#' Compare two biclusterings or a pair of partition matrices
#' @param bc1 the first biclustering or partition matrix. Must be either of class
#' \code{biclustermd} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param bc2 the second biclustering or partition matrix. Must be either of class
#' \code{biclustermd} or \code{matrix}.
#' @export
#' @importFrom phyclust RRand
#' @return If comparing a pair of biclusterings, a list containing the column
#' similarity indices and the row similarity indices, in that order. If a pair of matrices,
#' a vector of similarity indices.
#' @examples
#' data("synthetic")
#' bc <- biclustermd(synthetic, col_clusters = 3, row_clusters = 2)
#' bc2 <- biclustermd(synthetic, col_clusters = 3, row_clusters = 2)
#' # compare the two biclusterings
#' compare_biclusters(bc, bc2)
#' # determine the similarity between initial and final row clusterings
#' compare_biclusters(bc$Q0, bc$Q)
compare_biclusters <- function(bc1, bc2) {
if(inherits(bc1, "biclustermd") & inherits(bc2, "biclustermd")) {
P1 <- part_matrix_to_vector(bc1$P)
P2 <- part_matrix_to_vector(bc2$P)
Q1 <- part_matrix_to_vector(bc1$Q)
Q2 <- part_matrix_to_vector(bc2$Q)
P_similarity <- c(
"Rand" = RRand(P1, P2)[[1]],
"HA" = RRand(P1, P2)[[2]],
"Jaccard" = jaccard_similarity(P1, P2)
Q_similarity <- c(
"Rand" = RRand(Q1, Q2)[[1]],
"HA" = RRand(Q1, Q2)[[2]],
"Jaccard" = jaccard_similarity(Q1, Q2)
# list(
# "P Similarity" = adjustedRand(P1, P2, randMethod = c("Rand", "HA", "Jaccard")),
# "Q Similarity" = adjustedRand(Q1, Q2, randMethod = c("Rand", "HA", "Jaccard"))
# )
"P Similarity" = P_similarity,
"Q Similarity" = Q_similarity
} else if(inherits(bc1, "matrix") & inherits(bc2, "matrix")) {
# adjustedRand(
# part_matrix_to_vector(bc1),
# part_matrix_to_vector(bc2),
# randMethod = c("Rand", "HA", "Jaccard")
# )
"Rand" = RRand(part_matrix_to_vector(bc1), part_matrix_to_vector(bc2))[[1]],
"HA" = RRand(part_matrix_to_vector(bc1), part_matrix_to_vector(bc2))[[2]],
"Jaccard" = jaccard_similarity(part_matrix_to_vector(bc1), part_matrix_to_vector(bc2))
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