
Defines functions summary.cv_nndm plot.cv_nndm print.cv_nndm cv_nndm

Documented in cv_nndm

#' Use the Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching (NNDM) to separate train and test folds
#' A fast implementation of the Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching (NNDM) algorithm (Milà et al., 2022) in C++. Similar
#' to \code{\link{cv_buffer}}, this is a variation of leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation. It tries to match the
#' nearest neighbour distance distribution function between the test and training data to the nearest neighbour
#' distance distribution function between the target prediction and training points (Milà et al., 2022).
#' When working with presence-background (presence and pseudo-absence) species distribution
#' data (should be specified by \code{presence_bg = TRUE} argument), only presence records are used
#' for specifying the folds (recommended). The testing fold comprises only the target \emph{presence} point (optionally,
#' all background points within the distance are also included when \code{add_bg = TRUE}; this is the
#' distance that matches the nearest neighbour distance distribution function of training-testing presences and
#' training-presences and prediction points; often lower than \code{size}).
#' Any non-target presence points inside the distance are excluded.
#' All points (presence and background) outside of distance are used for the training set.
#' The methods cycles through all the presence data, so the number of folds is equal to
#' the number of presence points in the dataset.
#' For all other types of data (including presence-absence, count, continuous, and multi-class)
#' set \code{presence_bg = FALE}, and the function behaves similar to the methods
#' explained by Milà and colleagues (2022).
#' @param x a simple features (sf) or SpatialPoints object of spatial sample data (e.g., species
#' data or ground truth sample for image classification).
#' @inheritParams cv_buffer
#' @param r a terra SpatRaster object of a predictor variable. This defines the area that model is going to predict.
#' @param size numeric value of the range of spatial autocorrelation (the \code{phi} parameter).
#' This distance should be in \strong{metres}. The range could be explored by \code{\link{cv_spatial_autocor}}.
#' @param num_sample integer; the number of sample points from predictor (\code{r}) to be used for calculating
#' the G function of prediction points.
#' @param sampling either \code{"random"} or \code{"regular"} for sampling prediction points.
#' When  \code{sampling = "regular"}, the actual number of samples might be less than \code{num_sample}
#' for non-rectangular rasters (points falling on no-value areas are removed).
#' @param min_train numeric; between 0 and 1. A constraint on the minimum proportion of train points in each fold.
#' @inheritParams cv_buffer
#' @inheritParams cv_buffer
#' @param plot logical; whether to plot the G functions.
#' @param report logical; whether to generate print summary of records in each fold; for very big
#' datasets, set to \code{FALSE} for slightly faster calculation.
#' @seealso \code{\link{cv_buffer}} and \code{\link{cv_spatial_autocor}}
#' @references C. Milà, J. Mateu, E. Pebesma, and H. Meyer, Nearest Neighbour Distance Matching
#' Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation for map validation, Methods in Ecology and Evolution (2022).
#' @return An object of class S3. A list of objects including:
#'     \itemize{
#'     \item{folds_list - a list containing the folds. Each fold has two vectors with the training (first) and testing (second) indices}
#'     \item{k - number of the folds}
#'     \item{size - the distance band to separated trainig and testing folds)}
#'     \item{column - the name of the column if provided}
#'     \item{presence_bg - whether this was treated as presence-background data}
#'     \item{records - a table with the number of points in each category of training and testing}
#'     }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(blockCV)
#' # import presence-absence species data
#' points <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/", "species.csv", package = "blockCV"))
#' # make an sf object from data.frame
#' pa_data <- sf::st_as_sf(points, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 7845)
#' # load raster data
#' path <- system.file("extdata/au/bio_5.tif", package = "blockCV")
#' covar <- terra::rast(path)
#' nndm <- cv_nndm(x = pa_data,
#'                 column = "occ", # optional
#'                 r = covar,
#'                 size = 350000, # size in metres no matter the CRS
#'                 num_sample = 10000,
#'                 sampling = "regular",
#'                 min_train = 0.1)
#' }
cv_nndm <- function(
    column = NULL,
    num_sample = 1e4,
    sampling = "random",
    min_train = 0.05,
    presence_bg = FALSE,
    add_bg = FALSE,
    plot = TRUE,
    report = TRUE

  # check for sampling arg
  sampling <- match.arg(sampling, choices = c("random", "regular"))

  # check x is an sf object
  x <- .check_x(x)
  # is column in x?
  column <- .check_column(column, x)
  # x's CRS must be defined
    stop("The coordinate reference system of 'x' must be defined.")

