#' Compute similarity measures to evaluate possible extrapolation in testing folds
#' This function computes multivariate environmental similarity surface (MESS) as described
#' in Elith et al. (2010). MESS represents how similar a point in a testing fold is to a training
#' fold (as a reference set of points), with respect to a set of predictor variables in \code{r}.
#' The negative values are the sites where at least one variable has a value that is outside
#' the range of environments over the reference set, so these are novel environments.
#' @inheritParams cv_plot
#' @param x a simple features (sf) or SpatialPoints object of the spatial sample data used for creating
#' the \code{cv} object.
#' @param r a terra SpatRaster object of environmental predictor that are going to be used for modelling. This
#' is used to calculate similarity between the training and testing points.
#' @param num_plot a vector of indices of folds.
#' @param jitter_width numeric; the width of jitter points.
#' @param points_size numeric; the size of points.
#' @param points_alpha numeric; the opacity of points
#' @param points_colors character; a character vector of colours for points
#' @inheritParams cv_spatial
#' @return a ggplot object
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' library(blockCV)
#' # import presence-absence species data
#' points <- read.csv(system.file("extdata/", "species.csv", package = "blockCV"))
#' # make an sf object from data.frame
#' pa_data <- sf::st_as_sf(points, coords = c("x", "y"), crs = 7845)
#' # load raster data
#' path <- system.file("extdata/au/", package = "blockCV")
#' files <- list.files(path, full.names = TRUE)
#' covars <- terra::rast(files)
#' # hexagonal spatial blocking by specified size and random assignment
#' sb <- cv_spatial(x = pa_data,
#' column = "occ",
#' size = 450000,
#' k = 5,
#' iteration = 1)
#' # compute extrapolation
#' cv_similarity(cv = sb, r = covars, x = pa_data)
#' }
cv_similarity <- function(cv,
num_plot = seq_along(cv$folds_list),
jitter_width = 0.1,
points_size = 2,
points_alpha = 0.7,
points_colors = NULL,
progress = TRUE){
# check required packages
pkg <- c("ggplot2")
# check x is an sf object
x <- .check_x(x)
# change the r to terra object
r <- .check_r(r)
# check cv obj
if(!class(cv) %in% c("cv_spatial", "cv_cluster", "cv_buffer", "cv_nndm")){
stop("'cv' must be a blockCV cv_* object.")
# The iteration must be a natural number
num_plot <- abs(as.integer(num_plot))
num_plot <- sort(num_plot)
error = function(cond) {
message("'num_plot' must be a natural numbers.")
# get the folds list
folds_list <- cv$folds_list
# length of the folds
k <- length(folds_list)
if(max(num_plot) > k){
num_plot <- num_plot[num_plot <= k]
# extract the raster values
points <- terra::extract(r, x, ID = FALSE)
# to set as nrow for df; cv_buffer has only one target points unless P-BG
n <- nrow(points)
n <- ifelse(cv$presence_bg, nrow(points), 1)
# number of predictors
m <- ncol(points)
df <- data.frame(id = seq_len(n))
# add progress bar
if(progress) pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = length(num_plot), style = 3)
# calculate MESS for testing data
for(i in num_plot){
df[, paste("Fold", i, sep = "")] <- NA
train <- folds_list[[i]][[1]]
test <- folds_list[[i]][[2]]
mes <- sapply(1:m, function(j) .messi3(points[test, j], points[train, j]))
mmes <- min(mes)
} else{
mmes <- apply(mes, 1, min, na.rm = TRUE)
df[1:length(mmes), paste("Fold", i, sep = "")] <- mmes
if(progress) utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
fold_names <- paste("Fold", num_plot, sep = "")
# reshape for plotting
mes_reshp <- stats::reshape(df,
direction = "long",
idvar = "id",
varying = fold_names,
times = fold_names,
v.names = "value",
timevar = "folds"
# remove NAs
mes_reshp <- mes_reshp[stats::complete.cases(mes_reshp), ]
if(.is_loo(cv)) mes_reshp$folds <- as.numeric(substr(mes_reshp$folds, 5, 25))
# get the max value for color legend
maxabs <- max(abs(mes_reshp$value))
# define point colors
cols <- c("#D53E4F", "#FC8D59", "#FEE08B", "#FFFFBF", "#E6F598", "#99D594", "#3288BD")
points_colors <- if(is.null(points_colors)) cols else points_colors
# provide alternatives for class(cv)
goem_buffer <- ggplot2::geom_point(size = points_size, alpha = points_alpha)
geom_other <- ggplot2::geom_jitter(width = jitter_width, size = points_size, alpha = points_alpha)
geom_vio <- ggplot2::geom_violin(fill = NA)
# which geom to choose
geom_exta <- if(.is_loo(cv)) goem_buffer else geom_other
p1 <- ggplot2::ggplot(
data = mes_reshp,
# ggplot2::aes(x =$folds, y =$value, col =$value)) +
ggplot2::aes(x = get("folds"), y = get("value"), col = get("value"))) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = "grey50", linetype = 2) +
geom_exta +
switch(!.is_loo(cv), geom_vio, NULL) +
ggplot2::scale_color_gradientn(colours = points_colors,
limits = c(-maxabs, maxabs),
na.value = "#BEBEBE03") +
ggplot2::labs(x = "Folds", y = "MESS Values", col = "MESS") +
# calculating mess for cv_similarity
# function borrowed from dismo:::.messi3
.messi3 <- function(p, v) {
# seems 2-3 times faster than messi2
v <- stats::na.omit(v)
f <- 100*findInterval(p, sort(v)) / length(v)
minv <- min(v)
maxv <- max(v)
res <- 2*f
f[] <- -99
i <- f>50 & f<100
res[i] <- 200-res[i]
i <- f==0
res[i] <- 100*(p[i]-minv)/(maxv-minv)
i <- f==100
res[i] <- 100*(maxv-p[i])/(maxv-minv)
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