
# blsAPI.R
#' @title Request Data from the U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics API
#' @description Allows users to request data for one or multiple series through the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics API.  Users provide parameters as specified in <\url{https://www.bls.gov/developers/api_signature.htm}> and the function returns a JSON string or data frame.
#' @details See <\url{https://www.bls.gov/developers/}> and <\url{https://www.bls.gov/developers/api_signature.htm}> for more details on the payload.
#' @param payload a string or a list containing data to be sent to the API.
#' @param api_version an integer for which api version you want to use (i.e. 1 for v1, 2 for v2)
#' @param return_data_frame a boolean if you want to the function to return JSON (default) or a data frame. If the data frame option is used, the series id will be added as a column.  This is helpful if multiple series are selected.
#' @keywords bls api economics
#' @export blsAPI
#' @import httr rjson
#' @examples
#' # These examples are taken from <https://www.bls.gov/developers/api_signature.htm>
#' library(rjson)
#' library(blsAPI)
#' # API Version 1.0 R Script Sample Code
#' # Single Series request
#' response <- blsAPI('LAUCN040010000000005')
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' \dontrun{
#' # Multiple Series
#' payload <- list('seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'))
#' response <- blsAPI(payload)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # One or More Series, Specifying Years
#' payload <- list(
#'  'seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'),
#'  'startyear'=2010,
#'  'endyear'=2012)
#' response <- blsAPI(payload)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # API Version 2.0 R Script Sample Code
#' # Single Series
#' response <- blsAPI('LAUCN040010000000005', 2)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # Or request a data frame
#' df <- blsAPI('LAUCN040010000000005', 2, TRUE)
#' # Multiple Series
#' payload <- list('seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'))
#' response <- blsAPI(payload, 2)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' # One or More Series with Optional Parameters
#' payload <- list(
#'   'seriesid'=c('LAUCN040010000000005','LAUCN040010000000006'),
#'   'startyear'=2010,
#'   'endyear'=2012,
#'   'catalog'=FALSE,
#'   'calculations'=TRUE,
#'   'annualaverage'=TRUE,
#'   'registrationKey'='995f4e779f204473aa565256e8afe73e')
#' response <- blsAPI(payload, 2)
#' json <- fromJSON(response)
#' }

blsAPI <- function(payload=NA, api_version=1, return_data_frame=FALSE){
  if (class(payload) == "logical"){
    # Payload not defined
    message("blsAPI: No payload specified.")
    # Payload specified so make the request
    api_url <- paste0("https://api.bls.gov/publicAPI/v",
    if (is.list(payload)){
      # Multiple Series or One or More Series, Specifying Years request
      payload <- toJSON(payload)
      m <- regexpr('\\"seriesid\\":\\"[a-zA-Z0-9]*\\",', payload)
      str <- regmatches(payload, m)
      if (length(str) > 0){
        # wrap single series in []
        replace <- sub(",", "],", sub(":", ":[", str))
        payload <- sub(str, replace, payload)
      response <- httr::POST(url = api_url, body = payload, httr::content_type_json())
      # Single Series request
      response <- httr::GET(url = paste0(api_url, payload))
    # Return the results of the API call
    if (return_data_frame){
      json <- fromJSON(rawToChar(response$content))
      if (json$status != "REQUEST_SUCCEEDED") {
				stop(paste("blsAPI call failed",
				           paste(json$message, collapse = ";"),
      # Iterate over the series
      number_of_series <- length(json$Results$series)
      for (i in 1:number_of_series){
        # Set the default structure of the data frame
        df_start <- data.frame(year = character(),
                               period = character(),
                               periodName = character(),
                               value = character(),
                               stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
        # Get the data
        series_data <- json$Results$series[[i]]$data
        # Can get no data after a successful request
        if (length(series_data) > 0) {
          j <- 0
          for (d in series_data) {
            j <- j + 1
            # Remove the footnotes from the list to stop the warnings
            d$footnotes <- NULL
            d$latest <- NULL
            # Add record to the data frame
            df_start[j, ] <- unlist(d)
          # Add in the series id
          df_start$seriesID <- json$Results$series[[i]]$seriesID
        # Create the data frame that will be returned
        if (!exists("df_to_return")){
          # Data frame to return not defined so create it
          df_to_return <- df_start
        else {
          # Append to the existing data frame
          df_to_return <- rbind(df_to_return, df_start)
    else {
      # Return the JSON results

Try the blsAPI package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

blsAPI documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:11 a.m.