @seealso
#' [biblio::update()], [lib_df-class], [comp_df-class]
#' @return
#' A S3 object of class [comp_df-class], which can be printed in the console by
#' [biblio::print()].
#' @example examples/compare_df.R
#' @exportMethod compare_df
  function(x, y, key, ...) {

#' @rdname compare_df
#' @aliases compare_df,data.frame,data.frame,character-method
setMethod("compare_df", signature(
  x = "data.frame", y = "data.frame",
  key = "character"
), function(x, y, key, ...) {
  # Compare variables in data frames
  common_cols <- intersect(names(x), names(y))
  # Some checks
  if (!key %in% common_cols) {
    stop("The 'key' column has to be present in both compared data frames.")
  if (any(duplicated(x[, key]))) {
    stop(paste("Duplicated key values found in 'x'."))
  if (any(duplicated(y[, key]))) {
    stop(paste("Duplicated key values found in 'y'."))
  # Added or deleted variables
  del_vars <- names(x)[!names(x) %in% common_cols]
  new_vars <- names(y)[!names(y) %in% common_cols]
  # Added or deleted entries
  common_idx <- intersect(x[[key]], y[[key]])
  del_idx <- x[[key]][!x[[key]] %in% common_idx]
  new_idx <- y[[key]][!y[[key]] %in% common_idx]
  # Compare entries
  rownames(x) <- paste(x[[key]])
  x <- x[paste(common_idx), common_cols, drop = FALSE]
  rownames(y) <- paste(y[[key]])
  y <- y[paste(common_idx), common_cols, drop = FALSE]
  # Function to handle NAs in comparisons
  compareNA <- function(x, y) {
    same <- (x == y) | (is.na(x) & is.na(y))
    same[is.na(same)] <- FALSE
  updated <- x
  for (i in common_cols) {
    updated[, i] <- compareNA(x[, i], y[, i])
  updated <- as.matrix(updated)
  row_sums <- rowSums(updated)
  col_sums <- colSums(updated)
  OUT <- list(
    added_vars = new_vars,
    deleted_vars = del_vars,
    added = new_idx,
    deleted = del_idx,
    updated = updated[row_sums > 0, col_sums > 0, drop = FALSE],
    old_vals = x[row_sums > 0, col_sums > 0, drop = FALSE],
    new_vals = y[row_sums > 0, col_sums > 0, drop = FALSE]
  class(OUT) <- c("comp_df", "list")

#' @rdname compare_df
#' @aliases compare_df,lib_df,lib_df,missing-method
setMethod("compare_df", signature(
  x = "lib_df", y = "lib_df",
  key = "missing"
), function(x, y, ...) {
  key <- "bibtexkey"
  class(x) <- "data.frame"
  class(y) <- "data.frame"
  compare_df(x = x, y = y, key = key, ...)

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biblio documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:37 a.m.