  # check r
  r <- .check_r(r)
  r <- r[[1]]

  # get the sample points form raster
      rx <- terra::spatSample(x = r,
                              size = num_sample,
                              method = sampling,
                              values = FALSE,
                              na.rm = TRUE,
                              as.points = TRUE)
    error = function(cond) {
      message("Sampling raster failed!")
  # convert to sf object
  rx <- sf::st_as_sf(rx)

    unqsp <- unique(x[, column, drop = TRUE])
    if(!is.numeric(unqsp) || any(unqsp < 0) || any(unqsp > 1)){
      stop("Presence-background option is only for species data with 0s (backgrounds/pseudo-absences) and 1s (presences).\n", "The data should be numeric.\n")
    # indices of presences
    x_1s <- which(x[, column, drop = TRUE] == 1)
  } else{
    x_1s <- 1:nrow(x)

  # the k
  n <- length(x_1s)

  Gij <- sf::st_distance(rx, x[x_1s, ])
  units(Gij) <- NULL
  Gij <- apply(Gij, 1, min)

  tdist <- sf::st_distance(x[x_1s, ])
  units(tdist) <- NULL
  full_distmat <- tdist # for calculating indices
  diag(tdist) <- NA
  Gj <- apply(tdist, 1, function(i) min(i, na.rm=TRUE))
  Gjstar <- as.numeric(Gj)
  # training points CDF
  tp_cdf <- stats::ecdf(Gjstar)

  # starting point
  # rmin <- min(Gjstar)
  # imin <- which.min(Gjstar)[1]
  # jmin <- which(tdist[imin, ] == rmin)

  # run nndm in cpp
  distmat <- nndm_cpp(
    X = tdist,
    # Gjstar = Gjstar,
    Gij = Gij,
    # rmin = rmin,
    # imin = as.numeric(imin) - 1,
    # jmin = as.numeric(jmin) - 1,
    phi = size,
    min_train = min_train

  msize <- apply(distmat, 1, function(x) min(x, na.rm=TRUE))

  # get a complete dist matrix for PBG
    full_distmat <- sf::st_distance(x)
    units(full_distmat) <- NULL

  # add background only if both true
  add_bg <- (presence_bg && add_bg)
  # Note: in presence-background, length of full-matrix is longer than msize
  fold_list <- lapply(1:n, function(i, pbag = add_bg){
      test_ids <- which(full_distmat[x_1s[i], ] <= msize[i])
      inside <- x[test_ids, column, drop = TRUE]
      test_set <- test_ids[which(inside == 0)]
      test_set <- c(i, test_set)
    } else{
      test_set <- i
    list(as.numeric(which(full_distmat[x_1s[i], ] > msize[i])),
  # calculate train test table summary
    train_test_table <- .ttt(fold_list, x, column, n)
    print(summary(train_test_table)[c(1,4,6), ])

  # range for plotting
  r_range <- seq(0, size, length.out = 200)
  # prediction points CDF
  pp_cdf <- stats::ecdf(Gij)
  fp_cdf <- stats::ecdf(msize)
  # plotting datta
  plot_data <- data.frame(pr = pp_cdf(r_range),
                          lo = tp_cdf(r_range),
                          nn = fp_cdf(r_range),
                          r = r_range)

  plt <- ggplot2::ggplot(plot_data, ggplot2::aes(x = get("r"))) +
    ggplot2::geom_step(alpha = 0.7, linewidth = 1.2, ggplot2::aes(y = get("pr"), color = "Prediciton")) +
    ggplot2::geom_step(alpha = 0.7, linewidth = 0.6, ggplot2::aes(y = get("lo"), color = "LOO")) +
    ggplot2::geom_step(alpha = 0.7, linewidth = 1.2, ggplot2::aes(y = get("nn"), color = "NNDM")) +
    ggplot2::scale_color_manual(values = c("Prediciton" = "#000000",
                                           "LOO" = "#56B4E9",
                                           "NNDM" = "#E69F00")) +
    ggplot2::labs(color = "", x = "r", y = expression(G[r])) +
    ggplot2::theme_bw() +
    ggplot2::theme(legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(size = 12))

  if(plot) plot(plt)

  final_objs <- list(
    folds_list = fold_list,
    k = n,
    column = column,
    size = size,
    plot = plt,
    presence_bg = presence_bg,
    records = if(report) train_test_table else NULL

  class(final_objs) <- c("cv_nndm")

#' @export
#' @method print cv_nndm
print.cv_nndm <- function(x, ...){

#' @export
#' @method plot cv_nndm
plot.cv_nndm <- function(x, y, ...){
  message("Please use cv_plot function to plot each fold.")

#' @export
#' @method summary cv_nndm
summary.cv_nndm <- function(object, ...){
  cat("Summary of number of recoreds in each training and testing fold:\n")
    print(summary(object$records)[c(1,4,6), ])

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blockCV documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:58 a.m.