blockcluster: Co-Clustering Package

blockclusterR Documentation

Co-Clustering Package


This package performs Co-clustering of binary, contingency, continuous and categorical data-sets.


This package performs Co-clustering of binary, contingency, continuous and categorical data-sets with utility functions to visualize the Co-clustered data. The package contains a set of functions coclusterBinary, coclusterCategorical, coclusterContingency, coclusterContinuous which perform Co-clustering on various kinds of data-sets and return object of appropriate class (refer to documentation of these functions. The package also contains function coclusterStrategy (see documentation of function to know various slots) which returns an object of class strategy. This object can be given as input to co-clustering functions to control various Co-clustering parameters. Please refer to testmodels.R file which is included in "test" directory to see examples with various models and simulated data-sets.

The package also provide utility functions like summary() and plot() to summarize results and plot the original and Co-clustered data respectively.


## Simple example with simulated binary data
## load data
## usage of coclusterBinary function in its most simplest form
#" Summarize the output results
## Plot the original and Co-clustered data 

blockcluster documentation built on June 24, 2024, 5:17 p.m.